1. Press the red button, and keep it pressed until it is above the steel weight.
2. Now swipe the hooked chain to pick up the ball.
3. Pull the ball towards you, and hit the door several times, until you brake it and reveal the green...
11:29 PM / by admin / in 100 Floors / with No comments /
11:24 PM / by admin / in 100 Floors / with No comments /
1:26 AM / by admin / in 100 Floors / with No comments /
1:00 AM / by admin / in 100 Floors / with No comments /
12:42 AM / by admin / in 100 Floors / with No comments /
12:36 AM / by admin / in 100 Floors / with No comments /
12:31 AM / by admin / in 100 Floors / with No comments /