Trivia Crack "What is the last.... - What is the name..." Answers | ![]() | |
Question | Answer | |
What is the last book of The Hunger Games? | Mockingjay | |
What is the last country Nile river passes through? | Egypt | |
What is the last letter in the Greek alphabet? | Omega | |
What is the last name of the family in the TV series ‘Family Guy’? | Griffin | |
What is the latin name for gold? | Aurum | |
What is the latin word for knee cap? | Patella | |
What is the latitude of the Equator? | 0 | |
What is the least visited country in Asia? | Turkmenistan | |
What is the length of a marathon? | 42 km | |
What is the liquid part of blood? | Plasma | |
What is the literary term for two opposite words put together? | Oxymoron | |
What is the lobe located at the front of the brain? | Frontal | |
What is the longest US river? | Mississippi River | |
What is the longest bone in the forearm? | Radius | |
What is the longest bone in the human body? | Femur | |
What is the longest human nerve? | Sciatic Nerve | |
What is the longest mountain range in the world and in what continent is it? | Andes, South America | |
What is the longest river in the USA? | The Mississippi | |
What is the longest venomous snake species in the world? | king cobra | |
What is the longest-running animated series on the channel, Nickelodeon? | Spongebob Squarepants | |
What is the main cause of diabetes? | Increased levels of glucose | |
What is the main component OF papyrus? | A Plant | |
What is the main currency of Estonia? | Euro | |
What is the main ethnic group in China? | Han | |
What is the main function of cholesterol in cell membranes? | Helps maintain fluidity | |
What is the main function of mucus? | Immunologic defense | |
What is the main grain used for brewing beer? | Barley | |
What is the main language of Brazil? | Portuguese | |
What is the main religion in France? | Catholicism | |
What is the main religion in Greece? | Orthodox | |
What is the main religion in India? | Hinduism | |
What is the main religion in Japan? | Buddhism | |
What is the main religion in Mexico? | Catholicism | |
What is the main religion in Russia? | Orthodox | |
What is the main religion in Spain? | Catholicism | |
What is the main religion in the United Kingdom? | Protestantism | |
What is the mascot of the University of Georgia? | Bulldogs | |
What is the mascot used by the American government to promote the preservation of forests? | Smokey The Bear | |
What is the math expression for Newton’s Second Law ? | F=ma | |
What is the max amount of points you can bowl in bowling? | 300 | |
What is the maximum number of games you can play in a basketball playoff? | 7 | |
What is the meaning of Veni Vidi Vici? | I Came, I Saw, I Conquered | |
What is the meaning of the popular word “lol”? | Laugh out loud | |
What is the mechanical animal that greyhounds chase during a race? | A hare | |
What is the medical name for fingers and toes? | Phalanges | |
What is the medical term for an infection of the heart ? | Myocarditis | |
What is the medical term for bad breath? | Halitosis | |
What is the medical term for chronic grieving? | Melancholia | |
What is the medical term for collarbone? | Clavicle | |
What is the melting point of ice? | 0°C | |
What is the more common name for a clavicle? | Collar bone | |
What is the most abundant element in the Solar System? | Hydrogen | |
What is the most abundant element in the Universe? | Hydrogen | |
What is the most common cause for an airplane crash? | Human error | |
What is the most common material used to make the bristle of a paint brush? | Animal Hairs | |
What is the most common religion found in South America? | Roman Catholic | |
What is the most common transplanted organ? | Kidney | |
What is the most commonly used search engine as of 2014? | ||
What is the most expensive thing ever built? | International Space Station | |
What is the most famous fashion avenue in New York City? | 5th. avenue | |
What is the most famous frase of the movie “300”? | “This is Sparta!” | |
What is the most famous piece of artwork located in the Louvre? | Mona Lisa | |
What is the most flexible muscle in the human body? | Tongue | |
What is the most known painting of Leonardo da Vinci? | Mona Lisa | |
What is the most poisonous creature on earth? | Box Jellyfish | |
What is the most popular sport in the United Arab Emirates? | Horse Riding | |
What is the most popular sport in the United Arab Emirates? | Horse Riding | |
What is the most populated Arab country? | Egypt | |
What is the most populated city in Africa? | Cairo | |
What is the most populated city in China? | Shanghai | |
What is the most populated city in the Western Hemisphere? | Sao Paulo | |
What is the most populated country in Africa? | Nigeria | |
What is the most populated country on earth? | China | |
What is the most populated state in the United states? | California | |
What is the most populous city in the state of Louisiana? | New Orleans, La | |
What is the most shoplifted book of all time? | Bible | |
What is the most sold book world wide? | Bible | |
What is the most sold book world wide? | Bible | |
What is the most spoken language in Angola? | Portuguese | |
What is the most spoken language in Angola? | Portuguese | |
What is the most spoken language in Quebec? | French | |
What is the most visited country in Latin America? | Mexico | |
What is the most visited country in Latin America? | Mexico | |
What is the most watched sport event in the world? | FIFA World Cup | |
What is the most widely spoken language in Switzerland? | German | |
What is the mountain range that divides Spain and France called? | The Pyrenees | |
What is the movie based on the songs of the musical group ABBA? | Mamma Mia | |
What is the movie based on the songs of the musical group ABBA? | Mamma Mia | |
What is the musical term meaning to gradually get louder? | Crescendo | |
What is the name for a charged atom or molecule? | Ion | |
What is the name for the long, wide-sleeved robe worn mostly by Japanese women? | Kimono | |
What is the name for the type of art portrait that deliberately exaggerates a person? | Caricature | |
What is the name given to a flowing current of water that usually comes from a mountain? | River | |
What is the name given to a word or phrase that reads the same backward and forward? | Palindrome | |
What is the name given to diffusion of water across a membrane? | Osmosis | |
What is the name given to the Argentine Rugby team? | Los Pumas | |
What is the name given to the NFL final? | Super Bowl | |
What is the name given to the bike for two people? | Tandem | |
What is the name given to the elements in the last group of the periodic table? | Noble gases | |
What is the name of Alan’s son in Two And A Half Men? | Jake Harper | |
What is the name of Ariel’s fish friend on The Little Mermaid? | Flounder | |
What is the name of Ash’s electric Pokémon? | Pikachu | |
What is the name of Baby Spice, from the group Spice Girls? | Emma Bunton | |
What is the name of Batman’s butler? | Alfred Pennyworth | |
What is the name of Beyonce’s old band? | Destiny’s Child | |
What is the name of Beyoncé’s first band? | Destiny’s Child | |
What is the name of Canada’s first Prime Minister? | Stephen Harper | |
What is the name of Danny Tanner’s youngest daughter in “Full House”? | Michelle | |
What is the name of Florida’s baseball team? | Marlins | |
What is the name of Homer Simpson’s mother? | Mona | |
What is the name of Iron Man`s girlfriend? | Pepper | |
What is the name of Iron Man’s computer assistant? | Jarvis | |
What is the name of James Bond’s character in “Licence to kill”? | Timothy Dalton | |
What is the name of Johnny Quest’s dog? | Bandit | |
What is the name of Kant’s fundamental work? | Critique of Pure Reason | |
What is the name of Matilda’s school principal? | Ms. Trunchbull | |
What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s dog? | Pluto | |
What is the name of Mickey’s dog? | Pluto | |
What is the name of Neville Longbottom’s toad? | Trevor | |
What is the name of New Zealand’s national rugby league team? | All Blacks | |
What is the name of Nirvana’s first album? | Bleach | |
What is the name of Odysseus wife, who remained sowing while awaiting her husband’s return? | Penelope | |
What is the name of Phineas and Ferb’s platypus? | Perry | |
What is the name of Phoebe’s twin sister in Friends? | Ursula | |
What is the name of Prince William’s son? | George | |
What is the name of Ron’s sister in “Harry Potter”? | Ginny | |
What is the name of Seattle’s baseball team? | The Mariners | |
What is the name of Seattle’s baseball team? | The Mariners | |
What is the name of Shakira’s foundation? | Barefoot | |
What is the name of Sherlock Holmes’ brother? | Mycroft | |
What is the name of Spongebob’s best friend? | Patrick | |
What is the name of Spongebob’s boss at the Krusty Krab? | Mr. Krabs | |
What is the name of Timmy Turner’s blonde friend from ” The Fairy OddParents “? | Chester McBadbat | |
What is the name of Timmy Turner’s hometown? | Dimmsdale | |
What is the name of a male horse? | Stallion | |
What is the name of captain Hooks ship in the tall tale story Peter Pan? | The Jolly Roger | |
What is the name of our galaxy? | Milky Way | |
What is the name of restaurant where SpongeBob works? | The Krusty Krab | |
What is the name of restaurant where SpongeBob works? | The Krusty Krab | |
What is the name of the ‘Silver Pharoh’, the most recently discovered Egyptian Pharoh? | Psusennes l | |
What is the name of the Canal that connects the Atlantic and the Pacific? | Panama Canal | |
What is the name of the Doctor’s time machine? | TARDIS | |
What is the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom? | Athena | |
What is the name of the Grey Hulk while he worked in Las Vegas? | Mr. Fix-it | |
What is the name of the Korean artist who sings “Gangnam Style”? | PSY | |
What is the name of the MLB team located in Arizona? | Diamondbacks | |
What is the name of the NFL player who legally changed their last name to “Ocho-Cinco”? | Chad Johnson | |
What is the name of the Olympian goddess of love and beauty? | Aphrodite | |
What is the name of the Spartan king in the movie “300”? | Leonidas | |
What is the name of the Star in the movie ‘Divergent’? | Shailene Woodley | |
What is the name of the actor that plays Troy Bolton in High School Musical? | Zac Efron | |
What is the name of the actor that plays the role of Walter White in the series Breaking Bad? | Bryan Cranston | |
What is the name of the actor who portrayed Jesse Pinkman on the TV series Breaking Bad? | Aaron Paul | |
What is the name of the actor who portrays ‘Mr.Bean’? | Rowan Atkinson | |
What is the name of the actress that plays Gloria on Modern Family? | Sofia Vergara | |
What is the name of the animation studio that works with Disney? | Pixar | |
What is the name of the author of The Snow Queen and The Little Mermaid? | Hans Christian Andersen | |
What is the name of the battle where Napoleon was finally defeated? | Waterloo | |
What is the name of the battle where Napoleon was finally defeated? | Waterloo | |
What is the name of the blood vessel that carries deoxegenated blood from the heart to the lungs? | pulmonary artery | |
What is the name of the blue phone box in which The Doctor from “Doctor Who” travels? | Tardis | |
What is the name of the boxer who took a bite of his opponents ear? | Mike Tyson | |
What is the name of the cat in Stuart Little? | Snowy | |
What is the name of the cat that goes after Jerry? | Tom | |
What is the name of the component used to store energy in an electric field? | Capacitor | |
What is the name of the cord that connects the surfboard to the surfer? | Strep | |
What is the name of the cow who appeared in a large number of Mickey Mouse cartoons? | Clarabelle | |
What is the name of the cyclops in the Oddssey? | Polyphemus | |
What is the name of the disease that involves abnormal cell multiplication? | Cancer | |
What is the name of the dog on Family Guy? | Brian | |
What is the name of the dwarf in Game of Thrones? | Tyrion | |
What is the name of the dynasty in China in 15th century? | Ming | |
What is the name of the evil queen of Snow-White in the fantasy series “Once Upon a Time”? | Regina | |
What is the name of the famous talking dog in the movie Men in Black? | Frank | |
What is the name of the fault line in California that causes frequent earthquakes? | San Andreas | |
What is the name of the fictional country in “The Princess Diaries”? | Genovia | |
What is the name of the giant bunny in “Donnie Darko”? | Frank | |
What is the name of the girl Katniss befriends in the 74th annual Hunger Games? | Rue | |
What is the name of the girl Katniss befriends in the 74th annual Hunger Games? | Rue | |
What is the name of the green dinosaur in the movie Toy Story? | Rex | |
What is the name of the green dinosaur in the movie Toy Story? | Rex | |
What is the name of the green one-eyed monster in Monsters Inc.? | Mike Wazowski | |
What is the name of the grinch’s dog? | Max | |
What is the name of the hand in the TV show the Addams Family? | Thing | |
What is the name of the historical event in which protesters destroyed shipments of tea by throwing them into the Boston Harbor? | Boston Tea Party | |
What is the name of the human form of the Hulk (Marvel Comics)? | Bruce Banner | |
What is the name of the hydrocarbon C3H8? | Propane | |
What is the name of the island where Napoleon was born? | Corsica | |
What is the name of the lamp in Pixar Animation Studios’ logo? | Luxo Jr. | |
What is the name of the largest fresh water lake in the United States? | Lake Superior | |
What is the name of the largest rodent species found in South America? | Capybara | |
What is the name of the last state entered into the USA? | Hawaii | |
What is the name of the lawyer in Breaking Bad? | Saul | |
What is the name of the lead ape from the movies “Rise of the planet of the Apes” | Caesar | |
What is the name of the main character in ‘The Legend of Zelda’? | Link | |
What is the name of the main character in God of War? | Kratos | |
What is the name of the main character in the novel “Les Miserables”? | Jean Valjean | |
What is the name of the main character whose dad died in the Disney movie “The Lion King”? | Simba | |
What is the name of the main family in The Wizards of Waverly Place? | The Russos | |
What is the name of the main villain in “Avatar: The Last Airbender”? | Ozai | |
What is the name of the membrane around the heart? | Pericardium | |
What is the name of the most inferior section of the spine? | Coccyx | |
What is the name of the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien that precludes his famous Lord of the Rings trilogy? | The Hobbit | |
What is the name of the novel for young wizards in Harry Potter? | Tales Of Beedle The Bard | |
What is the name of the only Irish member of the band One Direction? | Niall Horan | |
What is the name of the original configuration of the continents? | Pangea | |
What is the name of the outside part of the ear? | Auricle | |
What is the name of the oven that ceramics are typically fired in? | Kiln | |
What is the name of the pirate from Spongebob? | Patchy | |
What is the name of the popular designer breed of dog, that is half poodle and half Labrador retriever? | Labradoodle | |
What is the name of the prince in “The Sleeping Beauty” story? | Phillip | |
What is the name of the princess in Mario Bros? | Peach | |
What is the name of the princess in The Legend of Zelda series? | Zelda | |
What is the name of the princess in the movie ‘The Princess Diaries’? | Mia | |
What is the name of the process of converting the information stored in the DNA to the RNA? | Transcription | |
What is the name of the process of formation of the eggs and the sperm? | Gametogenesis | |
What is the name of the protagonist from “The Phantom of the Opera”? | Erick | |
What is the name of the protagonist from the Halo videogame series? | Master Chief | |
What is the name of the pug in Men In Black? | Frank | |
What is the name of the punctuation mark “…”? | Ellipsis | |
What is the name of the scientist that discovered Uranus? | William Herschel | |
What is the name of the sea witch in The Little Mermaid? | Ursula | |
What is the name of the second film of the Hunger Games? | Catching Fire | |
What is the name of the secret organization where Batman was trained? | The League of Shadows | |
What is the name of the snowman in Disney’s Frozen? | Olaf | |
What is the name of the soundtrack in the movie “Titanic”? | My heart will go on | |
What is the name of the sport played on ice, without skates, using a broom? | Curling | |
What is the name of the study of carbon and hydrogen compounds? | Organic chemistry | |
What is the name of the style in which you swim on your back? | Backstroke | |
What is the name of the supercontinent involved in the theory of continental drift? | Pangea | |
What is the name of the supercontinent involved in the theory of continental drift? | Pangea | |
What is the name of the time machine inventor in the movie saga “Back to the future”? | Emmett | |
What is the name of the triangle formed by three islands believed to be cursed? | Bermuda triangle | |
What is the name of the villain from Disney’s “101 Dalmatians”? | Cruella De Vil | |
What is the name of the vocalist of the rock band Black Sabbath? | Ozzy Osbourne | |
What is the name of the water God? | Poseidon | |
What is the name of the world’s biggest ocean? | Pacific ocean | |
What is the name of this symbol “ | Ampersand |
Note: This is "Trivia Crack" by "Etermax"
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