Trivia Crack "Which of the... - Which one of these..." Answers | ![]() | |
Question | Answer | |
Which of the four main Romance Languages is the most commonly spoken? | Spanish | |
Which of the member of the spaceship ‘Enterprise’ is responsible for teletransportation in ‘Star Trek’? | Scotty | |
Which of the original Spice Girls was the only one with a ‘spice’ nickname? | Geri | |
Which of the original Spice Girls was the only one with a ‘spice’ nickname? | Geri | |
Which of the painters below was considered to be impressionist? | Auguste Renoir | |
Which of the seven dwarves wore glasses? | Doc | |
Which of the these is not an outdoor track and field throwing event? | Weight Toss | |
Which of the three movies of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy won the Academy Award for the Best Picture? | The Return of the King | |
Which of the witches in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ was the most evil? | The Witch of the West | |
Which of these African nations is landlocked? | Rwanda | |
Which of these Broadway musicals does not include a child character? | Rock of Ages | |
Which of these Central American countries doesn’t speak Spanish? | Belize | |
Which of these European capital cities has not hosted the Summer Olympics? | Brussels | |
Which of these Hollywood’s Golden Age icons would have turned a hundred years old in 2012? | Gene Kelly | |
Which of these Prime Ministers has received a Literature Nobel Price? | Winston Churchill | |
Which of these Roman Numerals mean 17? | XVII | |
Which of these Shakespeare’s work was NOT a tragedy? | The Tempest | |
Which of these South American countries has NEVER held a FIFA World Cup? | Colombia | |
Which of these Spanish speaking countries is U.S. territory? | Puerto Rico | |
Which of these TV actors has also recorded two Blues albums? | Hugh Laurie | |
Which of these absorbs the LEAST light? | White | |
Which of these activities is related to horseback riding? | All of the above | |
Which of these actors did NOT work for Disney? | Celine Dion | |
Which of these actors did not play one of Jennifer Aniston’s love interest on Friends? | Paul Walker | |
Which of these actors has never won an Academy Award for Best Actor? | Johnny Depp | |
Which of these actors has never worked with Johnny Depp? | Jennifer Aniston | |
Which of these actors played “two-face” in a Batman movie? | Tommy Lee Jones | |
Which of these actors played “two-face” in a Batman movie? | Tommy Lee Jones | |
Which of these actors plays the role of Michael Scofield in Prison Break? | Wentworth Miller | |
Which of these actresses is married to Freddie Prinze Jr.? | Sarah Michelle Gellar | |
Which of these albums does not belong to “The Beatles”? | Division Bell | |
Which of these american presidents doesn’t feature in Mount Rushmore? | James Madison | |
Which of these anagrams is a major town in Normandy? | Caen | |
Which of these ancient structures is the oldest? | Citadel of Caral, Peru | |
Which of these animals belong to the cephalopod family? | Octopus | |
Which of these animals does not appear in Picasso’s ‘Guernica’? | Cat | |
Which of these animals gives pink milk? | Hippopotamus | |
Which of these animals have assexual and sexual reproduction? | Komodo Dragon | |
Which of these animals is a mammal? | Elephant | |
Which of these animals is classified as eusocial? | Ants | |
Which of these animals is not a mammal? | Shark | |
Which of these applies to the shape of a soccer ball? | Spherical | |
Which of these archeological sites is not located in the Sacred Valley of Peru? | Puno | |
Which of these are located at the back of your throat? | Adenoids | |
Which of these are the names of the boy band Jonas Brothers? | Kevin, Joe and Nick | |
Which of these art museums is visited the most in the world? | Louvre | |
Which of these artists did not die at age 27? | Freddie Mercury | |
Which of these artists famously cut off their ear? | Van Gogh | |
Which of these artists is a photographer? | Man Ray | |
Which of these artists painted “The Toillette”? | Toulousse Lautrec | |
Which of these authors never won a Literature Nobel Prize? | Jorge Luis Borges | |
Which of these authors never won a Literature Nobel Prize? | Jorge Luis Borges | |
Which of these birds has the fastest flap of wings? | Hummingbird | |
Which of these books did Kurt Vonnegut write? | Cats Cradle | |
Which of these books was not written by John Green? | Why We Broke Up | |
Which of these books was not written by John Green? | Why We Broke Up | |
Which of these builds a domed nest? | Ovenbird | |
Which of these capital cities stands at the mouth of the River Plate? | Montevideo | |
Which of these castles is on the Isle of Wight? | Carisbrooke | |
Which of these characters does not belong to “The Wizard of Oz”? | The Blue Fairy | |
Which of these characters from “The Hunger Games” book series was not included in the major motion picture? | Madge, The Mayor’s Daughter | |
Which of these characters is NOT one of Johnny Deep’s roles? | Legolas | |
Which of these characters is alive at the end of Hamlet? | Horatio | |
Which of these characters was not in Marvel’s The Avengers? | Spider-Man | |
Which of these characters was not portrayed by Johnny Depp? | Doctor Parnassus | |
Which of these cities does not have an NFL team? | Los Angeles | |
Which of these cities in India has more inhabitants? | Mumbai | |
Which of these cities is at a greater altitude? | Quito, Ecuador | |
Which of these cities is below sea level? | Amsterdam | |
Which of these cities is not in Finland? | Oslo | |
Which of these cities is not in Palestine Territory? | Haifa | |
Which of these cities is not in Palestine Territory? | Haifa | |
Which of these cities is not located in Argentina? | Punta Del Este | |
Which of these cities is the most northern? | Québec City | |
Which of these cities isn’t Italian? | Lyon | |
Which of these colors is not in Brazil’s flag? | Orange | |
Which of these comic book super heroes never got a stand-alone movie? | Green Arrow | |
Which of these continents is its own country? | Australia | |
Which of these countries did not host a Formula 1 Grand Prix race in 2003? | Madagascar | |
Which of these countries did not sign the Kyoto Protocol? | United States | |
Which of these countries do not border Bolivia? | Colombia | |
Which of these countries does NOT use the metric system? | The United States | |
Which of these countries does not border Brazil? | Chile | |
Which of these countries does not have a rectangular flag? | Nepal | |
Which of these countries does not lie below the Tropic of Capricorn? | Spain | |
Which of these countries does not share a border with Germany? | Italy | |
Which of these countries does not speak Spanish? | Brazil | |
Which of these countries doesn’t border Brazil? | Ecuador | |
Which of these countries doesn’t have seashore? | Paraguay | |
Which of these countries grow durian? | Malaysia and Thailand | |
Which of these countries has a pink lake? | Australia | |
Which of these countries has land borders with india? | Bangladesh | |
Which of these countries has the highest number of museums in its capital city? | Mexico | |
Which of these countries has the largest population? | Sweden | |
Which of these countries is not a Baltic state? | Belarus | |
Which of these countries is not a member of the European Union? | Norway | |
Which of these countries is not a part of NAFTA? | England | |
Which of these countries is not bordered by the Baltic Sea? | Norway | |
Which of these countries is not part of Benelux? | Germany | |
Which of these countries is still under a dictatorship? | North Korea | |
Which of these countries is sugar cane vastly produced in? | Brazil | |
Which of these countries is the nearest to South Pole? | Chile | |
Which of these countries lies west of the UK? | Mexico | |
Which of these countries shares a land border with only one other country? | Canada | |
Which of these countries was a member of the Warsaw Pact? | Czechoslovakia | |
Which of these countries was not part of Yugoslavia? | Albania | |
Which of these describes something which causes stress or anxiety? | Nerve-racking | |
Which of these deserts is in the USA? | Mojave Desert | |
Which of these does Colin Farrell play in the title of a 2002 film? | The Recruit | |
Which of these does not describe a body of water? | Archipelago | |
Which of these elements exist as a diatomic molecule at normal temperature? | Nitrogen | |
Which of these fashion labels is not originally from France? | Loewe | |
Which of these feudal Japanese mêlée weapons was traditionally the longest? | Naginata | |
Which of these films didn’t include Johnny Depp in its cast? | Silence of the Lambs | |
Which of these films was directed by Steven Spielberg? | All of them | |
Which of these films was not directed by John Carpenter? | Alien | |
Which of these fishes is made out of cartilage? | Shark | |
Which of these football clubs is in London? | Arsenal | |
Which of these four cities is the largest (by population) on the U.S.A.’s west coast? | Los Angeles | |
Which of these four cities is the largest (by population) on the U.S.A.’s west coast? | Los Angeles | |
Which of these geographical features is a mountain? | Kilimanjaro | |
Which of these girls was not a mean girl? | Emma Stone | |
Which of these grunge bands formed from the remnants of Mother Love Bone and Temple of the Dog? | Pearl Jam | |
Which of these help with the clotting of blood? | Platelets | |
Which of these historical documents came first? | Magna Carta | |
Which of these in the blood is responsible for the coagulation process? | Platelets | |
Which of these instruments was originally made out of wood? | Flute | |
Which of these international codes belong to Hungary? | HU | |
Which of these international codes belongs to Argentina? | AR | |
Which of these is NOT a Christian Bale movie? | Hirokin | |
Which of these is NOT a NHL hockey team? | Golden State Warriors | |
Which of these is NOT a comic book written by Alan Moore? | Black Orchid | |
Which of these is NOT a kind of poem? | Hyperbole | |
Which of these is NOT a sea surrounding Antarctica? | Caspian Sea | |
Which of these is NOT a song by Madonna? | True colors | |
Which of these is NOT a song by Madonna? | True colors | |
Which of these is NOT in Italy? | Paris | |
Which of these is NOT one of the “New Wonders of the World”? | Eiffel Tower (France) | |
Which of these is a 2003 Disney computer-animated film? | Finding Nemo | |
Which of these is a Brazilian Painter? | Romero Britto | |
Which of these is a US rock band formed in the early 1980s? | Anthrax | |
Which of these is a bone found in the ear? | Stapes | |
Which of these is a carnivorous plant? | Venus flytrap | |
Which of these is a contact sport? | Water Polo | |
Which of these is a discipline in both men’s and women’s gymnastics? | Floor exercises | |
Which of these is a discipline in both men’s and women’s gymnastics? | Floor exercises | |
Which of these is a famous art museum in NYC? | Museum Of Modern Art | |
Which of these is a fish related to the carp? | Barbel | |
Which of these is a fish related to the herring? | Alewife | |
Which of these is a fish? | Shark | |
Which of these is a keyboard instrument? | Harpsichord | |
Which of these is a large woodwind instrument? | Bassoon | |
Which of these is a legendary British king who is said to have drawn a sword from a stone? | Arthur | |
Which of these is a person who performs tricks that deceive the eye? | Illusionist | |
Which of these is a popular form of music? | Country | |
Which of these is a popular garden flower? | Carnation | |
Which of these is a satellite TV channel? | Hallmark | |
Which of these is a species of camel? | Bactrian | |
Which of these is a sport? | Cricket | |
Which of these is a term for an actor? | Thespian | |
Which of these is a term meaning a match in bridge? | Rubber | |
Which of these is a theory about the creation of the universe? | Big Bang | |
Which of these is a three-stringed musical instrument? | Balalaika | |
Which of these is a type of drum? | Snare | |
Which of these is a weight category in professional boxing? | Welterweight | |
Which of these is a wonder of the World? | Victoria Falls | |
Which of these is an age of the Dinosaurs? | Jurassic | |
Which of these is an entertainer who walks on a tightrope? | Funambulist | |
Which of these is an example of a mallet percussion instrument? | Xylophone | |
Which of these is an inflammation of the kidneys? | Nephritis | |
Which of these is caused primarily by a deficiency of oxygen in the blood and tissues? | Altitude sickness | |
Which of these is considered a disease in the book “Delirium”? | Love | |
Which of these is deadly to humans? | Carbon Monoxide | |
Which of these is not a European river? | Missouri | |
Which of these is not a House from Game of Thrones? | Baggins | |
Which of these is not a Pixar movie? | Madagascar | |
Which of these is not a South American country? | Mexico | |
Which of these is not a bone in the human body? | Manilla | |
Which of these is not a borough in New York City? | Rhode Island | |
Which of these is not a brass instrument? | Clarinet | |
Which of these is not a dance style? | Bussiness Dance | |
Which of these is not a fairies’ name on “Sleeping Beauty”? | Spring | |
Which of these is not a mascot of an MLB team? | Devils | |
Which of these is not a member of S Club Juniors? | Eddie | |
Which of these is not a story by Edgar Allan Poe? | The Call Of Cthulhu | |
Which of these is not a strong acid? | Formic acid | |
Which of these is not a strong acid? | Formic acid | |
Which of these is not an Asian country? | Greece | |
Which of these is not an official stroke in swimming? | Corkscrew | |
Which of these is not part of the eyeball? | Meninges | |
Which of these is not the name of one of the Three Stooges? | Mac | |
Which of these is one of Jupiter’s Galilean moons? | Callisto | |
Which of these is one of Mozart’s real names? | All Are Correct | |
Which of these is one of Vincent Van Gogh’s most famous works? | Starry Night | |
Which of these is pi’s last number? | Pi is irrational | |
Which of these is the Northernmost African country? | Morocco | |
Which of these is the US name for the French card game vingt-et-un? | Blackjack | |
Which of these is the best electric conductor? | A copper string | |
Which of these is the capital city of Argentina? | Buenos Aires | |
Which of these is the dance-music wizard who released the albums ‘Play’ and ’18’? | Moby | |
Which of these is the most successful video game franchise in history? | Mario | |
Which of these is the name of a long-eared wild cat? | Caracal | |
Which of these is the name of a successful Antipodean pop group? | Crowded House | |
Which of these is the oldest baseball stadium in the United States? | Fenway Park | |
Which of these is used for measuring electrical current? | Ammeter | |
Which of these islands does NOT belong to the Galapagos Archipelago? | Easter Island | |
Which of these isn’t Canadian? | Emma Watson | |
Which of these isn’t an element in the periodic table? | Ammonia | |
Which of these isn’t organelle? | All are organelles | |
Which of these isn’t part of the digestive system? | Alveolus | |
Which of these kills its victims by constriction? | Anaconda | |
Which of these mammals lay eggs? | Echidna | |
Which of these molecules make up the DNA in living organisms? | All of these | |
Which of these mountains is in Alaska? | Mount Mckinley | |
Which of these movies does not star Bette Middler? | Something’s Gotta Give | |
Which of these movies doesn’t involve aliens? | Edward Scissorhands | |
Which of these movies is Leonardo DiCaprio not in? | Silver Linings Playbook | |
Which of these musicians married George Harrison’s ex wife, Pattie Boyd? | Eric Clapton | |
Which of these national flags has more than three colors? | Egypt | |
Which of these novels does not belong to the horror genre? | The Alchemist | |
Which of these novels is not written by Charles Dickens? | The Fancy | |
Which of these novels is written by James Patterson? | The 9th Judgment | |
Which of these novels was not written by Jane Austen? | Conviction | |
Which of these nursery rhymes is about the disease known as Black Death? | Ring Around The Rosie | |
Which of these oceans is the smallest? | Arctic | |
Which of these painters does NOT relate to the Cubist movement? | Marc Chagall | |
Which of these painters is an impressionist? | Claude Monet | |
Which of these philosophers wrote “A Compendium of Music”? | Descartes | |
Which of these physicists is Austrian? | Erwin Schrödinger | |
Which of these place names means ‘white house’? | Casablanca | |
Which of these planets is furthest from the Sun? | Neptune | |
Which of these plays by William Shakespeare starts out in fair Verona? | Romeo And Juliet | |
Which of these poets is not part of the “Cursed Poets”? | Walt Whitman | |
Which of these poets was renowned for dark romanticism? | Edgar Allen Poe | |
Which of these positions does not exist in a baseball game? | Fullback | |
Which of these programmes starred Robert Downey Jr? | Ally McBeal | |
Which of these provides a link between television programmes? | Announcer | |
Which of these rappers made the song “Ice Ice Baby”? | Vanilla Ice | |
Which of these regions does not belong to Denmark? | Tromsø | |
Which of these services came first? | Army | |
Which of these shows had the longest run on broadway? | Phantom Of The Opera | |
Which of these shows have been aired for the longest amount of time? | The Simpsons | |
Which of these singers is actually called Lizzy Grant? | Lana Del Rey | |
Which of these singers sung “Uptown Girl,” “Piano Man,” and “We Didn’t Start the Fire”? | Billy Joel | |
Which of these singers was part of a boy band? | Justin Timberlake | |
Which of these soccer players never played in Europe? | Pele | |
Which of these songs was sung by Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney? | The Girl is Mine | |
Which of these sports does not use a ball? | Ice hockey | |
Which of these sports was created by Dr. Jigoro Kano in 1882? | Judo | |
Which of these states from the United States is furthest South? | Louisiana | |
Which of these states have a capital city starting with letter “B”? | Serbia | |
Which of these states shares the longest border with Mexico? | Texas | |
Which of these stories did Edgar Allen Poe write? | The Raven | |
Which of these stories was written by Julio Cortázar? | The Taken House | |
Which of these substances is H2O? | Water | |
Which of these terms are used in baseball? | Grounder | |
Which of these theme parks is not part of the Walt Disney World? | Islands Of Adventure | |
Which of these units of measurement is the smallest? | femtometre | |
Which of these verbs is regular? | Seem | |
Which of these villains is not one of Batman’s enemies? | Magneto | |
Which of these was NOT a member of the band “The Runaways”? | Janis Joplin | |
Which of these was NOT one of King Henry VIII’s wives? | Marilyn Clover | |
Which of these was a blockbuster game series? | Gears of War | |
Which of these was a feature of classical Greek drama? | Chorus | |
Which of these was a primitive form of chemistry practised in western Europe up to the 17th century? | Alchemy | |
Which of these was a type of ancient Norse warrior? | Berserker | |
Which of these was an Italian sculptor? | Michelangelo | |
Which of these was an alliance formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union? | CIS | |
Which of these was not a Teletubby? | Tinkles | |
Which of these was not a dinosaur? | Dimetrodon | |
Which of these woodwind instruments can produce the highest pitch? | Piccolo | |
Which of these would a film actor like to receive? | Oscar | |
Which of these would be of most use if you wanted to play poker? | Pack of cards | |
Which of this Mortal Kombat character focuses on Ice attacks? | Sub-Zero | |
Which of this Star Wars characters was never a Jedi? | Han Solo | |
Which of this artists suffered from schizophrenia? | Van Gogh | |
Which of this living organisms can produce their own food? | Plants | |
Which of this tennis players is NOT argentinian? | Nicolas Massu | |
Which of those countries is not from South America? | Portugal | |
Which of your five senses is actually an ability to decode vibrations in the air? | Hearing | |
Which one is Hawaii’s capital? | Honolulu | |
Which one is NOT a renewable resource of energy? | Natural Gas | |
Which one is NOT a type of whale? | Hammerhead | |
Which one is a Greek god? | Aphrodite | |
Which one is a football player? | Peyton Manning | |
Which one is a non-renewable resource of energy? | Coal | |
Which one is not a greenhouse gas? | Oxygen | |
Which one is not located in Mexico? | Machu Picchu | |
Which one is the fastest? | Light | |
Which one is the first step of knowledge according to Aristotle? | Theory | |
Which one is the first step of knowledge according to Aristotle? | Theory | |
Which one is the highest mountain in America? | Aconcagua | |
Which one is the highest mountain in Europe? | Mount Elbrus | |
Which one is the highest mountain in the world? | Mount Everest | |
Which one of the following US States does NOT border the Mississippi River? | Montana | |
Which one of the following is a mass unit? | Kilograms | |
Which one of the following is the biggest city in Canada? | Toronto | |
Which one of the following literary works wasn’t written by Tolkien? | The Chronicles of Narnia | |
Which one of the following specialties does NOT belong to the North American cuisine? | All do | |
Which one of the following was NOT painted by the Italian mannerist artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo? | Madonna with a long neck | |
Which one of these Brands is American? | Nike | |
Which one of these Places are above the equator? | Florida | |
Which one of these animals has the strongest bite? | Crocodile | |
Which one of these beers is most likely to be found in German bars? | Warsteiner | |
Which one of these countries is not located in the Caribbean? | Malta | |
Which one of these does not belong in human DNA strand? | Chlorophyll | |
Which one of these factors affect enzyme activities? | pH level | |
Which one of these is NOT a primary color? | Green | |
Which one of these is a city in Italy? | Florence | |
Which one of these is a filovirus? | Ebola | |
Which one of these is a major sport in India? | Cricket | |
Which one of these is not a member of the british band Queen? | Keith Richards | |
Which one of these is the third book of ‘The Hunger Games’ series? | Mockingjay | |
Which one of these lakes are not one of the 5 Great Lakes? | Lake St. Clair | |
Which one of these novels was NOT written by Robert Louis Stevenson? | Journey to the Center of the Earth | |
Which one of these political leaders first wanted to be a painter? | Adolf Hitler | |
Which one of these singers did NOT sing in the hit pop song “Bang Bang”? | Katy Perry | |
Which one of these stories was written by the Grimm brothers? | Both | |
Which one of these stories was written by the Grimm brothers? | Both |
Note: This is "Trivia Crack" by "Etermax"
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