Monday, April 4, 2022

ELDEN RING - How to FIX stuttering and framedrops [NVIDIA only]

In this guide you can find how to fix stutters and framedrops that many players are encountering


many players experienced stutters and framedrops during this days, if you are experiencing these issues too just try to follow these steps, hope it helps! [this guide will only cover nvidia only fixes]

Update Nvidia Drivers

The first thing you have to try is to update your nvidia drivers.

Nvidia released on the 14th february an update to optimize Elden Ring.

This can significantly improve your framerate, getting you stable 60 fps, so it's worth trying.

Change the Shader Cache Size to Unlimited

To fix frame rate drops and stuttering, especially in the open world when exploring or in battle, you can try the following:

  • Open NVIDIA Control Panel
  • Under "Manage 3D Settings" and the "Global Settings" tab, change "Shader Cache Size" to "Unlimited"

[optional] unlock fps

If you are having trouble with the 60 fps cap, and playing 60 fps on a 144hz gives you stutters, you can try to unlock the fps cap.

*Warning: This hasnt been tested enough to say that it's safe*

Please make sure your game is set to offline and you start the game without EAC through the utility.

Someone recently released an Fps unlocker for elden ring that you can find right here.

Follow the steps that you can find in github and be aware of the risks you are taking.

by nebun

Separate Sprint and Dodge for Controller - ELDEN RING

 Have you ever wanted separated Sprint and Dodge buttons? The desire use (LS Click) for sprint instead, as well as dodging upon PRESSING circle? Maybe Sprint and adjust the camera more comfortably? Look no further! I've created controller configurations for both PS4 and PS5 controllers for such a function. I didn't see anybody else create something like this so I thought I would do it myself. :p

Controller Configuration

This uses the built-in Steam controller configuration settings so it's really easy to apply to your own profile. Just make sure dodge/sprint and crouch are the default settings for your controller inside the elden ring settings first.

Circle: Dodges upon pressing (you won't sprint with this)

LS Click: Toggle sprint (turns off when attacking or pressing square, circle, or LS again)

LS Double Click: Toggle Crouch

All the other keybinds are untouched!


I'm not sure that it really matters which profile you use but I made one for both PS4 and PS5 controllers just in case. Pretty sure these can be used for XBOX controllers as well but not certain. AGAIN, make sure you have the default keybinds for dodge/sprint and crouch in your elden ring settings for your controller first.

PS4: steam://controllerconfig/1245620/2774135008

PS5: steam://controllerconfig/1245620/2774135804

Just copy and paste one of the links into chrome, and it should open up the config in steam.

Then apply it to your controller and play!

by Pringle

ELDEN RING - Disabling Easy Anti-Cheat (Alternative Method)

A straightforward and simple guide to disabling EAC.


If you're like me, you know how annoying it is to have to wait for Easy Anti-Cheat to boot up before you are able to launch the game, especially since I mostly play offline anyway. With the steps detailed in this guide, you'll be able to go straight to launching the game without having to wait for EAC to boot. EAC might also have a performance impact on the game, so that's another good reason for disabling it, but take that with a grain of salt.

P.S. Disabling EAC is for offline only. Do not disable EAC while playing online, as that's a good way of getting banned.


  1. Find where Elden Ring is located in your Steam library
  2. Go to Manage > Browse local files > Game
  3. Rename start_protected_game to start_protected_game_original
  4. Make a copy of elden ring.exe
  5. Rename copy to start_protected_game
  6. Launch Elden Ring through Steam


In conclusion, that should be all that you need to disable EAC for offline play. This is my very first guide, so if there are any issues with it, feel free to comment.

by Rizencraft

ELDEN RING 21700+ Runes/minute (best early/mid-game Rune-farming run)

Get at least 21700 Runes, up to more than 25000 Runes per minute each run (speed/efficiency depends on your level, weapon and playing skill) at Dragonbarrow Fork in northern Caelid. Best farming method I have discovered for early to mid/late game.

Starting Point - Dragonbarrow Fork (site of grace)

I discovered this Rune-farming spot during launch day of playing Elden Ring. Two weeks later, I realized no one else has mentioned or made any videos regarding this, so I decided to make my own video today (also posting this as guide on Steam).

Without Golden Scarab, each of the 16 Guardians gives 1100 Runes. With the talisman equipped, you get 1356 Runes per kill, for a total of 21696 Runes per 1-minute run. If there are golden-eyed enemies, you get 5x more Runes, so you can get more than 25000 Runes if you are lucky.

In my 90 hours playing, currently in the final region of the game, I haven't discovered any other farming spots that drop Runes as quickly and easily as this one at Dragonbarrow Fork in northern Caelid. This is for early to mid/late game farming! At very late game, there are better Rune-farming methods than this.

The efficiency of your runs may vary depending on your weapon equipped, playing skill and character stats.

by Ash

How to easily kill Starscourage Radahn - ELDEN RING

 A quick and easy guide on how to kill one of the most versatile and enormous bosses in the game.


The 1st thing you need to have in mind is that you're going to get f*ucked, in all possible ways and holes, so is important to stay positive and, above all, blame your controller or keyboard for failing you (maybe consider buying a better gaming chair idk)

Equipment and Level

So when I killed him i was like lvl 40 and with Greatsword +6 (guys don't go around The Lands Between with some dagger or sh*it, take care of yourselves), I know I'm pretty good so idk if you guys could do it in that lvl. I highly recommend to squeeze all you can out of Limgrave and maybe even beat the s*it out of some Liurna's bosses, maybe becoming a simp of Renna could work too


I highly suggest that you guys go to your nearest church and pray a little before evert try, this helps a lot trust me, the priest of my neighbourhood thought I was doing some creppy stuff and asking me who the f*ck was Radahn and why did he deserve to be burned alive but...yeah.

So when you start the battle, do yourself a favour and spawn the allies, don't try killing him on your own because, as I pointed out before, you're going to be protagonizing the newest brazzers movie, starring Radham as you stepbrother, so pls keep in mind that.

When you have all the ppl summoned, get in your horse-goat hybrid and go around him to avoid the arrows, unless you wanna hug the arrows with your face, then just stay at a decent range and take advantage of his fat ass and his annoyingly small horse ( seriously what the actual f*ck is with that horse ) and hit him at the end of the combos

In the 2nd phase, when he transforms himself into a F*CKING METEOR DUDE WHAT THE HELL IS THAT JUST EXPLODES ME EVERY F*KING TIME, you can use the time between he starts flying and lands as a humanoid clash royale wizzard's fireball to revive some comrades fallen in battle

The rest I can only recommend to repeat the strategy but do NOT try to stay near him while he has his Inazuma Eleven's meteors around him, use the landscape to avoid them

By Kikeses

Basic lore for Elden Ring

 After like 2 hours of research i will drop sum knowledge on u maiden-less Tarnished to help you understand the lore. Small spoilers.

Pre start of the game.

There is a item so powerful that it created the stars, Its even so powerful that it created the rules of the universe such as death. This item is called the Elden Ring. Anyone who has it can basically shape the world to be whatever they want. The Erdtree (big yellow tree) started to grow from the elden ring almost like a parasite and it used the rings power to bestow blessings to people it saw fit. These are "tears". In the game its what you put into your flask to gain various buffs. The tree can also exile a person too though. The race called the "Tarnished" are one of them who got exiled. (I'm pretty sure they got exiled because they didn't like who had the ring). The king named Godfrey the Warrior had a maiden named Marika. She is the goddess of Empyrean (A race of powerful people). People don't really like Godfrey because he is being a stink bug and causing Chaos for no good reason. prophets who practice sorcery look into the future and grow mad from what they see (My theory is that they see the Erdtree burning) They wear blindfolds and wheels around their neck. They do not need to see if they already know the future and the wheel is put on them so other people know not to listen to their ramblings. war breaks out over the king being a stink bug so the erdtree banishes him. His sons all wish to claim the power of their father so it starts a huge war that is basically like a stalemate because everyone cant hold power for very long. Eventually the elden ring shatters at the base of the entree. This means whoever has the most pieces is the most powerful. This is where the game starts, everyone wants to kill each other. But maybe you can break the stalemate by becoming elden king.

Start of the game

there is two main gods in Elden ring. The two fingered god and the three fingered god. The two fingered god is responsible for bring you back to life and sending you off to become elden lord to bring peace to the world. The Three fingered god is trying to cause a frenzy and make more chaos in the world. It is implied that they where once a whole hand but split due to differences. The maiden that you meet at the 3rd bonfire named Fia. She has a scar on her eye from the spell " Fire freenzy" and she is now forced to live with internal pain. She wants to go with you to the erdtree so she can find meaning. You will fight the brothers who wish to have the rings power.

By lil Moochie

Sunday, April 3, 2022