Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Trivia Crack Letter "Thi... - V..." Answers

Trivia Crack "Thi... - V..." Answers
Thimbu is the capital of what country? Bhutan
This sport was born in India, men can win the Thomas Cup and women, the Uber Cup. What sport is it? Badminton
This was the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany during the Cold War? Bonn
Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny met in Dartmouth, and decided to create an easy-to-use computer language. What’s its name? BASIC
Three of the following elements are highly magnetic. Which of these is NOT one of them? Aluminum
Through what Belgian region did Germany invade France in 1940? The Ardennes
Through what do spiders breathe? The abdomen
Through what does an animal with cutaneus respiration breathe? Skin
Tibet is controlled by what country? China
Tito was the dictator of what country? Yugoslavia
To be or not to be Is the beginning of a monologue by which Shakesperean character? Hamlet
To what European country do you need to go to visit the world’s most famous leaning tower? Italy
To what TV series would you relate the Dharma iniciative? Lost
To what are photosensitive materials sensitive? To light
To what art movement does Góngora belong? Baroque
To what chemical element was the devil related in the Middle Age? Sulphur
To what city were Harry and Sally travelling when they first met? New York
To what classical genre did composer Claude Debussy belong? Impressionism
To what country do you need to go to visit the Banaue Rice Terraces? The Philippines
To what country does Zanzibar island belong? Tanzania
To what country would you relate the ‘blackshirts’? Italy
To what does ‘the green mile’ refer? The Death Row
To what famous singer is rapper Jay-Z married? Beyoncé
To what historical event would you relate the ‘tank man’ or ‘unknown rebel’? Protests in Tiananmen Square, Beijing
To what language family does Arabic belong? Semitic languages
To what movie would you relate the character Rick Blaine? Casablanca
To what music genre does musician and composer John Fahey belong? All are correct
To what myth is the Olympic flame related? Prometheus
To what mythology does the creature called Ifrit relate? Arabic
To what number do the points of the opposite sides of a dice add up? Seven
To what philosophical school did John Locke belong? Empiricism
To what philosophical school did Thales, Anaximenes and Anaximander belong? Presocratic
To what planet relates the Cassini Division? Saturn
To what religion would you relate the cabbala? Judaism
To what sport would you relate Emanuel Ginóbili? Basketball
To what would you relate the ‘Streisand effect’? Internet and censorship
To what would you relate the Goldbach conjecture? Mathematics
To which TV personality and comedienne was Tom Arnold married? Roseanne Barr
To which country do The Galápagos Islands belong? Ecuador
To which group of Greek islands does Kalymnos belong? Dodecanese
To which of the following bands did bass player Geordy White, better known as Twiggy Ramirez, belong? All of them
To which of the following countries does the Galapagos Islands belong? Ecuador
To which organ of the body does the adjective adrenal relate? Kidney
To which state would you relate the groups Fatah and Hamas? Palestine
To who did Vincent van Gogh give his left earlobe after he cut his ear off? A prostitute
Togo is located in what continent? Africa
Tom Delonge became famous with his band?? Blink-182
Tom Hanks won the Best Actor Oscar in two consecutive years. What are the names of the movies he acted in? Philadelphia And Forrest Gump
Tom Hiddleston has played which of these characters? Loki
Tomislav Nikolik is the president of what country? Serbia
Tommy Lee is the drummer of which rock band? Motley Crue
Top Gun, Vanilla Sky and A Few Good Men are all movies starred by which leading actor? Tom Cruise
Toronto is the main port of which of the Great Lakes? Ontario
Tula, Amur, Kostroma and Oremburg are provinces of what country? Russia
Under the orders of what Roman emperor was the Colosseum of Rome built? Vespasian
Under what name was the pirate Samuel Bellamy known? Black Sam
Unsurprisingly, what country’s official animal is the panda? China
V=IR is the basic formula for whose law of electricity? Ohm
VE is the international code for what country? Venezuela
Valborg is the capital of what country? None of these
Valletta is the capital of what country? Malta
Vander Carioca is related to what sport? Futsal
Vientiane is the capital of what country? Laos
Vilnius is the capital of what country? Lituania
Viruses contain what? None of these
Trivia Crack "Thi... - V..." Answers, Cheats, Solutions, Walkthrough for AndroidiPhone, iPad, iPod
Note: This is "Trivia Crack" by "Etermax"

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