Trivia Crack "Who... - Who invented..." Answers | ![]() | |
Question | Answer | |
Who ‘Takes it All’ according to ABBA? | The Winner | |
Who “washed his hands” in front of Jesus? | Pilatus | |
Who appears alongside the Beatles in the classic “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”? | Eric Clapton | |
Who are Donald Duck’s nephews? | Hugey, Dewey and Louie | |
Who are the actors that starred in the movie Silver Linnings Playbook? | Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence | |
Who are the actors who play the leading roles in ‘Shame’? | Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan | |
Who are the best friends in Disney Channel’s ‘Shake It Up!’? | Rocky and CeCe | |
Who are the founders of Wikipedia? | Jimmy Wales | |
Who are the main characters of the TV Show The Vampire Diaries? | Damon, Stefan, Elena | |
Who are the three sons of Chronos? | Poseidon, Hades and Zeus | |
Who are the two currently living Beatles members? | Paul Mccartney | |
Who are the two main toys in Toy Story? | Woody And Buzz | |
Who are the two pyramids in Mexico City dedicated to? | The Sun and The Moon | |
Who asked ‘Are You Ready for Love?’ in the title of a 2003 hit? | Elton John | |
Who assassinated the sixteenth president of the United States of America? | John Wilkes Booth | |
Who assassinated the sixteenth president of the United States of America? | John Wilkes Booth | |
Who became King of Spain in 2014? | Felipe VI | |
Who became famous by writing the soundtracks of the Far West movies? | Ennio Morricone | |
Who became the leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death? | Nikita Khrushchev | |
Who bombed Pearl Harbor during WWII? | Japan | |
Who broke Björn Borg’s five year spell of good luck in Wimbledon? | John McEnroe | |
Who brought the Christian religion to the Roman Empire? | Constantine | |
Who built the Sphinx? | Egyptians | |
Who came after Wilhem Frick as Prime Minister of the Reich during the Second World War? | Heinrich Himmler | |
Who came out with the humanist therapy that focuses on the person? | Rogers | |
Who came to power earliest? | Mussolini | |
Who chooses the members of the European Parliament? | The Citizens of the member States | |
Who chooses the members of the European Parliament? | The Citizens of the member States | |
Who coined the phrase “Give me liberty, or give me death”? | Patrick Henry | |
Who commited the Saint Valentine’s Day massacre? | Al Capone | |
Who completed the first circumnavigation of the world in history? | Elcano | |
Who composed ‘Charriots of Fire’? | Vangelis | |
Who composed “Alla Turca”? | Mozart | |
Who composed “Space Oddity”? | David Bowie | |
Who composed “Space Oddity”? | David Bowie | |
Who composed “The Ride of the Valkyries”? | Wagner | |
Who composed The Swan Lake? | Tchaikovsky | |
Who composed the “Ode to Joy”? | Ludwig Van Beethoven | |
Who composed the “Tarantella”? | Cornelious Gurlitt | |
Who composed the famous “Blue Danube”? | Johann Strauss II | |
Who composed the famous ballet ‘Swan Lake’? | Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovski | |
Who composed the music for the film ‘Tron: Legacy’? | Daft Punk | |
Who composed the music of the opera ‘The Magic Flute’? | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | |
Who composed the music of the opera ‘The Magic Flute’? | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | |
Who composed the opera “Aida”? | Giuseppe Verdi | |
Who composed the opera “La Traviata”? | Verdi | |
Who composed the popular musical piece ‘Boléro’ in 1928? | Ravel | |
Who controlled England before the Norman Invasion in 1066? | Saxons | |
Who created Mickey Mouse? | Walt Disney | |
Who created the ‘ready-made’ or found art? | Marcel Duchamp | |
Who created the Line Production to increase productivity? | H. Ford | |
Who created the New Deal? | Franklin D. Roosevelt | |
Who created the Xbox? | Microsoft | |
Who created the character Huckleberry Finn? | Mark Twain | |
Who created the character of Sherlock Holmes? | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | |
Who created the concept of natural selection? | Darwin | |
Who created the famous character ‘Zorro’? | Johnston McCulley | |
Who created the famous detective Hercule Poirot? | Agatha Christie | |
Who created the fictional grimoire called ‘Necronomicon’? | H. P. Lovecraft | |
Who created the original illustrations of ‘Max and Moritz’? | Wilhelm Busch | |
Who created the painting “The Creation of Adam” in which Adam (from Adam and Eve) almost touches God, located in the Sistine Chapel? | Michelangelo | |
Who created the religion Lutherism? | Martin Luther | |
Who created the show “The X Factor”? | Simon Cowell | |
Who created the songs “Livin’ on a Prayer”, “It’s My Life”, and “Have a Nice Day”? | Bon Jovi | |
Who created the strategy video game saga called “Civilization”? | Sid Meier | |
Who crossed the Alps with a herd of war elephants? | Hannibal | |
Who currently wears the number 10 shirt in the Argentinian soccer squad? | Messi | |
Who deciphered the Rosetta Stone in 1822? | Jean-François Champollion | |
Who declared themself Rome’s “Dictator for life”? | Julius Caesar | |
Who defeated the French in the Battle of the Nile in 1798? | Nelson | |
Who delivers the pizzas in “Two and a Half Men”? | Gordon | |
Who designed the Eiffel Tower? | Alexandre Gustave Eiffel | |
Who designed the Glass House? | Philip Johnson | |
Who designed the Montgolfier hot-air balloon? | Montgolfier brothers | |
Who designed the Titanic? | Thomas Andrews | |
Who determined the three laws of motion? | Isaac Newton | |
Who developed the Law of Inertia? | Isaac Newton | |
Who developed the Theory of Multiple Inteligences? | Howard Gardner | |
Who developed the three laws of motion? | Newton | |
Who did Andy Garcia portray in ‘The Godfather’? | Vincent Mancini | |
Who did Bill Clinton defeat in the 1996 Presidential Election? | Bob Dole | |
Who did Captain Hook fear? | Crocodile | |
Who did Donkey eventually marry in the Shrek trilogy? | Dragon | |
Who did Harry Potter saved during the second challenge of the Three Wizards Tournament? | Gabrielle Delacour and Ron Weasley | |
Who did Jennifer Morrison play on the TV show House M.D? | Dr. Allison Cameron | |
Who did Larry Bird play for his entire career? | Celtics | |
Who did Nala marry in “The Lion King”? | Simba | |
Who did Nelson Mandela rely on to unite people in South Africa after he became president? | National Rugby Team | |
Who did Ophelia love in William Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet”? | Hamlet | |
Who did Pilate free instead of Jesus? | Barabbas | |
Who did Shailene Woodley play in the movie Divergent? | Tris | |
Who died first in Shakespeare’s tragedy “Julius Caesar”? | Julius Caesar | |
Who directed ‘Beetlejuice’? | Tim Burton | |
Who directed ‘Beetlejuice’? | Tim Burton | |
Who directed ‘City of God’? | Fernando Meirelles | |
Who directed ‘Jaws’ in 1975? | Steven Spielberg | |
Who directed ‘Jaws’ in 1975? | Steven Spielberg | |
Who directed “Good Fellas”? | Martin Scorsese | |
Who directed “Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban”? | Alfonso Cuarón | |
Who directed Frozen? | Jeniffer Lee, Chris Buck | |
Who directed Frozen? | Jeniffer Lee, Chris Buck | |
Who directed Jurassic Park? | Steven Speilberg | |
Who directed The King’s Speech? | Tom Hooper | |
Who directed the American remake ‘Funny Games’? | Michael Haneke | |
Who directed the fiilm “Gladiator”? | Ridley Scott | |
Who directed the film ‘Big Trouble in Little China’? | John Carpenter | |
Who directed the film ‘Big Trouble in Little China’? | John Carpenter | |
Who directed the film ‘Metropolis’? | Fritz Lang | |
Who directed the film ‘Stagecoach’? | John Ford | |
Who directed the film “A Clockwork Orange”? | Stanley Kubrick | |
Who directed the film Pan’s labyrinth? | Guillermo del Toro | |
Who directed the film ’12 Monkeys’? | Terry Gilliam | |
Who directed the movie ‘Carrie’, based on the homonymous novel by Stephen King? | Brian de Palma | |
Who directed the movie ‘Young Frankenstein’? | Mel Brooks | |
Who directed the movie “Black Swan”? | Darren Aronofsky | |
Who directed the movie “Gone with the wind”? | Victor Fleming | |
Who directed the movie “Pi”? | Darren Aronofsky | |
Who directed the movie “The Exorcist”? | William Friedkin | |
Who directed the movie “The Godfather”? | Francis Ford Copolla | |
Who directed the movie Transformers? | Michael Bay | |
Who directed the movie series Star Wars? | George Lucas | |
Who directed the sci-fi horror ‘Alien’? | Ridley Scott | |
Who discovered America? | Cristopher Columbus | |
Who discovered LSD? | Arthur Stoll and Albert Hoffman | |
Who discovered Penicilin? | Alexander Fleming | |
Who discovered Tutankhamón’s tomb in 1921? | Howard Carter | |
Who discovered how to measure an electrical current? | Ampère | |
Who discovered pennicillin? | Alexander Fleming | |
Who discovered the Machu Picchu? | Hiram Bingham | |
Who discovered the conditioned reflexes? | Pavlov | |
Who discovered the doppler effect? | Christian Doppler | |
Who discovered the doppler effect? | Christian Doppler | |
Who discovered the mass conservation principle? | Antoine Lavoisier | |
Who discovered the sea route to India? | Vasco da Gama | |
Who do the Monty Python crucify? | Brian | |
Who does Ariadne of Minos betray? | Her Father | |
Who does Bruce Wayne fight in the Dark Knight rises? | Bane | |
Who does Oedipus fall in love with? | His mother | |
Who does Shrek, in the movie ‘Shrek’, fall in love with? | Princess Fiona | |
Who ended up as number one at the ATP-ranking in 2013? | Nadal | |
Who envisioned wireless technology in the 1800’s? | Nikola Tesla | |
Who escorted Dante through hell in the “Divine Comedy”? | Virgil | |
Who established the Continental Blockade? | Napoleon | |
Who explained the ‘Parable of the Cave’? | Plato | |
Who explored Australia and the Arctic Circle for the first time? | James Cook | |
Who famously signed their name the largest on the Decleration of Indepence? | John Hancock | |
Who famously whimpered ‘I see dead people’, in a 1999 supernatural film? | Haley Joel Osment | |
Who fights Goliath? | David | |
Who flew the first plane? | The Wright Brothers | |
Who forgot the Academy Award won for ‘Kramer vs. Kramer’ in the ladies’ room? | Meryl Streep | |
Who forms the couple nicknamed “Brangelina”? | Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie | |
Who formulated E=mc^2? | Albert Einstein | |
Who formulated the Big Bang theory? | None of them | |
Who formulated the theory of relativity? | Einstein | |
Who fought Medusa? | Perseus | |
Who fought in the Persian Wars? | Greece and Persia | |
Who fought in the Punic Wars? | Rome and Cartague | |
Who fought the minotaur? | Theseus | |
Who found Romulus and Remus in a river? | A wolf | |
Who founded Apple? | S. Jobs and S. Wozniak | |
Who founded the Bauhaus School? | Walter Gropius | |
Who founded the Davis Cup? | Davis | |
Who founded the German I Reich? | Charlemagne | |
Who founded the Standard Oil Company and became America’s first billionaire? | John D. Rockefeller | |
Who founded the sovietic newspaper ‘Pravda’? | Trotsky | |
Who freed Argentina and Chile from the Spanish kingdom, letting them turn into independent republics? | José de San Martín | |
Who freed Argentina, Chile and Peru? | José de San Martín | |
Who freed Taiwan from Japanese occupation in the Second World War? | United States | |
Who freed three countries from Spain in the 1800’s? | Simon Bolivar | |
Who from the Harry Potter books killed Dobby? | Belatrix Lestrange | |
Who gave America the Statue of Liberty as a 100th birthday present? | France | |
Who gave their name to a continent? | Amerigo Vespucci | |
Who goes grocerie shopping in the tale ‘The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats’? | Mother goat | |
Who guides Dante while descending to Hell in the “Divina Comedia”? | Virgil | |
Who had a hit with ‘Cry Me A River’ in 2003? | Justin Timberlake | |
Who has been called ‘His Purple Highness’? | Prince | |
Who has been played on film by Richard Burton, and on TV by Keith Michell and Ray Winstone? | Henry VIII | |
Who has never won an Oscar? | Leonardo Di Caprio | |
Who has never won the MVP award of the NBA season? | Vince Carter | |
Who has replaced Charlie Sheen on the tv show “two and a half men”? | ashton kutcher | |
Who has the authority to change a ball during a football match? | The referee | |
Who has the highest intellectual quotient in the TV series ‘The Big Bang Theory’? | Sheldon | |
Who has the longest winning streak in NBA championships? | Boston Celtics | |
Who has the longest winning streak in NBA championships? | Boston Celtics | |
Who has the most MVP titles out of the following players.? | Michael Jordan | |
Who has the most hits as a Designated Hitter in MLB history? | David Ortiz | |
Who has the ring at the beginning in ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’? | Gollum | |
Who has the world record in 100m today? | Usain Bolt | |
Who has their own shoe design? | Michael Jordan | |
Who has won 3 Ballons d’Or and 2 FIFA Ballons d’Or in a row? | Lionel Messi | |
Who has won more Olympic medals? | Michael Phelps | |
Who held the famous “I have a Dream” speech in 1963? | Martin Luther King | |
Who holds the men’s Olympic record for the 200 meter race? | Usain Bolt | |
Who holds the record for the most Oscars won at 22 Oscars? | Walt Disney | |
Who holds the world record in high jump for men? | Javier Sotomayor | |
Who hosted the FIFA World Cup in 1962? | Chile | |
Who implemented the Perestroika and Glasnost reforms in the Soviet Union? | Mikhail Gorbachev | |
Who in 1964, was the first person other than royalty, to appear on a British postage stamp? | Shakespeare | |
Who in the ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ wore the blue mask? | Leonardo | |
Who inspired Martin Luther King Jr. to lead with non-violence? | Ghandi | |
Who inspired the name of Teddy Bear? | Theodore Roosevelt | |
Who inspired the name of the Baltimore Ravens? | Edgar Allan Poe | |
Who interpreted Honey in the popular series How I Met Your Mother? | Katy Perry | |
Who invented basketball? | James Naismith | |
Who invented peniciline? | Alexander Fleming | |
Who invented the Chinese torture box? | Harry Houdini | |
Who invented the Gregorian Calendar? | Catholic Pope | |
Who invented the Hobbit? | Tolkien | |
Who invented the V2 rocket during WW2? | Wernher von Braun | |
Who invented the alphabet ? | Phoenicians | |
Who invented the fireworks? | China | |
Who invented the idea of the four humors? | Hippocrates | |
Who invented the lightbulb? | Edison | |
Who invented the martial art called Jeet Kune Do? | Bruce Lee | |
Who invented the microscope? | Van Leeuwenhoek | |
Who invented the morse code? | Samuel Morse | |
Who invented the periodic table? | Dmitri Mendeleev | |
Who invented the phonetical alphabet? | Phoenicians | |
Who invented the printing press? | Gutenberg | |
Who invented the stethoscope ? | Laennec | |
Who invented the telegraph? | Morse | |
Who invented the telephone? | Bell | |
Who invented the world’s first successful airplane? | Wright brothers | |
Who invented the world’s first successful airplane? | Wright brothers | |
Who invented the wrist watch? | Santos Dumont |
Note: This is "Trivia Crack" by "Etermax"
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