Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Trivia Crack "What’s the capital... - What’s the mo..." Answers

Trivia Crack "What’s the capital... - What’s the mo..." Answers
What’s the capital city of Slovakia? Bratislava
What’s the capital of Afghanistan? Kabul
What’s the capital of Albania? Tirana
What’s the capital of Bahamas? Nassau
What’s the capital of Bahrein? Manama
What’s the capital of Bahrein? Manama
What’s the capital of Belarus? Minsk
What’s the capital of Burkina Faso? Ouagadougou
What’s the capital of Chad? N’Djamena
What’s the capital of China? Beijing
What’s the capital of Croatia? Zagreb
What’s the capital of Finland? Helsinki
What’s the capital of Georgia? Tibilisi
What’s the capital of Georgia? Tibilisi
What’s the capital of Honduras? Tegucigalpa
What’s the capital of Iraq? Bagdad
What’s the capital of Italy? Rome
What’s the capital of Japan? Tokyo
What’s the capital of Kenya? Nairobi
What’s the capital of Kyrgyzstan? Bishkek
What’s the capital of Lebanon? Beirut
What’s the capital of Libya? Tripoli
What’s the capital of Liechtenstein? Vaduz
What’s the capital of Madagascar? Antananarivo
What’s the capital of Malaysia? Kuala Lumpur
What’s the capital of Moldova? Chisinau
What’s the capital of Montenegro? Podgorica
What’s the capital of Morocco? Rabat
What’s the capital of Mozambique? Maputo
What’s the capital of Nepal? Kathmandu
What’s the capital of New Jersey? Trenton
What’s the capital of North Korea? Pyongyang
What’s the capital of Northern Ireland? Belfast
What’s the capital of Norway? Oslo
What’s the capital of Paraguay? Asunción
What’s the capital of Portugal? Lisbon
What’s the capital of Republic of Guinea? Conakry
What’s the capital of Saudi Arabia? Riyadh
What’s the capital of South Sudan? Juba
What’s the capital of Switzerland? Bern
What’s the capital of Tibet? Lhasa
What’s the capital of United Arab Emirates? Abu Dhabi
What’s the capital of Uruguay? Montevideo
What’s the capital of the Republic of Macedonia? Skopje
What’s the capital of the United States? Washington D.C.
What’s the capital of the state of Arkansas? Little Rock
What’s the capital of the state of Arkansas? Little Rock
What’s the capital of the state of Colorado? Denver
What’s the capital of the state of Illinois? Springfield
What’s the capital of the state of Minnesota? Saint Paul
What’s the capital of the state of New York? Albany
What’s the capital of the state of Ohio? Columbus
What’s the capital of the state of Texas? Austin
What’s the chemical symbol of antimony? Sb
What’s the chemical symbol of salt? NaCl
What’s the chemical symbol of silver? Ag
What’s the color of the princess dress of “The Beauty and the Beast”? Yellow
What’s the colostrum? The first breast milk
What’s the coloured part of the human eye called? Iris
What’s the combination of keys that copies text in a PC? ctrl c
What’s the common name of of the highly contagious bacterial respiratory disease caused by Bordetella pertussis? Whooping cough
What’s the country with the biggest film industry? India
What’s the country with the most official national languages? South Africa
What’s the currency of Brazil? Real
What’s the currency of Israel? Shekel
What’s the currency of Switzerland? Swiss Franc
What’s the current name of old ‘gossima’? Table tennis
What’s the deal with Schröginger’s cat? It’s dead and alive
What’s the definition of the term “Anatomy”? Study Of The Human Body
What’s the difference between a gulf and a bay? A gulf is bigger than a bay
What’s the energy source the most used today? Oil
What’s the family name of the great tennis players Venus and Serena? Williams
What’s the fastest swimming style? Front crawl
What’s the female hormone? Estrogen
What’s the fifth cranial nerve? Trigeminal nerve
What’s the first bone in the spine? Atlas
What’s the first name of Canadian cyclist Bauer? Steve
What’s the first name of Picasso? Pablo
What’s the first name of the Argentinian soccer player nicknamed ‘Kun’ Agüero? Sergio
What’s the first name of the Argentinian soccer player nicknamed ‘Kun’ Agüero? Sergio
What’s the first name of the British tennis player Cowan? Barry
What’s the first name of the Italian motorcycle race driver Melandri? Marco
What’s the first name of the tennis player Federer? Roger
What’s the fruit of the oak? The acorn
What’s the function of the ethylene released by plants? Regulate fruit ripening
What’s the general term for peas and green beans? Legumes
What’s the goal of the terrorist organization Ansar al Islam, linked to Al Qaeda? Creating an Islamic State in Kurdistan
What’s the hardest mineral in the world? Diamond
What’s the highest peak a mountaineer can conquer? Everest
What’s the highest tessitura for masculine voices? Counter tenor
What’s the hodophobia? Fear of travelling
What’s the individual trophy won by Sir Stanley Matthews for the first time? Ballon d’Or
What’s the international code for Cape Verde? CV
What’s the international code for China? CN
What’s the international code for Cuba? CU
What’s the international code for Cuba? CU
What’s the international code for Denmark? DK
What’s the international code for France? FR
What’s the international code for Iraq? IQ
What’s the international code for Mexico? MX
What’s the international code for Spain? ES
What’s the international code for Switzerland? CH
What’s the international code for the United States? US
What’s the joint between the femur and the shinbone? Knee
What’s the largest arthropod in the world? The Japanese spider crab
What’s the largest country in Middle East? Saudi Arabia
What’s the largest gulf in Africa? Gulf of Guinea
What’s the largest landlocked country in the world? Kazakhstan
What’s the largest mammal on earth? The blue whale
What’s the largest muscle of the human body? Gluteus maximus
What’s the largest organ in the human body? Skin
What’s the largest part of the human brain? Cerebral hemispheres
What’s the largest snake known? Anaconda
What’s the largest spider species? Goliath Bird-Eating Spider
What’s the last Master Series played every year? Paris
What’s the last movie that gave director Terrence Malick the Golden Palm in Cannes Film Festival? The Tree of Life
What’s the latest version of windows in 2013? Windows 8
What’s the longest any U.S. President has served? 12 Years
What’s the longest muscle in the human body? Sartorius
What’s the longest river in Europe? The Volga
What’s the lost city where Indiana Jones finds the Holy Grail? Alexandretta
What’s the main cause of lung cancer? Smoking
What’s the main characteristic of Botero’s paintings and sculptures? Its exaltation of the volume
What’s the main characteristic of Botero’s paintings and sculptures? Its exaltation of the volume
What’s the main climate in Russia? Continental
What’s the main element that milk and dairy provide to our body? Calcium
What’s the main function of the large intestine? Absorbing water
What’s the main function of the large intestine? Absorbing water
What’s the main pair of composers of The Rolling Stones? Jagger
What’s the main physical phenomenon that causes the tides? The attraction of the Moon
What’s the main theme in Boticelli’s paintings? Religion
What’s the male hormone? Testosterone
What’s the masculine copulating organ? Penis
What’s the masculine organ of flowers? The stamen
What’s the maximum age of soccer players to participate in the Olympics? 23
What’s the maximum score achievable in one frame on a bowling game? 30
What’s the meaning of D.C in “Washington D.C”? District of Columbia
What’s the meaning of the acronym INTERPOL? International Criminal Police Organization
What’s the meaning of the phrase: “Hannibal is crossing the Alps”? A terrible catasthrophe is approaching
What’s the medical term for the presence of blood in the pleural cavity? Hemothorax
What’s the minimum score in a volleyball set? 25 or more
What’s the molecular formula for Ammonia? NH3
What’s the molecular formula for Ammonia? NH3
What’s the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere? Nitrogen
What’s the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? Nitrogen
What’s the most common Pope name? John
What’s the most common diagnosis in psycopathological practise? Depression
What’s the most common type of keyboard? Qwerty
What’s the most edited and translated book of history, only beaten by the Bible? Don Quixote
What’s the most famous novel by the French writer Céline? Journey to the End of the Night
What’s the most famous novel by the French writer Céline? Journey to the End of the Night
What’s the most famous number in slot machines? 7
What’s the most famous soccer team of the Italian city of Turin? Juventus
What’s the most important Russian port in the Pacific ocean? Vladivostok
What’s the most important art gallery in France? Musée Louvre
What’s the most important masculine sexual hormone? Testosterone
What’s the most important masculine sexual hormone? Testosterone
What’s the most important work of Giovanni Bocaccio? The Decameron
What’s the most plentiful river in the world? The Amazon
What’s the most plentiful river in the world? The Amazon
What’s the most popular sport in Brazil? Soccer
What’s the most populated city in Scotland? Glasgow
What’s the most populated country in the world? China
What’s the most populated urban area in Africa? Cairo
What’s the most populated urban area in India? Mumbai
What’s the most populated urban area in the world? Tokyo
What’s the most practiced sport nowadays? Soccer
What’s the most visited country in Europe after France, Spain and Italy? United Kingdom
What’s the most visited tourist attraction in the world? Times Square (New York)
What’s the motto of the European Union? United in diversity
Trivia Crack "What’s the capital... - What’s the mo..." Answers, Cheats, Solutions, Walkthrough for AndroidiPhone, iPad, iPod
Note: This is "Trivia Crack" by "Etermax"

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