Sunday, October 17, 2021



HOW TO BE PRO IN PUBG By XOWNE introduction Hello ladies and gentlemen, today i'm going to make a new guide about getting better in PUBG in 2021, i'll give you some tips to help you getting excited and having fun while playing. This is a guide to every PUBG player but it is mostly targeting new PUBG players and players who has more than 100 hours in game.  STEPS: STEP NUM 1: at the beginning u will find out that u playing against players who has 500 lvl (max lvl) and u start saying WTH is going on? i start playing yesterday and i get into pro players.... and this is the reason why the new players leave PUBG  to avoid this u have to learn the basics some of u will say the basics is start the game get in the zone fight and win but in my point of view i say u wrong the basics include spray control / Take advantage of Terrain / learning about drop spots and team work STEP NUM 2: finding good teammate playing with randoms is the reason why players leave the games sooner bcuz PUBG has the most toxic players that i ever seen (change my mind if u can do)  so its better to find good teammate to play with (even if they are not good ) bcuz finding friend to play with is much better then playing with randoms and even if u lose u will enjoy about the game STEP 3 : after confirming step 1 and 2 do it over and over and u will get better in pubg


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