Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Trivia Crack "Which of the... - Which one of these..." Answers

Trivia Crack "Which of the... - Which one of these..." Answers
Which of the four main Romance Languages is the most commonly spoken? Spanish
Which of the member of the spaceship ‘Enterprise’ is responsible for teletransportation in ‘Star Trek’? Scotty
Which of the original Spice Girls was the only one with a ‘spice’ nickname? Geri
Which of the original Spice Girls was the only one with a ‘spice’ nickname? Geri
Which of the painters below was considered to be impressionist? Auguste Renoir
Which of the seven dwarves wore glasses? Doc
Which of the these is not an outdoor track and field throwing event? Weight Toss
Which of the three movies of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy won the Academy Award for the Best Picture? The Return of the King
Which of the witches in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ was the most evil? The Witch of the West
Which of these African nations is landlocked? Rwanda
Which of these Broadway musicals does not include a child character? Rock of Ages
Which of these Central American countries doesn’t speak Spanish? Belize
Which of these European capital cities has not hosted the Summer Olympics? Brussels
Which of these Hollywood’s Golden Age icons would have turned a hundred years old in 2012? Gene Kelly
Which of these Prime Ministers has received a Literature Nobel Price? Winston Churchill
Which of these Roman Numerals mean 17? XVII
Which of these Shakespeare’s work was NOT a tragedy? The Tempest
Which of these South American countries has NEVER held a FIFA World Cup? Colombia
Which of these Spanish speaking countries is U.S. territory? Puerto Rico
Which of these TV actors has also recorded two Blues albums? Hugh Laurie
Which of these absorbs the LEAST light? White
Which of these activities is related to horseback riding? All of the above
Which of these actors did NOT work for Disney? Celine Dion
Which of these actors did not play one of Jennifer Aniston’s love interest on Friends? Paul Walker
Which of these actors has never won an Academy Award for Best Actor? Johnny Depp
Which of these actors has never worked with Johnny Depp? Jennifer Aniston
Which of these actors played “two-face” in a Batman movie? Tommy Lee Jones
Which of these actors played “two-face” in a Batman movie? Tommy Lee Jones
Which of these actors plays the role of Michael Scofield in Prison Break? Wentworth Miller
Which of these actresses is married to Freddie Prinze Jr.? Sarah Michelle Gellar
Which of these albums does not belong to “The Beatles”? Division Bell
Which of these american presidents doesn’t feature in Mount Rushmore? James Madison
Which of these anagrams is a major town in Normandy? Caen
Which of these ancient structures is the oldest? Citadel of Caral, Peru
Which of these animals belong to the cephalopod family? Octopus
Which of these animals does not appear in Picasso’s ‘Guernica’? Cat
Which of these animals gives pink milk? Hippopotamus
Which of these animals have assexual and sexual reproduction? Komodo Dragon
Which of these animals is a mammal? Elephant
Which of these animals is classified as eusocial? Ants
Which of these animals is not a mammal? Shark
Which of these applies to the shape of a soccer ball? Spherical
Which of these archeological sites is not located in the Sacred Valley of Peru? Puno
Which of these are located at the back of your throat? Adenoids
Which of these are the names of the boy band Jonas Brothers? Kevin, Joe and Nick
Which of these art museums is visited the most in the world? Louvre
Which of these artists did not die at age 27? Freddie Mercury
Which of these artists famously cut off their ear? Van Gogh
Which of these artists is a photographer? Man Ray
Which of these artists painted “The Toillette”? Toulousse Lautrec
Which of these authors never won a Literature Nobel Prize? Jorge Luis Borges
Which of these authors never won a Literature Nobel Prize? Jorge Luis Borges
Which of these birds has the fastest flap of wings? Hummingbird
Which of these books did Kurt Vonnegut write? Cats Cradle
Which of these books was not written by John Green? Why We Broke Up
Which of these books was not written by John Green? Why We Broke Up
Which of these builds a domed nest? Ovenbird
Which of these capital cities stands at the mouth of the River Plate? Montevideo
Which of these castles is on the Isle of Wight? Carisbrooke
Which of these characters does not belong to “The Wizard of Oz”? The Blue Fairy
Which of these characters from “The Hunger Games” book series was not included in the major motion picture? Madge, The Mayor’s Daughter
Which of these characters is NOT one of Johnny Deep’s roles? Legolas
Which of these characters is alive at the end of Hamlet? Horatio
Which of these characters was not in Marvel’s The Avengers? Spider-Man
Which of these characters was not portrayed by Johnny Depp? Doctor Parnassus
Which of these cities does not have an NFL team? Los Angeles
Which of these cities in India has more inhabitants? Mumbai
Which of these cities is at a greater altitude? Quito, Ecuador
Which of these cities is below sea level? Amsterdam
Which of these cities is not in Finland? Oslo
Which of these cities is not in Palestine Territory? Haifa
Which of these cities is not in Palestine Territory? Haifa
Which of these cities is not located in Argentina? Punta Del Este
Which of these cities is the most northern? Québec City
Which of these cities isn’t Italian? Lyon
Which of these colors is not in Brazil’s flag? Orange
Which of these comic book super heroes never got a stand-alone movie? Green Arrow
Which of these continents is its own country? Australia
Which of these countries did not host a Formula 1 Grand Prix race in 2003? Madagascar
Which of these countries did not sign the Kyoto Protocol? United States
Which of these countries do not border Bolivia? Colombia
Which of these countries does NOT use the metric system? The United States
Which of these countries does not border Brazil? Chile
Which of these countries does not have a rectangular flag? Nepal
Which of these countries does not lie below the Tropic of Capricorn? Spain
Which of these countries does not share a border with Germany? Italy
Which of these countries does not speak Spanish? Brazil
Which of these countries doesn’t border Brazil? Ecuador
Which of these countries doesn’t have seashore? Paraguay
Which of these countries grow durian? Malaysia and Thailand
Which of these countries has a pink lake? Australia
Which of these countries has land borders with india? Bangladesh
Which of these countries has the highest number of museums in its capital city? Mexico
Which of these countries has the largest population? Sweden
Which of these countries is not a Baltic state? Belarus
Which of these countries is not a member of the European Union? Norway
Which of these countries is not a part of NAFTA? England
Which of these countries is not bordered by the Baltic Sea? Norway
Which of these countries is not part of Benelux? Germany
Which of these countries is still under a dictatorship? North Korea
Which of these countries is sugar cane vastly produced in? Brazil
Which of these countries is the nearest to South Pole? Chile
Which of these countries lies west of the UK? Mexico
Which of these countries shares a land border with only one other country? Canada
Which of these countries was a member of the Warsaw Pact? Czechoslovakia
Which of these countries was not part of Yugoslavia? Albania
Which of these describes something which causes stress or anxiety? Nerve-racking
Which of these deserts is in the USA? Mojave Desert
Which of these does Colin Farrell play in the title of a 2002 film? The Recruit
Which of these does not describe a body of water? Archipelago
Which of these elements exist as a diatomic molecule at normal temperature? Nitrogen
Which of these fashion labels is not originally from France? Loewe
Which of these feudal Japanese mêlée weapons was traditionally the longest? Naginata
Which of these films didn’t include Johnny Depp in its cast? Silence of the Lambs
Which of these films was directed by Steven Spielberg? All of them
Which of these films was not directed by John Carpenter? Alien
Which of these fishes is made out of cartilage? Shark
Which of these football clubs is in London? Arsenal
Which of these four cities is the largest (by population) on the U.S.A.’s west coast? Los Angeles
Which of these four cities is the largest (by population) on the U.S.A.’s west coast? Los Angeles
Which of these geographical features is a mountain? Kilimanjaro
Which of these girls was not a mean girl? Emma Stone
Which of these grunge bands formed from the remnants of Mother Love Bone and Temple of the Dog? Pearl Jam
Which of these help with the clotting of blood? Platelets
Which of these historical documents came first? Magna Carta
Which of these in the blood is responsible for the coagulation process? Platelets
Which of these instruments was originally made out of wood? Flute
Which of these international codes belong to Hungary? HU
Which of these international codes belongs to Argentina? AR
Which of these is NOT a Christian Bale movie? Hirokin
Which of these is NOT a NHL hockey team? Golden State Warriors
Which of these is NOT a comic book written by Alan Moore? Black Orchid
Which of these is NOT a kind of poem? Hyperbole
Which of these is NOT a sea surrounding Antarctica? Caspian Sea
Which of these is NOT a song by Madonna? True colors
Which of these is NOT a song by Madonna? True colors
Which of these is NOT in Italy? Paris
Which of these is NOT one of the “New Wonders of the World”? Eiffel Tower (France)
Which of these is a 2003 Disney computer-animated film? Finding Nemo
Which of these is a Brazilian Painter? Romero Britto
Which of these is a US rock band formed in the early 1980s? Anthrax
Which of these is a bone found in the ear? Stapes
Which of these is a carnivorous plant? Venus flytrap
Which of these is a contact sport? Water Polo
Which of these is a discipline in both men’s and women’s gymnastics? Floor exercises
Which of these is a discipline in both men’s and women’s gymnastics? Floor exercises
Which of these is a famous art museum in NYC? Museum Of Modern Art
Which of these is a fish related to the carp? Barbel
Which of these is a fish related to the herring? Alewife
Which of these is a fish? Shark
Which of these is a keyboard instrument? Harpsichord
Which of these is a large woodwind instrument? Bassoon
Which of these is a legendary British king who is said to have drawn a sword from a stone? Arthur
Which of these is a person who performs tricks that deceive the eye? Illusionist
Which of these is a popular form of music? Country
Which of these is a popular garden flower? Carnation
Which of these is a satellite TV channel? Hallmark
Which of these is a species of camel? Bactrian
Which of these is a sport? Cricket
Which of these is a term for an actor? Thespian
Which of these is a term meaning a match in bridge? Rubber
Which of these is a theory about the creation of the universe? Big Bang
Which of these is a three-stringed musical instrument? Balalaika
Which of these is a type of drum? Snare
Which of these is a weight category in professional boxing? Welterweight
Which of these is a wonder of the World? Victoria Falls
Which of these is an age of the Dinosaurs? Jurassic
Which of these is an entertainer who walks on a tightrope? Funambulist
Which of these is an example of a mallet percussion instrument? Xylophone
Which of these is an inflammation of the kidneys? Nephritis
Which of these is caused primarily by a deficiency of oxygen in the blood and tissues? Altitude sickness
Which of these is considered a disease in the book “Delirium”? Love
Which of these is deadly to humans? Carbon Monoxide
Which of these is not a European river? Missouri
Which of these is not a House from Game of Thrones? Baggins
Which of these is not a Pixar movie? Madagascar
Which of these is not a South American country? Mexico
Which of these is not a bone in the human body? Manilla
Which of these is not a borough in New York City? Rhode Island
Which of these is not a brass instrument? Clarinet
Which of these is not a dance style? Bussiness Dance
Which of these is not a fairies’ name on “Sleeping Beauty”? Spring
Which of these is not a mascot of an MLB team? Devils
Which of these is not a member of S Club Juniors? Eddie
Which of these is not a story by Edgar Allan Poe? The Call Of Cthulhu
Which of these is not a strong acid? Formic acid
Which of these is not a strong acid? Formic acid
Which of these is not an Asian country? Greece
Which of these is not an official stroke in swimming? Corkscrew
Which of these is not part of the eyeball? Meninges
Which of these is not the name of one of the Three Stooges? Mac
Which of these is one of Jupiter’s Galilean moons? Callisto
Which of these is one of Mozart’s real names? All Are Correct
Which of these is one of Vincent Van Gogh’s most famous works? Starry Night
Which of these is pi’s last number? Pi is irrational
Which of these is the Northernmost African country? Morocco
Which of these is the US name for the French card game vingt-et-un? Blackjack
Which of these is the best electric conductor? A copper string
Which of these is the capital city of Argentina? Buenos Aires
Which of these is the dance-music wizard who released the albums ‘Play’ and ’18’? Moby
Which of these is the most successful video game franchise in history? Mario
Which of these is the name of a long-eared wild cat? Caracal
Which of these is the name of a successful Antipodean pop group? Crowded House
Which of these is the oldest baseball stadium in the United States? Fenway Park
Which of these is used for measuring electrical current? Ammeter
Which of these islands does NOT belong to the Galapagos Archipelago? Easter Island
Which of these isn’t Canadian? Emma Watson
Which of these isn’t an element in the periodic table? Ammonia
Which of these isn’t organelle? All are organelles
Which of these isn’t part of the digestive system? Alveolus
Which of these kills its victims by constriction? Anaconda
Which of these mammals lay eggs? Echidna
Which of these molecules make up the DNA in living organisms? All of these
Which of these mountains is in Alaska? Mount Mckinley
Which of these movies does not star Bette Middler? Something’s Gotta Give
Which of these movies doesn’t involve aliens? Edward Scissorhands
Which of these movies is Leonardo DiCaprio not in? Silver Linings Playbook
Which of these musicians married George Harrison’s ex wife, Pattie Boyd? Eric Clapton
Which of these national flags has more than three colors? Egypt
Which of these novels does not belong to the horror genre? The Alchemist
Which of these novels is not written by Charles Dickens? The Fancy
Which of these novels is written by James Patterson? The 9th Judgment
Which of these novels was not written by Jane Austen? Conviction
Which of these nursery rhymes is about the disease known as Black Death? Ring Around The Rosie
Which of these oceans is the smallest? Arctic
Which of these painters does NOT relate to the Cubist movement? Marc Chagall
Which of these painters is an impressionist? Claude Monet
Which of these philosophers wrote “A Compendium of Music”? Descartes
Which of these physicists is Austrian? Erwin Schrödinger
Which of these place names means ‘white house’? Casablanca
Which of these planets is furthest from the Sun? Neptune
Which of these plays by William Shakespeare starts out in fair Verona? Romeo And Juliet
Which of these poets is not part of the “Cursed Poets”? Walt Whitman
Which of these poets was renowned for dark romanticism? Edgar Allen Poe
Which of these positions does not exist in a baseball game? Fullback
Which of these programmes starred Robert Downey Jr? Ally McBeal
Which of these provides a link between television programmes? Announcer
Which of these rappers made the song “Ice Ice Baby”? Vanilla Ice
Which of these regions does not belong to Denmark? Tromsø
Which of these services came first? Army
Which of these shows had the longest run on broadway? Phantom Of The Opera
Which of these shows have been aired for the longest amount of time? The Simpsons
Which of these singers is actually called Lizzy Grant? Lana Del Rey
Which of these singers sung “Uptown Girl,” “Piano Man,” and “We Didn’t Start the Fire”? Billy Joel
Which of these singers was part of a boy band? Justin Timberlake
Which of these soccer players never played in Europe? Pele
Which of these songs was sung by Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney? The Girl is Mine
Which of these sports does not use a ball? Ice hockey
Which of these sports was created by Dr. Jigoro Kano in 1882? Judo
Which of these states from the United States is furthest South? Louisiana
Which of these states have a capital city starting with letter “B”? Serbia
Which of these states shares the longest border with Mexico? Texas
Which of these stories did Edgar Allen Poe write? The Raven
Which of these stories was written by Julio Cortázar? The Taken House
Which of these substances is H2O? Water
Which of these terms are used in baseball? Grounder
Which of these theme parks is not part of the Walt Disney World? Islands Of Adventure
Which of these units of measurement is the smallest? femtometre
Which of these verbs is regular? Seem
Which of these villains is not one of Batman’s enemies? Magneto
Which of these was NOT a member of the band “The Runaways”? Janis Joplin
Which of these was NOT one of King Henry VIII’s wives? Marilyn Clover
Which of these was a blockbuster game series? Gears of War
Which of these was a feature of classical Greek drama? Chorus
Which of these was a primitive form of chemistry practised in western Europe up to the 17th century? Alchemy
Which of these was a type of ancient Norse warrior? Berserker
Which of these was an Italian sculptor? Michelangelo
Which of these was an alliance formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union? CIS
Which of these was not a Teletubby? Tinkles
Which of these was not a dinosaur? Dimetrodon
Which of these woodwind instruments can produce the highest pitch? Piccolo
Which of these would a film actor like to receive? Oscar
Which of these would be of most use if you wanted to play poker? Pack of cards
Which of this Mortal Kombat character focuses on Ice attacks? Sub-Zero
Which of this Star Wars characters was never a Jedi? Han Solo
Which of this artists suffered from schizophrenia? Van Gogh
Which of this living organisms can produce their own food? Plants
Which of this tennis players is NOT argentinian? Nicolas Massu
Which of those countries is not from South America? Portugal
Which of your five senses is actually an ability to decode vibrations in the air? Hearing
Which one is Hawaii’s capital? Honolulu
Which one is NOT a renewable resource of energy? Natural Gas
Which one is NOT a type of whale? Hammerhead
Which one is a Greek god? Aphrodite
Which one is a football player? Peyton Manning
Which one is a non-renewable resource of energy? Coal
Which one is not a greenhouse gas? Oxygen
Which one is not located in Mexico? Machu Picchu
Which one is the fastest? Light
Which one is the first step of knowledge according to Aristotle? Theory
Which one is the first step of knowledge according to Aristotle? Theory
Which one is the highest mountain in America? Aconcagua
Which one is the highest mountain in Europe? Mount Elbrus
Which one is the highest mountain in the world? Mount Everest
Which one of the following US States does NOT border the Mississippi River? Montana
Which one of the following is a mass unit? Kilograms
Which one of the following is the biggest city in Canada? Toronto
Which one of the following literary works wasn’t written by Tolkien? The Chronicles of Narnia
Which one of the following specialties does NOT belong to the North American cuisine? All do
Which one of the following was NOT painted by the Italian mannerist artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo? Madonna with a long neck
Which one of these Brands is American? Nike
Which one of these Places are above the equator? Florida
Which one of these animals has the strongest bite? Crocodile
Which one of these beers is most likely to be found in German bars? Warsteiner
Which one of these countries is not located in the Caribbean? Malta
Which one of these does not belong in human DNA strand? Chlorophyll
Which one of these factors affect enzyme activities? pH level
Which one of these is NOT a primary color? Green
Which one of these is a city in Italy? Florence
Which one of these is a filovirus? Ebola
Which one of these is a major sport in India? Cricket
Which one of these is not a member of the british band Queen? Keith Richards
Which one of these is the third book of ‘The Hunger Games’ series? Mockingjay
Which one of these lakes are not one of the 5 Great Lakes? Lake St. Clair
Which one of these novels was NOT written by Robert Louis Stevenson? Journey to the Center of the Earth
Which one of these political leaders first wanted to be a painter? Adolf Hitler
Which one of these singers did NOT sing in the hit pop song “Bang Bang”? Katy Perry
Which one of these stories was written by the Grimm brothers? Both
Which one of these stories was written by the Grimm brothers? Both
Trivia Crack "Which of the... - Which one of these..." Answers, Cheats, Solutions, Walkthrough for AndroidiPhone, iPad, iPod
Note: This is "Trivia Crack" by "Etermax"

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