Saturday, October 24, 2015

Trivia Crack "Who... - Who invented..." Answers

Trivia Crack "Who... - Who invented..." Answers
Who ‘Takes it All’ according to ABBA? The Winner
Who “washed his hands” in front of Jesus? Pilatus
Who appears alongside the Beatles in the classic “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”? Eric Clapton
Who are Donald Duck’s nephews? Hugey, Dewey and Louie
Who are the actors that starred in the movie Silver Linnings Playbook? Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence
Who are the actors who play the leading roles in ‘Shame’? Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan
Who are the best friends in Disney Channel’s ‘Shake It Up!’? Rocky and CeCe
Who are the founders of Wikipedia? Jimmy Wales
Who are the main characters of the TV Show The Vampire Diaries? Damon, Stefan, Elena
Who are the three sons of Chronos? Poseidon, Hades and Zeus
Who are the two currently living Beatles members? Paul Mccartney
Who are the two main toys in Toy Story? Woody And Buzz
Who are the two pyramids in Mexico City dedicated to? The Sun and The Moon
Who asked ‘Are You Ready for Love?’ in the title of a 2003 hit? Elton John
Who assassinated the sixteenth president of the United States of America? John Wilkes Booth
Who assassinated the sixteenth president of the United States of America? John Wilkes Booth
Who became King of Spain in 2014? Felipe VI
Who became famous by writing the soundtracks of the Far West movies? Ennio Morricone
Who became the leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death? Nikita Khrushchev
Who bombed Pearl Harbor during WWII? Japan
Who broke Björn Borg’s five year spell of good luck in Wimbledon? John McEnroe
Who brought the Christian religion to the Roman Empire? Constantine
Who built the Sphinx? Egyptians
Who came after Wilhem Frick as Prime Minister of the Reich during the Second World War? Heinrich Himmler
Who came out with the humanist therapy that focuses on the person? Rogers
Who came to power earliest? Mussolini
Who chooses the members of the European Parliament? The Citizens of the member States
Who chooses the members of the European Parliament? The Citizens of the member States
Who coined the phrase “Give me liberty, or give me death”? Patrick Henry
Who commited the Saint Valentine’s Day massacre? Al Capone
Who completed the first circumnavigation of the world in history? Elcano
Who composed ‘Charriots of Fire’? Vangelis
Who composed “Alla Turca”? Mozart
Who composed “Space Oddity”? David Bowie
Who composed “Space Oddity”? David Bowie
Who composed “The Ride of the Valkyries”? Wagner
Who composed The Swan Lake? Tchaikovsky
Who composed the “Ode to Joy”? Ludwig Van Beethoven
Who composed the “Tarantella”? Cornelious Gurlitt
Who composed the famous “Blue Danube”? Johann Strauss II
Who composed the famous ballet ‘Swan Lake’? Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovski
Who composed the music for the film ‘Tron: Legacy’? Daft Punk
Who composed the music of the opera ‘The Magic Flute’? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Who composed the music of the opera ‘The Magic Flute’? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Who composed the opera “Aida”? Giuseppe Verdi
Who composed the opera “La Traviata”? Verdi
Who composed the popular musical piece ‘Boléro’ in 1928? Ravel
Who controlled England before the Norman Invasion in 1066? Saxons
Who created Mickey Mouse? Walt Disney
Who created the ‘ready-made’ or found art? Marcel Duchamp
Who created the Line Production to increase productivity? H. Ford
Who created the New Deal? Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who created the Xbox? Microsoft
Who created the character Huckleberry Finn? Mark Twain
Who created the character of Sherlock Holmes? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Who created the concept of natural selection? Darwin
Who created the famous character ‘Zorro’? Johnston McCulley
Who created the famous detective Hercule Poirot? Agatha Christie
Who created the fictional grimoire called ‘Necronomicon’? H. P. Lovecraft
Who created the original illustrations of ‘Max and Moritz’? Wilhelm Busch
Who created the painting “The Creation of Adam” in which Adam (from Adam and Eve) almost touches God, located in the Sistine Chapel? Michelangelo
Who created the religion Lutherism? Martin Luther
Who created the show “The X Factor”? Simon Cowell
Who created the songs “Livin’ on a Prayer”, “It’s My Life”, and “Have a Nice Day”? Bon Jovi
Who created the strategy video game saga called “Civilization”? Sid Meier
Who crossed the Alps with a herd of war elephants? Hannibal
Who currently wears the number 10 shirt in the Argentinian soccer squad? Messi
Who deciphered the Rosetta Stone in 1822? Jean-François Champollion
Who declared themself Rome’s “Dictator for life”? Julius Caesar
Who defeated the French in the Battle of the Nile in 1798? Nelson
Who delivers the pizzas in “Two and a Half Men”? Gordon
Who designed the Eiffel Tower? Alexandre Gustave Eiffel
Who designed the Glass House? Philip Johnson
Who designed the Montgolfier hot-air balloon? Montgolfier brothers
Who designed the Titanic? Thomas Andrews
Who determined the three laws of motion? Isaac Newton
Who developed the Law of Inertia? Isaac Newton
Who developed the Theory of Multiple Inteligences? Howard Gardner
Who developed the three laws of motion? Newton
Who did Andy Garcia portray in ‘The Godfather’? Vincent Mancini
Who did Bill Clinton defeat in the 1996 Presidential Election? Bob Dole
Who did Captain Hook fear? Crocodile
Who did Donkey eventually marry in the Shrek trilogy? Dragon
Who did Harry Potter saved during the second challenge of the Three Wizards Tournament? Gabrielle Delacour and Ron Weasley
Who did Jennifer Morrison play on the TV show House M.D? Dr. Allison Cameron
Who did Larry Bird play for his entire career? Celtics
Who did Nala marry in “The Lion King”? Simba
Who did Nelson Mandela rely on to unite people in South Africa after he became president? National Rugby Team
Who did Ophelia love in William Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet”? Hamlet
Who did Pilate free instead of Jesus? Barabbas
Who did Shailene Woodley play in the movie Divergent? Tris
Who died first in Shakespeare’s tragedy “Julius Caesar”? Julius Caesar
Who directed ‘Beetlejuice’? Tim Burton
Who directed ‘Beetlejuice’? Tim Burton
Who directed ‘City of God’? Fernando Meirelles
Who directed ‘Jaws’ in 1975? Steven Spielberg
Who directed ‘Jaws’ in 1975? Steven Spielberg
Who directed “Good Fellas”? Martin Scorsese
Who directed “Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban”? Alfonso Cuarón
Who directed Frozen? Jeniffer Lee, Chris Buck
Who directed Frozen? Jeniffer Lee, Chris Buck
Who directed Jurassic Park? Steven Speilberg
Who directed The King’s Speech? Tom Hooper
Who directed the American remake ‘Funny Games’? Michael Haneke
Who directed the fiilm “Gladiator”? Ridley Scott
Who directed the film ‘Big Trouble in Little China’? John Carpenter
Who directed the film ‘Big Trouble in Little China’? John Carpenter
Who directed the film ‘Metropolis’? Fritz Lang
Who directed the film ‘Stagecoach’? John Ford
Who directed the film “A Clockwork Orange”? Stanley Kubrick
Who directed the film Pan’s labyrinth? Guillermo del Toro
Who directed the film ’12 Monkeys’? Terry Gilliam
Who directed the movie ‘Carrie’, based on the homonymous novel by Stephen King? Brian de Palma
Who directed the movie ‘Young Frankenstein’? Mel Brooks
Who directed the movie “Black Swan”? Darren Aronofsky
Who directed the movie “Gone with the wind”? Victor Fleming
Who directed the movie “Pi”? Darren Aronofsky
Who directed the movie “The Exorcist”? William Friedkin
Who directed the movie “The Godfather”? Francis Ford Copolla
Who directed the movie Transformers? Michael Bay
Who directed the movie series Star Wars? George Lucas
Who directed the sci-fi horror ‘Alien’? Ridley Scott
Who discovered America? Cristopher Columbus
Who discovered LSD? Arthur Stoll and Albert Hoffman
Who discovered Penicilin? Alexander Fleming
Who discovered Tutankhamón’s tomb in 1921? Howard Carter
Who discovered how to measure an electrical current? Ampère
Who discovered pennicillin? Alexander Fleming
Who discovered the Machu Picchu? Hiram Bingham
Who discovered the conditioned reflexes? Pavlov
Who discovered the doppler effect? Christian Doppler
Who discovered the doppler effect? Christian Doppler
Who discovered the mass conservation principle? Antoine Lavoisier
Who discovered the sea route to India? Vasco da Gama
Who do the Monty Python crucify? Brian
Who does Ariadne of Minos betray? Her Father
Who does Bruce Wayne fight in the Dark Knight rises? Bane
Who does Oedipus fall in love with? His mother
Who does Shrek, in the movie ‘Shrek’, fall in love with? Princess Fiona
Who ended up as number one at the ATP-ranking in 2013? Nadal
Who envisioned wireless technology in the 1800’s? Nikola Tesla
Who escorted Dante through hell in the “Divine Comedy”? Virgil
Who established the Continental Blockade? Napoleon
Who explained the ‘Parable of the Cave’? Plato
Who explored Australia and the Arctic Circle for the first time? James Cook
Who famously signed their name the largest on the Decleration of Indepence? John Hancock
Who famously whimpered ‘I see dead people’, in a 1999 supernatural film? Haley Joel Osment
Who fights Goliath? David
Who flew the first plane? The Wright Brothers
Who forgot the Academy Award won for ‘Kramer vs. Kramer’ in the ladies’ room? Meryl Streep
Who forms the couple nicknamed “Brangelina”? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Who formulated E=mc^2? Albert Einstein
Who formulated the Big Bang theory? None of them
Who formulated the theory of relativity? Einstein
Who fought Medusa? Perseus
Who fought in the Persian Wars? Greece and Persia
Who fought in the Punic Wars? Rome and Cartague
Who fought the minotaur? Theseus
Who found Romulus and Remus in a river? A wolf
Who founded Apple? S. Jobs and S. Wozniak
Who founded the Bauhaus School? Walter Gropius
Who founded the Davis Cup? Davis
Who founded the German I Reich? Charlemagne
Who founded the Standard Oil Company and became America’s first billionaire? John D. Rockefeller
Who founded the sovietic newspaper ‘Pravda’? Trotsky
Who freed Argentina and Chile from the Spanish kingdom, letting them turn into independent republics? José de San Martín
Who freed Argentina, Chile and Peru? José de San Martín
Who freed Taiwan from Japanese occupation in the Second World War? United States
Who freed three countries from Spain in the 1800’s? Simon Bolivar
Who from the Harry Potter books killed Dobby? Belatrix Lestrange
Who gave America the Statue of Liberty as a 100th birthday present? France
Who gave their name to a continent? Amerigo Vespucci
Who goes grocerie shopping in the tale ‘The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats’? Mother goat
Who guides Dante while descending to Hell in the “Divina Comedia”? Virgil
Who had a hit with ‘Cry Me A River’ in 2003? Justin Timberlake
Who has been called ‘His Purple Highness’? Prince
Who has been played on film by Richard Burton, and on TV by Keith Michell and Ray Winstone? Henry VIII
Who has never won an Oscar? Leonardo Di Caprio
Who has never won the MVP award of the NBA season? Vince Carter
Who has replaced Charlie Sheen on the tv show “two and a half men”? ashton kutcher
Who has the authority to change a ball during a football match? The referee
Who has the highest intellectual quotient in the TV series ‘The Big Bang Theory’? Sheldon
Who has the longest winning streak in NBA championships? Boston Celtics
Who has the longest winning streak in NBA championships? Boston Celtics
Who has the most MVP titles out of the following players.? Michael Jordan
Who has the most hits as a Designated Hitter in MLB history? David Ortiz
Who has the ring at the beginning in ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’? Gollum
Who has the world record in 100m today? Usain Bolt
Who has their own shoe design? Michael Jordan
Who has won 3 Ballons d’Or and 2 FIFA Ballons d’Or in a row? Lionel Messi
Who has won more Olympic medals? Michael Phelps
Who held the famous “I have a Dream” speech in 1963? Martin Luther King
Who holds the men’s Olympic record for the 200 meter race? Usain Bolt
Who holds the record for the most Oscars won at 22 Oscars? Walt Disney
Who holds the world record in high jump for men? Javier Sotomayor
Who hosted the FIFA World Cup in 1962? Chile
Who implemented the Perestroika and Glasnost reforms in the Soviet Union? Mikhail Gorbachev
Who in 1964, was the first person other than royalty, to appear on a British postage stamp? Shakespeare
Who in the ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ wore the blue mask? Leonardo
Who inspired Martin Luther King Jr. to lead with non-violence? Ghandi
Who inspired the name of Teddy Bear? Theodore Roosevelt
Who inspired the name of the Baltimore Ravens? Edgar Allan Poe
Who interpreted Honey in the popular series How I Met Your Mother? Katy Perry
Who invented basketball? James Naismith
Who invented peniciline? Alexander Fleming
Who invented the Chinese torture box? Harry Houdini
Who invented the Gregorian Calendar? Catholic Pope
Who invented the Hobbit? Tolkien
Who invented the V2 rocket during WW2? Wernher von Braun
Who invented the alphabet ? Phoenicians
Who invented the fireworks? China
Who invented the idea of the four humors? Hippocrates
Who invented the lightbulb? Edison
Who invented the martial art called Jeet Kune Do? Bruce Lee
Who invented the microscope? Van Leeuwenhoek
Who invented the morse code? Samuel Morse
Who invented the periodic table? Dmitri Mendeleev
Who invented the phonetical alphabet? Phoenicians
Who invented the printing press? Gutenberg
Who invented the stethoscope ? Laennec
Who invented the telegraph? Morse
Who invented the telephone? Bell
Who invented the world’s first successful airplane? Wright brothers
Who invented the world’s first successful airplane? Wright brothers
Who invented the wrist watch? Santos Dumont
Trivia Crack "Who... - Who invented..." Answers, Cheats, Solutions, Walkthrough for AndroidiPhone, iPad, iPod
Note: This is "Trivia Crack" by "Etermax"

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