Sunday, April 14, 2013

Logo Quiz Level 14 Answers by bubble quiz games Answers

Level 12 | Level 13 | Level 14 | Level 15 | Level 16

Logo Quiz Level 14 pack contains 60 logos. The answers to all of them are:
  • Samurai - the red circle with black letters "S M R I" above it.Under it are some smaller black letters "PO TS E R".
  • K-Swiss - is the red logo shaped like a shield, and inside there are blue and white oblique lines. Also in the top part there are 3 white letters: "SW S".
  • MLS - is the one that is formed by a foot that kicks a soccer ball, and the black letters "M S" under it.
  • EL Pollo Loco - is the yellow square logo, that has inside two groups of red letters, like: "Po lo" and "Lo".
  • Benihana - is formed by a small black logo and the letters "B ni na" to the right.
  • Denon - is the black letters "D N N".
  • Netto - is the logo made from an black dog that has a basket in his mouth, followed by two black letters: "E O".
  • Nuvo - the red letters "UV". The "U" has an red line above, and the "V" has a red line to it's right.
  • Rewe - the grey letters "E E" followed by a red square and a yellow square.
  • Late Show - it the blue oval logo outlined in yellow. Inside there are two groups of letters: "AT HO" and "with D id L ma".
  • Dulux - is the blue rectangle that has inside a white silhouette of a man that holds a rainbow "ribbon".
  • Logo Quiz - is the square logo formed by 4 logos: nike, mc'donallds, twitter and hellow kitty.
  • Endomondo - is the green head that looks like is moving fast.
  • West Coast Customs - is the logo formed by a black text outlined in blue.
  • Lost - black rectangle with two grey letters inside: "O T".
  • DEA - is the round logo with a eagle inside.

  • Petro Canada - is the red rectangle logo, with a white maple leaf inside, and the black letters "P R CA AD" under it.
  • Dynamotive - the green and orange text: "D   mo" between 4 curved shapes.
  • Canadian Tire - the red rectangle with a green maple leaf above and the white letters: "AN D A I E" inside.
  • Zellers - the red letters "ell s".
  • Stanley - the black rectangle with this yellow letters in it: "S AN  Y".
  • Bad Boy Records - the black circle with a white baby inside.
  • Belinea - the blue text: "B lin a".
  • DR Oetker - the red round rectangle with a small oval in the bottom side, and inside it a shape of an human head. Inside you can read: "D .  et e" written in blue.
  • Karcher - the black letters "AR HE" with a yellow line under it.
  • Ritter - the orange outlined rectangle with two groups of blue letters inside: "Ri t r" and "PO T".
  • FIFA - is the black letters "F FA".
  • OCC - the logo that looks like a black motorcycle with an "C" inside.
  • Kookaburra - the black outlined bird with this white letters under: "KO  ABU A".
  • Angry Birds - is the one made from this black letters: "A G Y IR S".
  • Dilmah - is the golden logo with this black letters under it: "D lm h".
  • Douwe Egberts - red round logo having inside the face of an woman, and a coffee cup.

  • STP - the red oval outlined in blue with two white letters inside: "S P".
  • Krups - the black letters "U S".
  • DeLonghi - the blue round rectangle with this white letters inside: "eL ng i".
  • Alienware - is the black alien head with this black letters above: "AL N A E".
  • Tupperware - is the black letters "T pp w e".
  • Google + - the black rectangle with round corners and 4 small rectangle in the top side colored in red, blue, green and yellow. Under it there are two white characters: "g+".
  • Furby - the white letter "F" inside the shadow of an word.
  • Photoshop - the blue rectangle with two letters inside: "Ps".
  • Monopoly - the red rectangle that has a old man above it, with his hands wide open and wearing a tux and a joben.
  • Flipboard - the red square with 6 smaller white squares inside.
  • Acer - the green letters "a er".
  • Creative - the blue letters "R AT V" and two blue dots in them.
  • Manfrotto - the red circle with 4 white lines inside. Three of the white lines forms a arrow that points up.
  • Marumi - the red letters: "M RU I".
  • Konica - is the half-circle logo, colored in rainbow colors, followed by this black letters: "Ko c".
  • Walkman - the black "W" followed by a black circle.

  • Flash - the red square with an white "f" inside.
  • Zott - the red circle with this white letters in it: "Z T".
  • Spiderman - the yellow letters "S I ER N".
  • Superman - the red diamond shape with an yellow shape inside that looks like a fish.
  • NATO - the blue rectangle with a white star and 4 lines inside.
  • amazon kindle - the letters "a   z nk n le".
  • Pokemon - the yellow text outlined in blue: "Po e N".
  • Cut the rope - is made from a pair of black scissors followed by a dotted line ant this white letters: "UT op".
  • Hoya - the blue letters "H  A".
  • Zynga - the red rectangle with an white dog inside and a white "y".
  • Pacman - the orange rectangle with this yellow letters inside: "AC AN".
  • Zepter - the blue groups of letters: "per" and "IN R TI AL".

Update notes:
  • Updated the logos that have new design, because the game had a major update.
  • Updated descriptions for the new logos.
  • Some spelling errors are fixed.

Level 12 | Level 13 | Level 14 | Level 15 | Level 16

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