Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Trivia Crack Letter "H - How Long" Answers

Trivia Crack "H - How Long" Answers
HIV is an immune invader of what lymphocyte? T helper
Harley-Davidson gave around 20.000 motorbikes to the American army for what war? First World War
Harrison Ford announced in August 2003, that he would make a fourth film playing which role? Indiana Jones
Hawaii is surrounded by what ocean? Pacific
Heliophobia is the fear of? The sun
Henri Cartier-Bresson is considered to be the father of the photographic report. Where was he from? France
Henry VIII created his own church so he could divorce which wife? Catherine of Aragon
Hodor is the servant that carries Bran Stark around on his back in the TV series ‘Game of Thrones’. What’s his favourite sentence? Hodor
How are Elements arranged on the periodic table? Atomic Number
How are hockey games started? Face Off
How are nucleic acids shaped? Helix
How are the holes of Swiss cheese made? Carbon dioxide
How are the membranes that protect the brain and the spine called? Meninges
How are those who embrace the dark side of the force called in the Star Wars saga? Sith
How can we also call the inflammation of the skin? Dermatitis
How can you calculate the age of a tree? Counting the rings of its trunk
How can you distinguish a tiger mosquito from a common mosquito? All are correct
How can you surgically cure myopia, astigmatism and long-sightedness in a few minutes? Laser
How did Adolf Hitler die? Suicide
How did Carrie Underwood start her singing career? American Idol
How did Cleopatra die? She killed herself
How did Cuauhtémoc, the last Aztec king, die? Killed by the Spaniards
How did Da Vinci make it hard for people to read his notebook? Writing From Right To Left
How did Don Quixote call his loved one? Dulcinea
How did Don Quixote die? In bed
How did Jacques de Molay, the last Templar Grand Master, die? He was burnt
How did Joan of Arch die? She was burnt
How did Juliet die in ‘Romeo and Juliet’? She stabbed herself
How did Madame Currie die? Radiation poisoning
How did Morocco claim his rights over the Spanish Sahara in 1975? Green March
How did Napoleon Bonaparte seize power? With a coup d’état
How did Pancho Villa die? Murdered
How did Pelé score his goal number 1.000? Penalty
How did Thomas Jefferson die? Poisoned
How did Wednesday Addams do her hair? Two braids
How did the Greek philospher Socrates die? Drinking Poison
How did the first railways work? With coal
How did the prince wake the Sleeping Beauty up? Kissing her
How did the singer, musician and songwriter Jeff Buckley die? Drowned in a river
How do Jewish people call the holocaust? Shoah
How do bees from a hive distinguish bees that belong to another one? The color
How do dogs cool down? With their tongues
How do marmots warn the others when something dangerous is coming? They whistle
How do otters open oysters? With a stone
How do they kill the shark in Jaws? Exploding it by shooting a scuba tank
How do we call a goal when we don’t know for sure if the ball went into the goal or not? Ghost goal
How do we call a persistent obsession with health? Hypochondria
How do we call a small, low-elevation, sandy island formed on the surface of a coral reef? Cay
How do we call someone who has delusional fantasies of power or omnipotence? Megalomaniac
How do we call the European political relationships between 1870 and 1914? Peace through strength
How do we call the Greek columns shaped as a woman? Caryatid
How do we call the animal or vegetabe with genital organs of both sexes? Hermaphrodite
How do we call the books that compile chronologically historical events? Chronicles
How do we call the duration of time required for the Solar System to orbit once around the center of the Milky Way galaxy? Cosmic year
How do we call the last part of the small intestine? Ileum
How do we call the modern poem that does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, and tends to follow the rythm of natural speech? Free verse
How do we call the numbers without fractional or decimal components plus zero? Integers
How do we call the person who doesn’t have melanine in the skin’s melanocytes? Albino
How do we call the presence of heating or cooling at an electrified junction of two different conductors? Peltier effect
How do we call the repetition of sounds in the verses of a strophe? Rhyme
How do we call the sores in the digestive tubes, usually accompanied by disintegration of tissue? Ulcer
How do we know the Italian artist and sculptor whose real name was Michelangelo Buonarroti? Michelangelo
How do we know the artist whose real name was Michelangelo Merisi? Caravaggio
How do we know the chemical compound H2O2? Hydrogen peroxide
How do we measure the intensity of electric current? Ampères
How do we measure the size of a screen? Inches
How do we name an injury to flesh or skin caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation? Burn
How do we name the animals that don’t have bones? Invertebrates
How do you call the sleep disorder in which the subject is asleep but his mind is conscious? Sleep Paralysis
How do you find the density of an object? Mass Divided By Volume
How do you keep score in tennis? 15, 30, 40, game
How do you measure distance in space? Light Years
How do you measure the acidity of a liquid? Ph Scale
How do you say ‘hello’ in Spanish? Hola
How do you say ‘love’ in Spanish? Amor
How do you say “hello” in French? Bonjour
How do you win in volleyball? Scored 25 Points And Is Ahead By 2 Points
How does Buddy impress the store owner in Elf? Decorates The Store
How does Captain Picard refer to Commander Riker in ‘Star Trek:The Next Generation’? No 1
How does Hamlet kill Polonius in the Shakespearean tragedy, Hamlet? Stabs him through a curtain
How does a basketball game start? Jump ball
How does a beaver signal to other beavers that danger is present? Slaps Tail On Water
How does a city become a megacity? By increasing its population over 10 mill
How does a person need to be so an autopsy can be done? Dead
How does a physician call the energy of movement? Kinetics
How does the following phrase continue :”Show them no fear…”? Show them no pain
How does the phrase “We must be swift as a coursing…” end? River
How does the sound propagate? In waves
How fast does hair grow? 15 cm/year
How fast does sound travel in the air? 344 m/s
How is ‘@’ pronounced? At
How is ‘Tatanka Yotanka’ better known? Sitting Bull
How is “Sucrose” commonly known? Sugar
How is Jervis Pendleton, from the novel ‘Daddy-Long-Legs’ by Jean Webster, otherwise known? Mr Smith
How is a basketball game started? Jumpball
How is a tooth cavity usually fixed? Filling it
How is hemophillia transmitted? It’s hereditary
How is it determined who gets the ball first in an NFL game? Coin Toss
How is rotation movement of the Earth? East to West
How is the Dead Sea also called? The Salt Sea
How is the actor Cornelius Crane Chase better known? Chevy Chase
How is the ancient Ottoman Empire called today? Turkey
How is the natural hallucinogenic substance ayahuasca consumed? Ingested
How is the process of copying a document from the Internet to a computer popularly known? Downloading
How is the speed of boats measured? Knots
How is the water transport between different concentrations known? Osmosis
How long are pools in Olympic swimming races? 50 meters
How long are rabbits pregnant for? 1 month
How long did the tv series Bonanza last? 14 years
How long do mature red blood cells live? 120 days
How long does a rugby match last? 80 minutes
How long does it take for the moon to orbit the earth? 28 days
How long does the average person take to fall asleep? Seven minutes
How long does the orgasm of pigs last? 30 minutes
How long does the orgasm of pigs last? 30 minutes
How long is a 4×8 relay in total? 3200M
How long is a NHL period? 20Min
How long is a basketball game international and in the NBA? 40/ 48 min
How long is a basketball match in the NBA? 48 minutes
How long is a quarter in the NFL.? 15:00
How long is a radius of a circle compared to the diameter? Half As Long
How long is a rugby game? 80 min
How long is a soccer match? 90 minutes
How long is a tennis match? There’s no time limit
How long is an Olympic size swimming pool? 50 meters
How long is the DNA molecule in a human cell? ~ 2 Meters
How long is the interval between the Olympics? 4 years
How long is the life span of the mosquito approximately? Three weeks
How long is the longest side of a tennis court? 23,78 m
How long is the office term of the President of the United States? 4 Years
How long is the river Nile? 6852 km
How long was Nelson Mandela in prison? 27 years
How loud is a sound when it enters in the threshold of pain? 120 dB
Trivia Crack "H - How Long" Answers, Cheats, Solutions, Walkthrough for AndroidiPhone, iPad, iPod
Note: This is "Trivia Crack" by "Etermax"


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