Friday, July 22, 2022

Knife Spawn Bind for CSGO

Getting Knifes in offline maps

This Guide shall help anyone who wants a quick way to get a vanilla knife to enjoy surfing without stops


First of all you can get vanilla knifes in offline maps with basic knowledge of console commands.

Type: sv_cheats 1; mp_drop_knife_enable 1;

Knifes on the fly STEP 1

You may be wondering why you would want a bind at all. This guide is dedicated to people who for example surf a lot and want to equip their favourite knife quickly.

You need to locate your CS:GO Files, something like Programs(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/
go into the cfg folder and make 2 textfiles
  1. autoexec.txt
  2. something for taking the String in my case: "give_wrapper.txt"

Then write this part into the autoexec Textfile:
alias wpn exec give_wrapper.cfg
After that write into your 2. file:
ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"
Change the .txt file type to cfg by renaming the file
IMPORTANT Turn on file extensions in view options of the explorer
And then press confirm

Knifes on the fly STEP 2

Binding a knife spawn to a specific key

Before starting the game right click on CS:GO go to Properties and change Launch Options to: +exec autoexec.cfg

Now startup your game and join an offline map
type this in your console and change the key (IN MY CASE THE 5 NUMPAD KEY) to your desired location:
bind "kp_5" "sv_cheats 1; mp_drop_knife_enable 1; use weapon_knife;slot1; drop; give weapon_knife_butterfly; wpn"

You can find the keybind names here:
Then equip your standard knife, press your key and you should have in this case the butterfly knife

CS:GO Tactical Tactics and Coaching

"Focus Tactics: CS:GO Tactical Tactics and Coaching" is completely dedicated to all the pro gamers out there to help them improve as much as they can.

From tactical tricks to skill advancement, and tips and tricks to overcome any obstacles, this guide is perfect for all the pro gamers out there.

So, let's dive in with this beautiful CS:GO guide that's incredibly useful for every pro player out there.

Chapter 1: Practice To Win!

Practice is a must when you want to get good. You've probably read countless articles and study guides on why practicing is so vital for a pro player, how to improve your results by being a pro gamer, but in my opinion, they're all wrong.

Practicing is only the 3rd or 4th most important thing for you to do, while the other two, especially being focused and passionate about what you're doing, that's something that's extremely essential for every pro gamer out there.

Pro Tip: Do not practice for games you like, because it won't make you better. Because practice is an act that you apply towards playing in games and improving your skills by practicing. Do not practice for games you like because it will ruin the effect you need to have on your bad performance.

Chapter 2: Get Attracted To Players You Like The Most

One of the first tips that I ever received as a pro gamer was by Mario "StefanoNicolae" Daan, the mastermind behind Reflex Gamers, that I always try to focus my attention to the highest rated CS:GO players. I think it's essential for a pro player to concentrate on the pro players who are really good at all the specific aspects of the game, that are essential for the professional players to get good and in time get big and famous like they deserve.

Pro Tip: Focus on players who have the same level of skill as you. Even if they're not winning, you still can learn a lot from them. Don't get attracted to the players that are losing and losing badly. That's the worst thing you can do as a pro player.

Chapter 3: All The Right & The Wrong Supports

For a professional gamer, the way you act towards the team is the most important thing. The amount of practice you are doing will mean nothing unless the way you are supporting your team is also improving. You are a great player if the team performs well, and if your team fails, then so does your skill, so make sure that everyone is doing the right things, supporting you the right way, even if sometimes it feels like you're not doing enough, so practice to become a player you really can be proud of.

Pro Tip: Always think about your team, and every game you play to win, don't be focused on how many kills you got. And yes, in those huge games, you are the hero of the team, and should act as if you're the leader of the team, then your team will really get the best out of you and support you through the crucial moments.

Chapter 4: Team Spirit Is Everything

Team spirit is one of the most important things in a professional team, and it's easy to lose your team spirit if you're not having fun with it, or if you don't focus your full attention on the games and practice, and focus only on yourself. You need to bring the team spirit, the attitude that if your team is doing a good game, the whole team should be very proud, because of how well they're performing, how well the game is being controlled, and how much they feel the positive energy, and high emotions their teammates are showing them.

Pro Tip: The whole team should always be putting 100% of their concentration and attention towards the game. They should always have their all to give, to make sure they are always aiming to be better than they ever have been. If one of the team members needs a break, no matter how big the game is, just tell them you'll be back, you'll support them when they come back.

Chapter 5: Discover Your Strengths, and Aim For Them!

It's easy to get that lazy feeling you've seen all the pro players do and the games they play, since they seem to have it mastered, like they're sooo good at that thing they play. And maybe that's true, for some games you can be absolutely great at that. But not all of us are that good at the same things. As a pro gamer you can't just be good at a lot of things at once, because when it comes to pro games, you really need to learn about each and every one of your strengths, and what you can improve on. Try to explore your weaknesses, and only improve on what you do really good in practice, so that you can be a bit more confident and powerful when playing in games.

Pro Tip: Work hard to improve yourself, play 100% of your attention on that one thing, because that's what makes you stand out as a pro player.

Chapter 6: Win The Game, Or Win The Story!

Pro gamers, for the most part, come in 2 types, those who win, and those who are a winner. And once you start believing that, everything else will start making sense. First of all, try not to feel disappointed when you lose, it only helps you to feel more focused on your next objective, on winning the next game. Remember to give 100% to the game, and give 100% to winning, as a pro gamer you can't do anything other than that. Always aim to win, and sometimes if you want to take a risk and do something you've never done before in a game, sometimes you might fail, and when that happens, you just learn something that you can use in the future, and improve your skill. As a pro gamer you need to have the mindset to always get out of that fear, and always be calm, and know that you just need to keep trying harder and harder, until you succeed.

Pro Tip: If you're thinking "What will happen if I lose?", don't think about it, just do your best, if you fail, it's just a part of getting better, and losing is nothing to be ashamed about. But if you've succeeded, then use that success to work even harder in your next games!

Useful binds for CS:GO

Useful binds for CS:GO

BINDS list

  1. Radar magnification:bind "your key" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1 0.75"
  2. Cleaning the walls from bullets: bind "your key" "r_cleardecals "
  3. Changing hands with one key:bind "your key" "toggle cl_righthand 1 0"
  4. Jump throw:bind "your key" "+jump;-attack;-attack2;-jump"
  5. The release of the bomb:bind "your key" "use weapon_c4; drop;"
  6. Jump on the wheel:bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump" – jump on the wheel up.
  7. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" – jump on the wheel down.
  8. Bind to mut commands with one button:bind "your key" "toggle voice_enable"

Thank you for your attention!)

How to avoid getting hackusated in CSGO

How to avoid getting hackusated in CSGO


Having a good steam profile is very useful when avoiding getting hackusated. This can be done by increasing your steam level, adding backgrounds from the points store and having lots of comments. Having positive or +rep comments on your profile is very helpful when avoiding cheating accusations. Having a lot of comments spread out over time is useful to make you appear more trustworthy. You can ask your friends or teammates for comments and this allows for your profile to appear better. A benefit of having a nice looking profile is that you can add showcases and display cool stuff on your profile.


The first way to avoid getting hackusated is having an inventory of skins. If you have skins on your account it stops players from accusing you as there is more to lose if a VAC ban occurs on your account. The more expensive the skin the better. Skins are a safe investment as they can be sold and your money can be returned after. This means that you don't risk losing lots of money and in some cases you can make money from it. Skins are a very good way to show off your investment and dedication.


An obvious reason that players are hackusated is due to low playtime, increasing your playtime can lead to many benefits. You can get more playtime by leaving your game idle when you arent using your computer. You can also get more drops if you queue into a server. You need to make sure your game activity is public so that people can see your playtime.

Increase FPS in CS:GO

 What should be done to increase the FPS in the game?

  • 1) Set the launch parameters: -novid -nojoy -high -nod3d9ex -threads 0 (where 0 you need to enter the number of cores of your processor)
  • 2) Clean the system of debris.
  • 3) Check the system for viruses.
  • 4) Clear download cache (you will need to re-login to Steam): Steam (in the upper left corner) → Settings → Downloads → Clear download cache.

If that doesn't help, then you need a new computer.

All CSGO console commands list

This guide will contain all CS GO console commands

Сonsole commands for training

sv_cheats 1 - Turns on cheat

sv_cheats 0 - Turns off cheat

sv_infinite_ammo 1 - Infinity ammo on (without reload)

sv_infinite_ammo 2 - Infinity ammo on

sv_infinite_ammo 0 - Infinity ammo off

r_drawothermodels 2 - Turns on wall-hack

r_drawothermodels 1 - Turns off wall-hack

god - Turns on and off god-mode

ent_fire player addoutput "health *hp*" - To It gives you more HP

ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelscale 0" - Turns on aimbot

ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelscale 1"- Turns off aimbot

sv_showimpacts 1 - Show bullet impact

sv_showimpacts 0 - Turn off bullet impact

mat_wireframe 1 - Turns on view the wire frame

mat_wireframe 0 - Turns off view the wire frame

sv_grenade_trajectory 1 - Shows the trajectory of the grenade

sv_grenade_trajectory 0 - Turn off trajectory of the grenade

sv_grenade_trajectory_time 5 - Show item trajectory on seconds

weapon_recoil_scale 0 - No recoil (example: weapon)

Сonsole commands for weapons


give weapon_glock18 - Glock-18.

give weapon_hkp2000 - P2000.

give weapon_usp_silencer - USP-P.

give weapon_elite - Dual berettas

give weapon_p250 - P250.

give weapon_fiveseven - Five-seveN.

give weapon_tec9 - Tec-9.

give weapon_cz75a - CZ-75 Auto.

give weapon_deagle - Desert Eagle.


give weapon_mac10 - MAC-10.

give weapon_mp9 - MP-9.

give weapon_ump45 - UMP-45.

give weapon_mp7 - MP-7.

give weapon_mp5sd - MP-5SD.

give weapon_p90 - P90.

give weapon_bizon - Bizon-19.


give weapon_famas - FAMAS.

give weapon_galilar - Galil AR.

give weapon_ssg08 - SSG 08.

give weapon_m4a4 - M4A4.

give weapon_m4a1_selincer - M4A1-S.

give weapon_awp - AWP.

give weapon-scar20 -SCAR-20.

give weapon_g3sg1 - G3SG1.

give weapon_aug - AUG.

give weapon_sg553 - SG553.


give weapon_nova - NOVA.

give weapon_xm1014 - XM1014.

give weapon_savedoff - Saved-Off.

give weapon_mag7 - MAG-7.

give weapon_negev - NEGEV.

give weapon_m249 - M249.


give weapon_hegrenade - grenade

give weapon_flashbang- Flashbang

give weapon_smokegrenade - Smoke

give weapon_molotov - Molotov

give weapon_decoy - Decoy


give weapon_healthshot - medishot.

give item_cutters - Defuse kit

give item_defuser - Defuse kit


give weapon_с4 - C4.


give item_assaultsuit - kevlar and helmet

give item_kevlar - kevlar

Danger zone

give weapon_axe - Axe

give weapon_hammer - Hammer

give weapon_spanner- Wrench

give weapon_fists - Fists

give weapon_breachcharge - Breach charge

weapon_tablet - Tablet.

give weapon_shield - Shield

exojump - Exojump

Console commands for servers

sv_forcepreload 1 - the player will enter the game after the data is fully loaded

sv_lan 0 - network

sv_lan 1 - lan

sv_vote_command_delay 1 - time after which the action will take place

sv_vote_creation_timer 5 - Voting duration

sv_vote_failure_timer 10 - configure the ability to repeat voting

sv_vote_allow_in_warmup 0 - let you vote while warmup

sv_vote_allow_spectators 0 - let spectator vote

sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed 1 - let players to vote to kick

sv_vote_kick_ban_duration 20 - How long will it take to enter the player who was kicked out

sv_vote_timer_duration 10 - Voting duration.

sv_specnoclip 1 - Allow the viewer to move freely

sv_specspeed 1 - Spectator speed

sv_showbullethits 0 - Show bullet's impact on the map.

sv_noclipaccelerate 5 - Boost noclip speed

sv_noclipspeed 5 - Noclip speed

sv_specaccelerate 10 - Speed up the spectator

sv_unlockedchapters 99 - Allows background rotation

sv_visiblemaxplayers 64 - Max player's on server

sv_voiceenable 1 - Voice chat on

host_map - Map name

host_sleep *Time* - The amount of time (in ms) to sleep for after each frame

host_workshop_map - Download the latest version of the map and run it

host_timescale 1 - Speeds up server time

host_players_show 2 - This command will set how the playercount is disclosed when your server is queried

mp_roundtime_defuse - Round time bomb (minutes)

mp_roundtime_hostage - Round time hostage map's (minutes)

Console commands for bots

Bot_*weapon*_only - Bots will walk with this weapon

mp_teamname_1 "Name" - Change team name (CT).

mp_teamname_2 "Name" - Change team name (T).

bot_kick - Kick all the bots.

bot_kick_*name* - Only kick that bot.

bot_stop - Bot wont move.

bot_freeze - Bot wont move.

bot_chatter - Bot cant use radio chat.

bot_dont_shoot 1 - Bot wont shot.

bot_dont_shoot 0 - Bot will shot.

bot_difficulty 0/1/2/3 - Set's the difficulty of the bots.

bot_defer_to_human_items 1 - Will pick up bomb.

bot_defer_to_human_items 0 - Wont pick the bomb up.

bot_defer_to_human_goals 1 - will act according to the script.

bot_defer_to_human_goals 0 - wont act according to the script and each of them will dont random job.

bot_quota - will show you how many bots you can spawn.

bot_crouch 1 - Bot will only crouch.

bot_crouch 0 - Bot stops crouching.

Сonsole commands for fun

mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 - turn on respawn for CT after death

mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 - turn on respawn for T after death

mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1 - enabling the use of heavy armor

give item_heavyassaultsuit - getting heavy armor with 200 armor

prop_dynamic_create /props_vehicles/helicopter_rescue.mdl - create a helicopterent_fire !self addoutput "modelscale 1-100" - Make you Fat or tight

"ent_fire !picker sethealth -1" - kill the player that your aiming at

mp_death_drop_gun 1 - Weapon drops after death

mp_equipment_reset_rounds 1 - Removes equipment from players every round

"ent_create flashbang_projectile"- Spawn flash bang.

"ent_create env_spark; ent_fire env_spark StartSpark" - Place sparks

mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 1 - All the players can get the C4

mp_c4_cannot_be_defused 1 - Cant defuse C4

"ent_create chicken" - Spawn chicken

sv_holiday_mode 1 - Spawn zombie chicken

ent_fire chicken addoutput "modelscale 5" - Chicken size

mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - 1 - Depends on the Map

mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - 0 - Draw

mp_default_team_winner_no_objective- 2 Т - T side win's

mp_default_team_winner_no_objective - 3 CT - Ct side win's

ent_create planted_c4_training; ent_fire planted_c4_training ActivateSetTimerLength 30 -
Plant C4

!self - Only work on self

!picker - Player chosen by aiming at

!player - All player's on that server

r_drawparticles 0 - Off the flash bang and smoke effect

ent_fire player addoutput "health -1" - Freeze the player

ent_fire weapon_(*Weapon name*) addoutput "modelscale (*Size*)" - Change weapon size

example: ent_fire weapon_(ak47) addoutput "modelscale (4)"

sv_precacheinfo - Show crooks and their numbers

ent_fire !self addoutput "modelindex 2" - Change the model

ent_fire !picker addoutput "modelscale 0"

Change the model your aiming at

fov_cs_debug 120 - Change the Fov

fov_cs_debug 90 - Default Fov

ent_fire planted_c4 addoutput "modelscale 50" - Big C4 size

ent_fire !self addoutput "modelscale 0.1" - Small player size

ent_create hostage_entity" - Spawns a hostage, Teleport

"writeip; con_logfile cfg/banned_ip.cfg; getpos_exact; con_logfile ." - First we make a point

"exec banned_ip" - to teleport to the point, you must enter

ent_create prop_exploding_barrel - Explosive barrel spawns

mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 - turn on respawn for CT after death

mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 - turn on respawn for T after death

mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1 - enabling the use of heavy armor

give item_heavyassaultsuit - getting heavy armor with 200 armor

prop_dynamic_create /props_vehicles/helicopter_rescue.mdl - create a helicopter


ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "2start" - Starts the blades

ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "3ready" - Ready to fly

ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "4lift" - Rising

ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "helicopter_coop_hostagepickup_flyin" - arrives

prop_dynamic_create /props/de_nuke/car_nuke_animation.mdl - Car

ent_fire !picker SetAnimation "run" - Rides

prop_dynamic_create maps/de_dust2.bsp - Will spawn the map in the map (crash cs:go)

weapon_recoil_vel_decay -1 - Super mega recoil

clear_bombs - Clean the side

sv_regeneration_force_on - Regeneration hp

"ent_teleport player" - teleport on the crosshair when pressed

debugsystemui - Developer panel

"ent_fire !picker ignite" - set the player on fire that is on your crosshair

prop_dynamic_create player/custom_player/legacy/tm_leet_variantC.mdl - Spawns Terrorist Model

prop_dynamic_create \ghost\ghost.mdl - Spawn a ghost

prop_dynamic_create \f18\f18.mdl - Spawn the plane

prop_dynamic_create \effects\urban_puddle_model01a.mdl - spawns a puddle

prop_physics_create props/cs_italy/bananna.mdl;

ent_fire !picker addoutput "CollisionGroup 2";

ent_fire !picker setparent !activator;

ent_fire !picker setparentattachment grenade0

Spawn a banana on your belt

give env_screenoverlay;

ent_fire env_screenoverlay addoutput "overlayname1 dev\dev_prisontvoverlay002";

ent_fire env_screenoverlay startoverlays- Cosmo ranger helmet

ent_create point_broadcastclientcommand; ent_fire point_broadcastclientcommand command "disconnect #SFUI_MainMenu_Vac_Info" ;

ent_fire point_broadcastclientcommand kill - kick from the server cause VAC - ban

Displays fake drop:

CT - script ScriptPrintMessageChatAll(" \x9 -wait \x01takes out of the case: \x07 АК-47 | Rattletrap")

T - script ScriptPrintMessageChatAll(" \x0A -wait \x01takes out of the case: \x07 АК-47 | Rattletrap")

Console commands for knifes

mp_drop_knife_enable 1 - allows you to throw away the knife

To pick up that knife write
ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"

List of knife names is here:

give weapon_knife_css - Classic knife

give weapon_knife_falchion - Falchion knife

give weapon_knife_tactical - Tactical knife

give weapon_knife_flip - Flip knife

give weapon_knife_push - Shadow daggers knife

give weapon_bayonet - Bayonet knife

give weapon_knife_m9_bayonet - M9 bayonet knife

give weapon_knife_survival_bowie - Bowie knife

give weapon_knife_butterfly - Butterfly knife

give weapon_knife_karambit - Karambit knife

give weapon_knife_gut - Gut knife

give weapon_knife_gypsy_jackknife - Navaja knife

give weapon_knife_ursus - Ursus knife

give weapon_knife_stiletto - Stiletto knife

give weapon_knife_widowmaker - Talon knife

Console commands for crosshairs

cl_crosshairgap_usewaeponvalue - the crosshair style depends on the weapon.

cl_crosshairsize - Crosshair size.

cl_crosshairdot 1 - Add center dot.

cl_crosshairdot 1 - Remove center dot.

cl_crosshairthickness - Crosshai thickness.

cl_crosshair_drawoutline - Outline around the crosshair.

cl_crosshair_outlinethickness - Outline thickness.

cl_crosshaircolor 0 up tp 5 - Change crosshair color.

cl_crosshairstyle 0 up tp 5 - Change crosshair style.

cl_crosshairusealpha 0 or 1 - Crosshair visibility.

cl_crosshairalpha от 0 up to 255 - Crosshair transparency.

cl_crosshairgap _ size - Distances between divisions of sight.

Console commands for Bhop

sv_staminamax 0;

sv_staminajumpcost 0;

sv_staminalandcost 0;

sv_staminarecoveryrate 0;

sv_enablebunnyhopping 1;

sv_autobunnyhopping 1;

sv_airaccelerate 2000;

sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed 0;

sv_maxvelocity 3500

Console commands for HUD

HUD Colors:

cl_hud_color 0 - Grey

cl_hud_color 1 - White

cl_hud_color 2 - Light blue

cl_hud_color 3 - Blue

cl_hud_color 4 - Purple

cl_hud_color 5 - Red

cl_hud_color 6 - Orange

cl_hud_color 7 - Yellow

cl_hud_color 8 - Light Green

cl_hud_color 9 - Turquoise

cl_hud_color 10 - Pink

cl_righthand 0 - Left hand

cl_righthand 1 - Right hand

viewmodel_presetpos 2 - Big size of weapon

viewmodel_presetpos 3 - Classic size of weapon

viewmodel_fov 55 - zooming in / out of the weapon model on the screen (minimum value-54, maximum value 68)

viewmodel_offset_x 0 - position of the weapon and hand on the axis X

viewmodel_offset_y 0 - position of the weapon and hand on the axis Y

viewmodel_offset_z 0 - position of the weapon and hand on the axis Z

cl_radar_scale - Mini map zoom ( 0.25 up to 1)

cl_radar_icon_scale_min - changes the player's point on the map ( 0.4 up to 1)

cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 1 - radar turns to square when score table opens

cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 0 - returns to standard form

[*[b]cl_radar_rotate 1
[/b]- radar rotate with player's movement's

cl_radar_rotate 0 - Radar wont rotate

cl_radar_always_centered 0 - the radar camera moves following the movement of the character

cl_radar_always_centered 1 - the radar camera is stationary

cl_hud_radar_scale - changes the size of the radar ( 0.8 up to 1.3)

cl_hud_playercount_pos 1 - the panel with the number of players at the bottom

cl_hud_playercount_pos 0 - the panel with the number of players at the top

cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 1 - if you got the C4 it is under radar

cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 0 - If you are with C4, it appears at the right edge along with the rest of the weapon

hud_scaling ( 0.5 up to 0.95) - changes the entire interface along with the radar ( 0.5 up to 0.95)

cl_hud_healthammo_style 1 - only numbers are displayed in the health and armor panel

cl_hud_healthammo_style 0 - the health and armor panel displays a scale and numbers

cl_showloadout 1 - weapon icons are displayed

cl_showloadout 0 - weapon icons are not displayed

Console commands for mouse

m_forward 1 - sets the sensitivity multiplier for the forward speed of the mouse

m_mouseaccel1 0 - mouse acceleration in windows, initial threshold (2x movements)

m_mouseaccel2 0 - mouse acceleration in windows, medium threshold (4x movements)

m_mousespeed 1 - mouse acceleration factor in Window

m_customaccel_max 0 - maximum acceleration proportionality factor

m_customaccel_scale 0.04 - normal (standard) value of mouse acceleration

m_pitch 0.022 - mouse inverted (Disabled)

sensitivity 2 - Sets the mouse sens

m_customaccel 0 - Disables mouse acceleration

m_customaccel_exponent 0 - disable acceleration proportional factor measurement

m_rawinput 1 - direct mouse connection that ignores the control panel settings in the OS

m_side 0.8 - sets the sensitivity multiplier for mouse movement speed

m_yaw 0.022 - sets the sensitivity multiplier for the speed of turns left-right

How to make footsteps louder in CS:GO

How to make footsteps louder in CS:GO

In this guide i'll show you how to make footsteps louder!

To make the steps louder, you will need to use several possible ways at once.

The first way is to use special console commands. There are several of them and they look like this:

Snd_headphone_pan_exponent 2;
Snd_font_headphone_position 45.0;
Snd_rear_headphone_position 135;
Snd_mixahead 0.05.
This list of console commands is recommended for every player who wants to improve the sounds of steps.


1. Use Steam Guard.

2. Make your profile public.

3. Be an active Steam user (enjoy guides, participate in discussions, take screenshots).

4. Play without using cheats.

5. Get recommendations from friends.

6. Receive and send compliments to your teammates.

7. Don't stop playing.

8. Don't block your teammates, be nice to them.

9. Rate guides (like this one).

10. Add more friends.

11. If you play CS:GO, I recommend you OVERWATCH this will help improve your confidence factor!

12. Customize your profile, this will help your trust factor.

13. Don't be a troll, don't be toxic because other players might report you!

14. You can give away a prize in this guide! (If you like it or find it useful).

How to boost your FPS in CS:GO

How to boost your FPS in CS:GO

 In this guide i'll show you how to get 50-60 more fps in CS:GO without any software!

Launch Options

  1. Right-click Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in your game library in the main Steam window
  2. Select “Properties” in the menu
  3. A new window will open. Click on the “SET LAUNCH OPTIONS” button
  4. Another new window will open. In this one, you can set the different launch options. Every new launch option starts with a dash or a plus, DO NOT separate the launch options with a comma or a semicolon, just a space needs to go in between the different launch options.
  5. Click OK and Close and your all set!

-novid //Disables the game's intro screen saver.

-high //Starts the game with a high priority.

-threads <number of cores/threads> //The number of processor cores that the game can use.

-nod3d9ex //Reduces memory consumption and speeds up switching between windows (alt+tab)

-noaafonts //Removes font smoothing.

-no joy //Removes gamepad/joystick support.

How to get better at CSGO

 So you want to get better at CS:GO here's Some tips that helped me

1. find your ideal dpi & sensitivity

this will ensure that your aiming to the best of your potential

2.find a comfortable resolution

4:3 1280x960 is what i prefer it looks nice and its not performance taxing but if you like higher res 16:9 1600x900 is still a stretched and can help with performance

3. Aim training/practice

Use workshop maps like aimbotz to help your muscle memory and go into private matches or deathmatchs for more realistic in game practice .

Private matches Give you a chance to learn nade and smoke positions and practice them .


don't spend all your money on skins

How to get green trust factor in CS:GO

1. Turn on Steam Guard.

2. Make your profile public.

3. Be an active Steam user (enjoy guides, participate in discussions, take screenshots).

4. Play games without using cheats (such as wallhack, aimbot).

5. Get recommendations from friends.

6. Do not kick from games.

7. Don't block your teammates, be kind to them.

8. Do patrol

9. Evaluate guides (like this).

10. Add more friends.

11. You can give a reward under this guide!