Sunday, April 14, 2013

Logo Quiz Level 15 Answers by bubble quiz games Answers

Level 13 | Level 14 | Level 15 | Level 16 | Level 17

Logo Quiz Level 15 pack contains 60 logos. The answers to all of them are:
  • Orange - the orange square logo with this white letters inside: "r ng".
  • Vanish - the blue letters "V n h".
  • TDK - the hexagon black logo with 7 white triangles inside and a black "K" to the left.
  • Zeiss - the square blue logo that has inside this white letters: "EI S".
  • Dolce Gusto - is the round brown logo with two rows of text inside: "Nescafe" and "D lc G  t".
  • Koss - is the black square logo with an white circle inside. In the white circle there is a pair of black headphones.
  • Vileda - is the red letters "vi ed" followed by a butterfly colored in green and blue.
  • Glycine - is the one made from the black letters "GL  I E" with a black crown above.
  • X Factor - is the rectangle black logo, with two red rectangles inside, and a box "X". In the top rectangle there is an white "H" and in the bottom rectangle are 3 white letters: "F C O".
  • Toni and Guy - is the black logo made from this characters: "T I&G Y".
  • Office - is the orange square logo with an white hole in the middle, followed by this orange letters: "ff ce".
  • Xperia - is the black letters: "X R A".
  • Microsoft Excel - is the one that looks like a green notebook with an table inside. On the cover there is an white "X".
  • Thyssenkrupp - the blue circle logo, outlined in silver, having inside 3 silver circles linked together.
  • Sennheiser - is the blue rectangle outlined logo, with an big "S" inside.
  • Varta - the logo made from an blue square with an yellow triangle inside, followed by this blue letters: "V R A".

  • Berghaus - is the one made from 2 rectangles colored in blue and red, followed by this white letters: "er ha s".
  • Quicksilver - the red rectangle with a white triangle to the right side, inside a curved line.
  • Google Drive - is the triangle logo colored in green, yellow and blue.
  • Yelp - is the outlined word "yelp", the "e p" are black. It is followed by a red logo made from 5 triangles.
  • Nasa - is the blue circle logo with an white ellipse inside and the white letters "AS".
  • Gi Joe - is the black logo with an white star in the middle and the white letters "J E" inside.
  • US Postal Service - is the blue square logo with a white shape inside that looks like the head of an eagle.
  • Fifth Gear - is the black outlined circle with 5 black lines inside, similar to a gear shiftier logo.
  • Lord of the Rings - the black square logo with this golden letters inside: "LO O T E N S".
  • Second Life - the light blue eye with 4 vertical lines above, followed by two rows of letters: "SE ND" and "I E".
  • Minecraft - is the grey letters "IN C A T".
  • Bburago - is the black rectangle logo, outlined in yellow, with this white letters inside: B ra".
  • Star Wars - the black rectangle with this yellow outlined letters in it: "ST R RS".
  • Hattrick - the green rectangle that has in it this white letters: "h tt i k".
  • Scotch and Soda - is the black logo that looks like an sowing machine with an black "&" under it.
  • Quicktime - the blue letters "Q"
  • The Punisher - is the black skull logo, with white eyes.
  • Eurosport - is made from  a blue rectangle and this letters: "E R PO T". All of this is surrounded by 10 silver stars.
  • Ghostbusters - is the black rectangle with an white banned ghost inside.
  • Jurassic Park - the yellow round logo with an dinosaur inside.
  • Toy story - the one made from an red rectangle and this yellow letters: "TO S OR".
  • Miramax - is the black letters "MI  M X" with two black lines under.
  • MGM Grand Las Vegas - is the lion with this letters under: "GM RA D".
  • Bellagio  - is the big brown "B" and the silver letters: "B LA IO".
  • Rowenta - the rounded outlined grey rectangle with this letters inside: "R we  a".
  • RSS - the orange square with rounded corners having inside two curved lines and a white dot.
  • Telmex - the blue letters "TM" one under the other.
  • Appstore - the blue square logo with an white circle inside and a pencil and a brush.
  • Windows Phone - the purple logo made from 4 squares and this letters: "W do s ho e".
  • Google Maps - the blue and red letters: "Go  ema s".
  • Safari - is the blue compass.
  • FBI - the blue circle logo outlined in yellow. Inside there are two yellow circles and 13 yellow stars.

  • Playstation Move - is the blue curved line with this black letters under it: "P ys at n M ve".
  • Max Payne - is the black rectangle with an man holding a gun inside.
  • Call of Duty - is the black letters "C llfd Y".
  • Australian Open - is the logo colored in orange and blue, and inside there is a black tennis player.
  • Pimp My Ride - is the yellow letters "P m y R e".
  • French Open - is the green circle with a orange circle inside. In the orange circle there are 4 white lines and this two letters: "RG".
  • My Space - is the logo made from 3 black head followed by this letters: "ys a e".
  • Canal+ - is the black rectangle with two white characters inside: "N +".
  • US Open - is the yellow tennis ball with flames, followed by a red curved line.
  • Diners Club International - is the white circle with an vertical line inside, on a blue background.
  • Maestro - the one made from two circles, one blue and the other red, and above the there are 3 white letters: "a s r".
  • RMHC - the black outlined house with two hands inside, and a red heard above.

Update notes:
  • Updated the logos that have new design, because the game had a major update.
  • Updated descriptions for the new logos.
  • Some spelling errors are fixed.

Level 13 | Level 14 | Level 15 | Level 16 | Level 17

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  1. In pic. 2: the house with the two hands is RMHC -> Ronald McDonald House Charities.

  2. Tony & Guy should be Toni & Guy

  3. Wich is the last one?

  4. diners club is wrong? what is it please?

  5. Diners Club International
