Friday, October 15, 2021

CS:GO - Routine to improve your aim

In this short guide you will find most useful tips for aim routine practice, it will help you climb ranks and faceit levels so fast.Getting startedFirst of all before you get into the CS.GO do this:- Warm up your hands because warmed hands will have better feeling of the mouse. Your room temperature...

CSGO - Every known radio command

After hours of searching and digging through CSGO's files, I've compiled a list of every radio command that I've found. All of these are tested and confirmed to be working with most covert tier player models. Certain commands such as the hilarious death sounds work with almost every player model!Provided...

Back 4 Blood - Important Tips you have to know

Start on Recruit, No ReallyYou may want to jump straight into Veteran, the equivalent of Normal difficulty, especially if you’ve played Left 4 Dead before. At a glance it may look like a lesser experience. You won’t encounter some of the more difficult corruption cards and your supply points will be...