Saturday, December 12, 2015

Drop In The Cup Level 39 to 54 Walkthrough

Levels 1 to 27 | Level 28 to 38 | Levels 39 to 54 | Levels 55 to 72 Level 39: (0:00) - Launch the ball slow, aiming at one of the fans. You must time it so that the ball will not hit the death cog when pushed by the fan. Level 40: (0:25) - Launch the ball up at slow speed, so that it drops on the...

Drop In The Cup Level 28 to 38 Walkthrough

Levels 1 to 27 | Level 28 to 38 | Levels 39 to 54 | Levels 55 to 72 Level 28: (0:25) - Just bounce the ball once on the ground, somewhere in the middle. Level 29: (1:25) - This one is tricky, launch the ball when it is in the right side. Bounce it once on the ground and into the upside-down cup. Level...

Drop In The Cup Level 1 to 27 Walkthrough

Levels 1 to 27 | Level 28 to 38 | Levels 39 to 54 | Levels 55 to 72 Level 1: (0:36) - Just put the ball in the cup. Level 2: (0:44) - Gently drop the ball on the tilted platform to get it inside the cup. Level 3: (1:00) - For this level you need power, aim the ball at the tilted platform. Level...