Friday, April 12, 2013

Logo Quiz Level 8 Answers by bubble quiz games Answers

Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10

Logo Quiz Level 8 pack contains 60 logos. The answers to all of them are:
  • Sears - is the three blue letters "s a s".
  • Soundcloud - is the orange logo shaped like a cloud, with the left side made from vertical lines.
  • Spalding - is the black text "SP  D G" that has above a logo made from an blue "S" inside a oval shape.
  • Staples - is the slightly oblique red rectangle with the white letters "S A LE" inside.
  • Starbucks - is the logo made from a green circle with an white woman inside, wearing a crown on her head.
  • Swarovski - is the grey swan.
  • Tag Heuer - is the logo shape with 5 sides, spit in two parts. The top part is green and has a white "G" in it, and the bottom part is red with the letters "H U R" in it.
  • Tide - the logo made from the violet letters "T  e" above two circles, on inside the other.
  • Toblerone - is the yellow mountain.
  • Tommy Hilfiger - the logo formed from two rectangles, one white the other red, with dark blue rectangles above and bellow.
  • Trans Union - is the letter "T" made from green dots, and another grey "T" under it.
  • UGG - the black letters "U G".
  • Oxford - the dark blue round logo that has inside an white opened book and 3 crowns near it.
  • Whole Foods - the green logo made from two groups of letters "HO E" and "OO S", and under them there is a thick horizontal line.
  • Wii - the grey letters "W i" and a dot between them.
  • Saleen - is the rectangle, light red, logo cut by some white lines, and in the middle of it there is a big white letter "S".

  • SriLanka Airlines - is the logo formed by three wobbly shapes, first one green, second one red, and third one orange, and all of them forms a bird shape.
  • Holden - is the white lion, with one of his claw on a ball, inside a red round shape.
  • Vespa - the ellipse red logo with this white letters in it "V s a".
  • ABB - is the red logo that is made from a "A" that misses the bottom left half, a "B" that has the lower half erased, and another "B" that doesn't have the top half.
  • Arcelor Mittal - is the logo formed by the black letters "A    tt" and a curved red line above them.
  • Chili's - the oval logo that has a red chili/pepper in the bottom side, and the letters "hls".
  • Chiquita - is the blue oval logo with a yellow cocktail.
  • illy - is the red square with the letters "i y" inside.
  • Paramount - is the white mounting inside a black circle, and with black stars around.
  • Signal - the one made from the blue letters "S  n  l". Above it there is a red flag.
  • Vaio - is the blue letters "VA" written with an unusual font.
  • Tata - is the blue ellipse logo with two curved white lines in it.
  • Tefal - the red letters "T F L".
  • Walmart - the blue letter "W" with a orange sun to the far right.
  • Woolmark - is the logo that look like an optical illusion made from 5 curved black lines, looped together.
  • Wordpress - is the white "W" inside a black circle outlined in white.

  • Aegon - is the white "A" inside a blue oblique square, followed by a wide black line.
  • AGV - the logo that looks like a flag made from green, white and red inside a round shape.
  • Amway - the blue letters "A  y" with a wide pink line under them.
  • Aprilia - is the red rectangle with the white letters "a  ri i" inside of it.
  • Aviva - the square logo colored in blue (mostly), yellow and green.
  • AXN - the white letter "X" inside a red rectangle.
  • Bebo - the logo formed by a white "b" inside a red circle.
  • Benetton - a green rectangle with a round logo above that looks like a human.
  • Brembo - the red circle that has a part of it cut off, making it look like it has a white "b" inside.
  • Brooks - the blue logo made from the letters "B O K" and a curved line under them.
  • Bulgaria Air - the curved shape that looks like a feather colored in white, green and red.
  • Burberry - is the running brown horse, which carry a man that hold a spear.
  • Campina - is the green oval shaped logo with the white letters "am  i  a" inside.
  • Capcom -  the yellow letters, outlined in blue, "C P  M".
  • Clinique - is the logo formed by a big black "C" with the letters "Li Q E" under it.
  • Diesel - is the logo shaped like a red rectangle two white letters inside: "D  E".

  • Escada - just 3 black letters "E C D".
  • Fischer - the dark yellow rectangle with 3 black triangles inside.
  • Rip Curl - the red logo made from two curved lines joined together, and the black letters "ip   l" under.
  • Fashion Tv - is the diamond outline shape with a small black dot in it and the letter "f".
  • Givenchy - is the black square logo made from 4 small squares made from lines.
  • Herbalife -  three green leafs inside a circle.
  • Hawaiian Airlines - is the girl with dark pink and violet hair, and a orange flower at her ear. Under her are two groups of letters "AW  IA" and "A  LI S".
  • Henkel - is the red letters "H n e" inside a red outlined oval.
  • Johnson - is the logo formed by the red text "h  onsj hn n" written with an unusual font.
  • Kenwood - the big black "W" with a small red triangle above it.
  • Kraft - is the red outlined logo, shaped like an oval, with the letter "f" inside.
  • Lancome - the black letters "LA  O E".

Update notes:
  • Updated the logos that have new design, because the game had a major update.
  • Updated descriptions for the new logos.
  • Some spelling errors are fixed.

Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10

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