Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Logo Quiz Level 4 Answers by bubble quiz games Answers

 Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6

Logo Quiz Level 4 pack contains 60 logos. The answers to all of them are:
  • Bosch - the round silver logo that looks like a "H" inside an outlined circle.
  • Brother - is represented by the light blue letters "br th  r".
  • Calvin Klein - is the group of black letters "C lv Kei".
  • Carrefour - is the logo formed from a grey arrow, pointing to the left, and a blue arrow, with a round base,  pointing to the right.
  • Castrol - the letters "as ro" and to the left of it there is a green circle with a red line in it.
  • Chanel - is orange horse inside two outlined orange circles.
  • Continental - the letters "Co" written in black on a golden background.
  • Dewalt - the letters "DE   AL", written in yellow on a black rectangle background.
  • Electrolux - is the black square with a white circle inside. In the circle there is a shape formed from 3 parts.
  • Ellesse - Written in blue are the letters "e e se" and above there is a half of circle colored in red and orange.
  • Exxon - The red letters " XX N" are inside a outline square, and bellow them there is a fat blue line.
  • Fiat - The logo that is made from a silver circle, and inside of it there is a rounded trapeze colored in burgundy.
  • Ford - is the blue oval with a thin white outline and the white letter "F" inside.
  • Fosters - the logo made from the blue letters "FO T  's".
  • Fox - the blue letters "F X", the "X" has the top left part erased.
  • Galp - is formed by a orange rhombus that has a white logo in it.

  • Gap - the white letter "A" inside a squared blue background.
  • Gillette - the dark blue letters "ll tt".
  • Glaxo Smith Kline - Is the orange rounded triangle with the white letters "gsk" in it.
  • Gmail - the red "M" that resembles an envelope.
  • Goodyear - implemented here as a logo formed by a black shoe with wings.
  • Google - as the unmistakable letters "oo le".
  • Haagen Dazs - is the letter "s" inside a light brown outlined shape.
  • Harley Davidson - the black logo, with orange outline, that is formed from a shape looking like a shield, with a rectangle in front of it.
  • Heinz - the white letter "H" on a red curved background.
  • HP - the round blue logo that has inside the letters "I P".
  • HTC - is the green-lime logo formed by the letters "h c".
  • ING - the logo that represents a orange lion.
  • Internet Explorer (IE) - The big blue letter "e" with an orbit around.
  • Isuzu - the one that is formed by this red letters "s zu".
  • Jagermeister - the logo represented by a orange a reindeer head.
  • Jeep - the white letters "ee" inside a green rectangle.

  • Johnnie Walker - the "gentlemen" with an walking stick.
  • Juventus - the logo shaped like an oval with vertical black lines and a horizontal yellow curved line.
  • JVC - the logo formed by the red letters "J C".
  • Kawasaki - the red logo that looks like a "R" that has the top and bottom part missing, and in the left side you see two letters "wa a i".
  • KFC - the old man with beard and a cooking apron.
  • Kodak - the letters "K d k" written in red.
  • Lego - the red square with an white "E" inside and 3 black ovals outlined in yellow.
  • Lenovo - the logo that is made from the blue letters "le   v".
  • Levis - the white characters "Le   i" on a dark red background, curved in the bottom.
  • Lexmark - the logo made from and red rhombus, with a black tilted line to the right.
  • Lexus - the silver "L" inside a silver circle.
  • LG - the letter "L" inside  "G" inside a dark pink circle.
  • Lacoste - the green crocodile.
  • Logitech - the logo that has the left side like a green bean and the right side resembles a sun wit dark and red rays.
  • Makita - represented by the red letters "m   a".
  • Mitsubishi - the logo that has on the top side a red rhombus, and in the bottom side two red parallelograms.

  • Mobil 1 - the letters "Mo   l1" ("M and l" are blue, "o" is red and the "1" is white on a black background).
  • Motorola - the logo made from a blue circle with an white "M" inside.
  • Nokia - the blue group of letters "OK A".
  • Texaco - The red letter "T" inside a white star, inside a red circle.
  • Milka - the letter "m" written inside a purple square.
  • Panasonic - formed by the blue letters "P n so c".
  • Paypal - the logo made from this blue letters "Pa P l".
  • Pepsi - the round logo, outline with a thin blue line. Inside there are 3 off shapes colored in red, white and blue.
  • Peugeot - is the silver lion that stands in two legs.
  • Pioneer - the logo made from the red letters "P    eer".
  • Pixar - the logo made from two groups of black letters. The big letters are "I X R", the smaller letters are "NI  AT  N ST D O".
  • Playboy - the well known by now, white bunny head inside a black square.

Update notes:
  • Updated the logos that have new design, because the game had a major update.
  • Updated descriptions for the new logos.
  • Some spelling errors are fixed.

 Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6

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  1. The ploneer thing is wrong

  2. there are only 20/60 answers

    1. There are 60/60 answers... Look closer..

    2. there is not you absolute loser i bet you still don't have a job after these 8 years do you, you sad little man. yeah admin what a loser i bet that means you don't go outside, you little administrator

  3. what is the one with the intersecting black curved lines please help

  4. guys i just levelled up on the app!!1!11!!!1!!!1!!
