Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Logo Quiz Level 6 Answers by bubble quiz games Answers

Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8

Logo Quiz Level 6 pack contains 80 logos. The answers to all of them are:
  • PetroChina - the logo colored in the top half in orange, and the bottom half red. Between them there is a white dot with some lines starting from it. In represents the sun.
  • Zippo - the black letters "Zi   O" the "i" has a red flame above it.
  • Fruit of the loom - the logo representing a pile of fruits.
  • Oral-B - the white letters "l-B" in a blue rectangle with rounded corners.
  • Lonely Planet - is the blue group of letters "l n l pl n t" with a outlined circle behind them.
  • Lindt - written in pale gold is "dt" and a logo to it's right. Underneath there is a line and below  the line there is the world "LAND".
  • Wilson - the red logo formed by a square with an white "W" inside.
  • Babolat - the text that says: "ab l T" and has to the left a logo that resembles a red eye.
  • Harvard - is the logo with the 3 white books on a red background surrounded by golden decorations. Beneath you can notice the letter "H".
  • Playskool - Is the logo with red oval background on which you can read "P  Ys ool".
  • Bandai - is the big red square with two white "A" inside.
  • Longines - is the logo formed by a black rectangle with an white logo that seems like a bird with the wings opened.
  • Rollerblade - is the one that looks like a roller-blade with 4 wheels.
  • Marvel - is the one that has a red rectangle background and the white letters "A VE" above.
  • Pritt - the logo that looks to be a white book, on a red background and in the book there are 3 letters written "P it".
  • KTM - is the logo with the rectangle orange bacground and the letters written on it are a half of "T" and a "M".

  • Top Gear - is represented by a blue circle that looks like a gear.
  • Iberia - is the big letter "B" made from 4 shapes: two red parallelograms and 2 golden round shape.
  • Dainese - is the logo shaped like a red triangle and has inside two smaller triangles, and to the right is the black letter "S".
  • Reddit - is that little guy drown in and outline black, that smiles has orange eyes and an antenna on his head.
  • Element - is the one that looks like a white tree inside a white outlined circle, all on a red square background.
  • Columbia - is the logo that is formed from 8 small and wide lines, all of them in oblique positions, forming a black square.
  • Chubu Electric Power - is the orange half of spiral logo.
  • China Unicom - the red logo with Chinese characters under it.
  • China Telecom - the blue logo made from 4 chinese characters.
  • Carolina Herrera - the logo formed from two letters: "CH" first one is red and the other one is black.
  • British Midland International - the blue circle with an white "i" inside.
  • Banco Do Brasil - is the weird blue logo on a rectangle yellow background.
  • Auntie Annes - is a yellow pretzel outlined in blue.
  • Asiana Airlines - the text, written in grey "ASI A AI LI ES" and in the top right there is a red arrow.
  • Alcatel - the purple round logo with an big white "A" inside.
  • Aiwa - is the red logo that seems to be made from three arrows...
  • Airwalk - the logo made by a red circle with an white triangle inside. The triangle has a door on the bottom side.
  • Air Canada - the red maple leaf inside a red outlined circle.
  • Huawei - the red logo the looks like it's made from red flower petals.
  • Acura - is the black outline circle with a black arrow, pointing up, inside.
  • Airness - is the one that look like a black panther/tiger and has the letter "i" under it.
  • Brita - the logo shaped like a blue rectangle with dots inside, and the white letters "B A".
  • Milton Bradley - the black outlined rectangle with two letters inside "MB" the M is red and the B is blue.
  • Ritz Carlton - is the blue crown with a lion head above.
  • Skullcandy - is the white skull inside a black rectangle, and the white letters "ku c nd" near.
  • Slazenger - is the one with the running panther and the letter "n" under it.
  • Symantec - the orange circle with an black check mark inside.
  • Target - is made from a red dot inside an red circle, and under it you can see the letters "AR  T".
  • Absolut - is made from two lines o blue text. The top on says "A S  LU" and the second one is "V  KA".
  • Adio - is the black logo formed by a curve shape that has the black outline of an word, under it.
  • Air New zealand - the black logo made from two lines that form a arrow that is pointing to the left.
  • NTT Docomo - the red letters "d  o  o".

  • SKF - the blue letters "S F".
  • TNT - this logo is the one made from 3 orange outlined circles. Inside the middle circle there is an orange "N".
  • Formula 1 - the log formed from two rows of letters "F1" and "F r ul" under it.
  • Piaggio - the blue rectangle logo with an big white "P" inside, and under it this white letters "P GG".
  • EA Sports -  the silver circle with this red letters inside "EA".
  • KLM - is the blue logo that looks like a crown made from a "+", 4 circles and a thick line.
  • TomTom - the silver ball with two red palms on it.
  • Garmin - the one formed from this black letters "G RMI". The "I" has a small blue triangle near it.
  • CNBC - the rainbow shaped logo formed by 6 round shapes colored in golden, orange, red, purple, blue and green. The purple shape has a small part of it cut off.
  • ESPN - is the red letters "E N", they are cut with a white line.
    McAfee - the logo that shaped like a red shield, outlined in white. Inside there is a white "M".
  • TSN - the blue outlined circle with a small drop inside.
  • Rock Shox - is the logo made from two lines of text. The top one is "OC" written in red on a white background, and the bottom one is "S  X" written in white in a black background.
  • Divx - the big black "X".
  • Opera - the big red "O".
  • World of Warcraft - the logo made from two rows of golden text. Top row says "WORLD" and under it are 3 letters "W  FT".

  • Alitalia - the logo shaped like an "A" formed by a green arrow and a red triangle.
  • Bundesliga - is the white man that is kicking a ball, inside a red rectangle.
  • Hard Rock Cafe - is the dark purple letters "H  d  o k" above a orange circle.
  • Leica - the white "L" inside a red circle.
  • Chupa Chups - is the logo formed by two lines of red text, on a yellow background. The first line has the "h a" letters and the second line has "h ps".
  • Lavazza - the dark brown letters "L  Az A".
  • Del Monte - the logo formed by the white letters "D m n e" inside a red round shape outlined in green.
  • Psvita - is the one that shows only this silver letters "P V A".
  • American Express - is the blue square with an white "A" and "S" in it.
  • Wella - is the one that resembles a female head, made from 3 red line, with her hair in the wind.
  • Time - the red letters "T  E".
  • 3M - is the red one, that is formed by a "3" followed by 2 vertical lines.
  • Allianz - is the blue circle with 3 vertical lines in it.
  • Hot Wheels - is the one that looks like a red flame with a yellow "H" inside.
  • The North Face - the red square that has inside 3 curved white lines.
  • HSBC - the red logo formed by 4 red triangles, and 2 white triangles.

Update notes:
  • Updated the logos that have new design, because the game had a major update.
  • Updated descriptions for the new logos.
  • Some spelling errors are fixed.

Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8

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  1. I have a logo with a blue rectangle and a crack in the middle of it, it also have the letters "C" and "H" in red in the crack.

    1. Check in which level it is and search it on this site...

  2. Yeah i am stuck on the same one has any one got the answer?

  3. You are sure you play this version of Logo Quiz? This is Logo Quiz by bubble quiz games... There are other "Logo Quiz" by other developers...

  4. I have a logo with a red square and, it also has white letters "u" "I" "Q" and "o" . It's a six letter word

    1. Search for it in the appropriate level pack... Is the same game? There are several "Logo Quiz" games... this is the first one, and is made by "bubble quiz games"
