Friday, May 16, 2014

Logo Game: Guess the Brand [Regular] Pack 15

Answers in Pack 15 are: Kodak Kleenex Intuit Gerber Just for Laughs Hilton Heroes Re/Max Comfort Inn Nordsee Ocean Spray Red Sox Premier League Lowe's General Mills Barilla Ihop Daily Mail Family Guy Mac OS Daytona Maxwell House Next Comedy Central Allstate Bell...

Logo Game: Guess the Brand [Regular] Pack 13

Answers in Pack 13 are: Fruit of the Loom Stanford Quaker Oats Smirnoff Vicks Oceanic Mercury Black & Decker UGG Ministry of Sound Southwest Jhon Deere Castelli Monopoly Kit Kat Coors Wendy's Lotus Orbit Playskool Chili's Gamecube Padi Mcafee Ubuntu Pacha RBC Martini GMC Western...

Logo Game: Guess the Brand [Regular] Pack 12

Answers in Pack 12 are: Pokemon Shazam Quiznos Princeton Petrobras Kmart Schwarzkopf The Bay Macy's Lukoil In-n-Out The Flintstones Poker Stars Panera Uncle Ben's Patron Kraft Forbes Friends Six Flags JBL PBS Fendi Li Ning SMFG Ben & Jerry's Lacie Picasa Lebara Ferrero...