Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Trivia Crack Letter "What is the last.... - What is the name..." Answers

Trivia Crack "What is the last.... - What is the name..." Answers
What is the last book of The Hunger Games? Mockingjay
What is the last country Nile river passes through? Egypt
What is the last letter in the Greek alphabet? Omega
What is the last name of the family in the TV series ‘Family Guy’? Griffin
What is the latin name for gold? Aurum
What is the latin word for knee cap? Patella
What is the latitude of the Equator? 0
What is the least visited country in Asia? Turkmenistan
What is the length of a marathon? 42 km
What is the liquid part of blood? Plasma
What is the literary term for two opposite words put together? Oxymoron
What is the lobe located at the front of the brain? Frontal
What is the longest US river? Mississippi River
What is the longest bone in the forearm? Radius
What is the longest bone in the human body? Femur
What is the longest human nerve? Sciatic Nerve
What is the longest mountain range in the world and in what continent is it? Andes, South America
What is the longest river in the USA? The Mississippi
What is the longest venomous snake species in the world? king cobra
What is the longest-running animated series on the channel, Nickelodeon? Spongebob Squarepants
What is the main cause of diabetes? Increased levels of glucose
What is the main component OF papyrus? A Plant
What is the main currency of Estonia? Euro
What is the main ethnic group in China? Han
What is the main function of cholesterol in cell membranes? Helps maintain fluidity
What is the main function of mucus? Immunologic defense
What is the main grain used for brewing beer? Barley
What is the main language of Brazil? Portuguese
What is the main religion in France? Catholicism
What is the main religion in Greece? Orthodox
What is the main religion in India? Hinduism
What is the main religion in Japan? Buddhism
What is the main religion in Mexico? Catholicism
What is the main religion in Russia? Orthodox
What is the main religion in Spain? Catholicism
What is the main religion in the United Kingdom? Protestantism
What is the mascot of the University of Georgia? Bulldogs
What is the mascot used by the American government to promote the preservation of forests? Smokey The Bear
What is the math expression for Newton’s Second Law ? F=ma
What is the max amount of points you can bowl in bowling? 300
What is the maximum number of games you can play in a basketball playoff? 7
What is the meaning of Veni Vidi Vici? I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
What is the meaning of the popular word “lol”? Laugh out loud
What is the mechanical animal that greyhounds chase during a race? A hare
What is the medical name for fingers and toes? Phalanges
What is the medical term for an infection of the heart ? Myocarditis
What is the medical term for bad breath? Halitosis
What is the medical term for chronic grieving? Melancholia
What is the medical term for collarbone? Clavicle
What is the melting point of ice? 0°C
What is the more common name for a clavicle? Collar bone
What is the most abundant element in the Solar System? Hydrogen
What is the most abundant element in the Universe? Hydrogen
What is the most common cause for an airplane crash? Human error
What is the most common material used to make the bristle of a paint brush? Animal Hairs
What is the most common religion found in South America? Roman Catholic
What is the most common transplanted organ? Kidney
What is the most commonly used search engine as of 2014? Google
What is the most expensive thing ever built? International Space Station
What is the most famous fashion avenue in New York City? 5th. avenue
What is the most famous frase of the movie “300”? “This is Sparta!”
What is the most famous piece of artwork located in the Louvre? Mona Lisa
What is the most flexible muscle in the human body? Tongue
What is the most known painting of Leonardo da Vinci? Mona Lisa
What is the most poisonous creature on earth? Box Jellyfish
What is the most popular sport in the United Arab Emirates? Horse Riding
What is the most popular sport in the United Arab Emirates? Horse Riding
What is the most populated Arab country? Egypt
What is the most populated city in Africa? Cairo
What is the most populated city in China? Shanghai
What is the most populated city in the Western Hemisphere? Sao Paulo
What is the most populated country in Africa? Nigeria
What is the most populated country on earth? China
What is the most populated state in the United states? California
What is the most populous city in the state of Louisiana? New Orleans, La
What is the most shoplifted book of all time? Bible
What is the most sold book world wide? Bible
What is the most sold book world wide? Bible
What is the most spoken language in Angola? Portuguese
What is the most spoken language in Angola? Portuguese
What is the most spoken language in Quebec? French
What is the most visited country in Latin America? Mexico
What is the most visited country in Latin America? Mexico
What is the most watched sport event in the world? FIFA World Cup
What is the most widely spoken language in Switzerland? German
What is the mountain range that divides Spain and France called? The Pyrenees
What is the movie based on the songs of the musical group ABBA? Mamma Mia
What is the movie based on the songs of the musical group ABBA? Mamma Mia
What is the musical term meaning to gradually get louder? Crescendo
What is the name for a charged atom or molecule? Ion
What is the name for the long, wide-sleeved robe worn mostly by Japanese women? Kimono
What is the name for the type of art portrait that deliberately exaggerates a person? Caricature
What is the name given to a flowing current of water that usually comes from a mountain? River
What is the name given to a word or phrase that reads the same backward and forward? Palindrome
What is the name given to diffusion of water across a membrane? Osmosis
What is the name given to the Argentine Rugby team? Los Pumas
What is the name given to the NFL final? Super Bowl
What is the name given to the bike for two people? Tandem
What is the name given to the elements in the last group of the periodic table? Noble gases
What is the name of Alan’s son in Two And A Half Men? Jake Harper
What is the name of Ariel’s fish friend on The Little Mermaid? Flounder
What is the name of Ash’s electric Pokémon? Pikachu
What is the name of Baby Spice, from the group Spice Girls? Emma Bunton
What is the name of Batman’s butler? Alfred Pennyworth
What is the name of Beyonce’s old band? Destiny’s Child
What is the name of Beyoncé’s first band? Destiny’s Child
What is the name of Canada’s first Prime Minister? Stephen Harper
What is the name of Danny Tanner’s youngest daughter in “Full House”? Michelle
What is the name of Florida’s baseball team? Marlins
What is the name of Homer Simpson’s mother? Mona
What is the name of Iron Man`s girlfriend? Pepper
What is the name of Iron Man’s computer assistant? Jarvis
What is the name of James Bond’s character in “Licence to kill”? Timothy Dalton
What is the name of Johnny Quest’s dog? Bandit
What is the name of Kant’s fundamental work? Critique of Pure Reason
What is the name of Matilda’s school principal? Ms. Trunchbull
What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s dog? Pluto
What is the name of Mickey’s dog? Pluto
What is the name of Neville Longbottom’s toad? Trevor
What is the name of New Zealand’s national rugby league team? All Blacks
What is the name of Nirvana’s first album? Bleach
What is the name of Odysseus wife, who remained sowing while awaiting her husband’s return? Penelope
What is the name of Phineas and Ferb’s platypus? Perry
What is the name of Phoebe’s twin sister in Friends? Ursula
What is the name of Prince William’s son? George
What is the name of Ron’s sister in “Harry Potter”? Ginny
What is the name of Seattle’s baseball team? The Mariners
What is the name of Seattle’s baseball team? The Mariners
What is the name of Shakira’s foundation? Barefoot
What is the name of Sherlock Holmes’ brother? Mycroft
What is the name of Spongebob’s best friend? Patrick
What is the name of Spongebob’s boss at the Krusty Krab? Mr. Krabs
What is the name of Timmy Turner’s blonde friend from ” The Fairy OddParents “? Chester McBadbat
What is the name of Timmy Turner’s hometown? Dimmsdale
What is the name of a male horse? Stallion
What is the name of captain Hooks ship in the tall tale story Peter Pan? The Jolly Roger
What is the name of our galaxy? Milky Way
What is the name of restaurant where SpongeBob works? The Krusty Krab
What is the name of restaurant where SpongeBob works? The Krusty Krab
What is the name of the ‘Silver Pharoh’, the most recently discovered Egyptian Pharoh? Psusennes l
What is the name of the Canal that connects the Atlantic and the Pacific? Panama Canal
What is the name of the Doctor’s time machine? TARDIS
What is the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom? Athena
What is the name of the Grey Hulk while he worked in Las Vegas? Mr. Fix-it
What is the name of the Korean artist who sings “Gangnam Style”? PSY
What is the name of the MLB team located in Arizona? Diamondbacks
What is the name of the NFL player who legally changed their last name to “Ocho-Cinco”? Chad Johnson
What is the name of the Olympian goddess of love and beauty? Aphrodite
What is the name of the Spartan king in the movie “300”? Leonidas
What is the name of the Star in the movie ‘Divergent’? Shailene Woodley
What is the name of the actor that plays Troy Bolton in High School Musical? Zac Efron
What is the name of the actor that plays the role of Walter White in the series Breaking Bad? Bryan Cranston
What is the name of the actor who portrayed Jesse Pinkman on the TV series Breaking Bad? Aaron Paul
What is the name of the actor who portrays ‘Mr.Bean’? Rowan Atkinson
What is the name of the actress that plays Gloria on Modern Family? Sofia Vergara
What is the name of the animation studio that works with Disney? Pixar
What is the name of the author of The Snow Queen and The Little Mermaid? Hans Christian Andersen
What is the name of the battle where Napoleon was finally defeated? Waterloo
What is the name of the battle where Napoleon was finally defeated? Waterloo
What is the name of the blood vessel that carries deoxegenated blood from the heart to the lungs? pulmonary artery
What is the name of the blue phone box in which The Doctor from “Doctor Who” travels? Tardis
What is the name of the boxer who took a bite of his opponents ear? Mike Tyson
What is the name of the cat in Stuart Little? Snowy
What is the name of the cat that goes after Jerry? Tom
What is the name of the component used to store energy in an electric field? Capacitor
What is the name of the cord that connects the surfboard to the surfer? Strep
What is the name of the cow who appeared in a large number of Mickey Mouse cartoons? Clarabelle
What is the name of the cyclops in the Oddssey? Polyphemus
What is the name of the disease that involves abnormal cell multiplication? Cancer
What is the name of the dog on Family Guy? Brian
What is the name of the dwarf in Game of Thrones? Tyrion
What is the name of the dynasty in China in 15th century? Ming
What is the name of the evil queen of Snow-White in the fantasy series “Once Upon a Time”? Regina
What is the name of the famous talking dog in the movie Men in Black? Frank
What is the name of the fault line in California that causes frequent earthquakes? San Andreas
What is the name of the fictional country in “The Princess Diaries”? Genovia
What is the name of the giant bunny in “Donnie Darko”? Frank
What is the name of the girl Katniss befriends in the 74th annual Hunger Games? Rue
What is the name of the girl Katniss befriends in the 74th annual Hunger Games? Rue
What is the name of the green dinosaur in the movie Toy Story? Rex
What is the name of the green dinosaur in the movie Toy Story? Rex
What is the name of the green one-eyed monster in Monsters Inc.? Mike Wazowski
What is the name of the grinch’s dog? Max
What is the name of the hand in the TV show the Addams Family? Thing
What is the name of the historical event in which protesters destroyed shipments of tea by throwing them into the Boston Harbor? Boston Tea Party
What is the name of the human form of the Hulk (Marvel Comics)? Bruce Banner
What is the name of the hydrocarbon C3H8? Propane
What is the name of the island where Napoleon was born? Corsica
What is the name of the lamp in Pixar Animation Studios’ logo? Luxo Jr.
What is the name of the largest fresh water lake in the United States? Lake Superior
What is the name of the largest rodent species found in South America? Capybara
What is the name of the last state entered into the USA? Hawaii
What is the name of the lawyer in Breaking Bad? Saul
What is the name of the lead ape from the movies “Rise of the planet of the Apes” Caesar
What is the name of the main character in ‘The Legend of Zelda’? Link
What is the name of the main character in God of War? Kratos
What is the name of the main character in the novel “Les Miserables”? Jean Valjean
What is the name of the main character whose dad died in the Disney movie “The Lion King”? Simba
What is the name of the main family in The Wizards of Waverly Place? The Russos
What is the name of the main villain in “Avatar: The Last Airbender”? Ozai
What is the name of the membrane around the heart? Pericardium
What is the name of the most inferior section of the spine? Coccyx
What is the name of the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien that precludes his famous Lord of the Rings trilogy? The Hobbit
What is the name of the novel for young wizards in Harry Potter? Tales Of Beedle The Bard
What is the name of the only Irish member of the band One Direction? Niall Horan
What is the name of the original configuration of the continents? Pangea
What is the name of the outside part of the ear? Auricle
What is the name of the oven that ceramics are typically fired in? Kiln
What is the name of the pirate from Spongebob? Patchy
What is the name of the popular designer breed of dog, that is half poodle and half Labrador retriever? Labradoodle
What is the name of the prince in “The Sleeping Beauty” story? Phillip
What is the name of the princess in Mario Bros? Peach
What is the name of the princess in The Legend of Zelda series? Zelda
What is the name of the princess in the movie ‘The Princess Diaries’? Mia
What is the name of the process of converting the information stored in the DNA to the RNA? Transcription
What is the name of the process of formation of the eggs and the sperm? Gametogenesis
What is the name of the protagonist from “The Phantom of the Opera”? Erick
What is the name of the protagonist from the Halo videogame series? Master Chief
What is the name of the pug in Men In Black? Frank
What is the name of the punctuation mark “…”? Ellipsis
What is the name of the scientist that discovered Uranus? William Herschel
What is the name of the sea witch in The Little Mermaid? Ursula
What is the name of the second film of the Hunger Games? Catching Fire
What is the name of the secret organization where Batman was trained? The League of Shadows
What is the name of the snowman in Disney’s Frozen? Olaf
What is the name of the soundtrack in the movie “Titanic”? My heart will go on
What is the name of the sport played on ice, without skates, using a broom? Curling
What is the name of the study of carbon and hydrogen compounds? Organic chemistry
What is the name of the style in which you swim on your back? Backstroke
What is the name of the supercontinent involved in the theory of continental drift? Pangea
What is the name of the supercontinent involved in the theory of continental drift? Pangea
What is the name of the time machine inventor in the movie saga “Back to the future”? Emmett
What is the name of the triangle formed by three islands believed to be cursed? Bermuda triangle
What is the name of the villain from Disney’s “101 Dalmatians”? Cruella De Vil
What is the name of the vocalist of the rock band Black Sabbath? Ozzy Osbourne
What is the name of the water God? Poseidon
What is the name of the world’s biggest ocean? Pacific ocean
What is the name of this symbol “ Ampersand
Trivia Crack "What is the last.... - What is the name..." Answers, Cheats, Solutions, Walkthrough for AndroidiPhone, iPad, iPod
Note: This is "Trivia Crack" by "Etermax"

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