Friday, July 22, 2022

CS:GO Tactical Tactics and Coaching

"Focus Tactics: CS:GO Tactical Tactics and Coaching" is completely dedicated to all the pro gamers out there to help them improve as much as they can.

From tactical tricks to skill advancement, and tips and tricks to overcome any obstacles, this guide is perfect for all the pro gamers out there.

So, let's dive in with this beautiful CS:GO guide that's incredibly useful for every pro player out there.

Chapter 1: Practice To Win!

Practice is a must when you want to get good. You've probably read countless articles and study guides on why practicing is so vital for a pro player, how to improve your results by being a pro gamer, but in my opinion, they're all wrong.

Practicing is only the 3rd or 4th most important thing for you to do, while the other two, especially being focused and passionate about what you're doing, that's something that's extremely essential for every pro gamer out there.

Pro Tip: Do not practice for games you like, because it won't make you better. Because practice is an act that you apply towards playing in games and improving your skills by practicing. Do not practice for games you like because it will ruin the effect you need to have on your bad performance.

Chapter 2: Get Attracted To Players You Like The Most

One of the first tips that I ever received as a pro gamer was by Mario "StefanoNicolae" Daan, the mastermind behind Reflex Gamers, that I always try to focus my attention to the highest rated CS:GO players. I think it's essential for a pro player to concentrate on the pro players who are really good at all the specific aspects of the game, that are essential for the professional players to get good and in time get big and famous like they deserve.

Pro Tip: Focus on players who have the same level of skill as you. Even if they're not winning, you still can learn a lot from them. Don't get attracted to the players that are losing and losing badly. That's the worst thing you can do as a pro player.

Chapter 3: All The Right & The Wrong Supports

For a professional gamer, the way you act towards the team is the most important thing. The amount of practice you are doing will mean nothing unless the way you are supporting your team is also improving. You are a great player if the team performs well, and if your team fails, then so does your skill, so make sure that everyone is doing the right things, supporting you the right way, even if sometimes it feels like you're not doing enough, so practice to become a player you really can be proud of.

Pro Tip: Always think about your team, and every game you play to win, don't be focused on how many kills you got. And yes, in those huge games, you are the hero of the team, and should act as if you're the leader of the team, then your team will really get the best out of you and support you through the crucial moments.

Chapter 4: Team Spirit Is Everything

Team spirit is one of the most important things in a professional team, and it's easy to lose your team spirit if you're not having fun with it, or if you don't focus your full attention on the games and practice, and focus only on yourself. You need to bring the team spirit, the attitude that if your team is doing a good game, the whole team should be very proud, because of how well they're performing, how well the game is being controlled, and how much they feel the positive energy, and high emotions their teammates are showing them.

Pro Tip: The whole team should always be putting 100% of their concentration and attention towards the game. They should always have their all to give, to make sure they are always aiming to be better than they ever have been. If one of the team members needs a break, no matter how big the game is, just tell them you'll be back, you'll support them when they come back.

Chapter 5: Discover Your Strengths, and Aim For Them!

It's easy to get that lazy feeling you've seen all the pro players do and the games they play, since they seem to have it mastered, like they're sooo good at that thing they play. And maybe that's true, for some games you can be absolutely great at that. But not all of us are that good at the same things. As a pro gamer you can't just be good at a lot of things at once, because when it comes to pro games, you really need to learn about each and every one of your strengths, and what you can improve on. Try to explore your weaknesses, and only improve on what you do really good in practice, so that you can be a bit more confident and powerful when playing in games.

Pro Tip: Work hard to improve yourself, play 100% of your attention on that one thing, because that's what makes you stand out as a pro player.

Chapter 6: Win The Game, Or Win The Story!

Pro gamers, for the most part, come in 2 types, those who win, and those who are a winner. And once you start believing that, everything else will start making sense. First of all, try not to feel disappointed when you lose, it only helps you to feel more focused on your next objective, on winning the next game. Remember to give 100% to the game, and give 100% to winning, as a pro gamer you can't do anything other than that. Always aim to win, and sometimes if you want to take a risk and do something you've never done before in a game, sometimes you might fail, and when that happens, you just learn something that you can use in the future, and improve your skill. As a pro gamer you need to have the mindset to always get out of that fear, and always be calm, and know that you just need to keep trying harder and harder, until you succeed.

Pro Tip: If you're thinking "What will happen if I lose?", don't think about it, just do your best, if you fail, it's just a part of getting better, and losing is nothing to be ashamed about. But if you've succeeded, then use that success to work even harder in your next games!


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