Sunday, October 17, 2021

Destiny 2 - Vault of Glass looting guide

Vault of Glass looting guide By Triss [Retired] So, you want to loot but need a refresher on what to do? Then I got you covered. I will also be including everything there is about this Raid, including the collectibles. Encounter 1: The Spire  The Spire is extremely easy, all you have to do is worry about the cyclops that spawn in and then just stand on the plates. Basically just tower defense. If you are having problems with staying alive, Xeno is extremely good along with anarchy. If you don't have these then I suggest using any sniper to melt the cyclops.   After about 5 minutes, not even, you will be done with this encounter, and the spire will be built. It does provide loot. The chest will be to the left of the door when the encounter ends.  Encounter 2: Templar - Ad Clear  Encounter 2, or what is most commonly known as ad clear is one of the easiest things within this. There are no mechanics, well besides being marked, but keep your distance and you will be fine.  After starting the encounter you will be greeted by waves of enemies. All you need to do is kill them and NOT TOUCH the pools that spawn in after killing a fnatic. If you do happen to touch pool do not worry, nothing will happen until the Templar starts to charge up so you will have plenty of time of run to the middle of the room and cleanse yourself.  Occasionally a Overload Minotaur will spawn in or a Wyvern but these can easily be killed by a single burst of Anarchy or 4 shots from Xeno.  After defending all the spires you will be granted a chest and then the next encounter will be the introduction to oracles.
Encounter 3: Templar - Oracles Oracles are extremely easy, IF you can give call outs. Each team does it different by labeling L1, L2, L3, M, R1, R2, and R3. However, that causes confusion as there is no need to makes these calls unless you are low-manning this raid.  Simply call out the oracles in order. 1, 2, 3, etc.  There are 7 spots the oracles will spawn in.  There are 3 on the left, 1 in middle and 3 on the right.  My best suggestion is to have 1 person on each with a single player cover 2 on the right side. Simply call out the order of your oracles and then shoot it in that order. Be sure to listen to the chime or the tune, but the order repeats so make sure you clear comms then listen and watch. There are snipers that can be annoying but having a scout rifles and constantly clearing is very easy.  You can fail this however, and if you shoot them in the wrong order you will need to run to the clease in the middle and have your fireteam jump in at the same time so everyone gets the cleanse. You'll have about 7 seconds from failure to cleanse or else you'll die. After doing this 4 times, from 3 to 7, you will beat this encounter and get more loot. Encounter 4: Templar - Templar Encounter 4 can be done, and I am not joking, in about 2-1/2 minutes.  In the center, where the cleanse used to be, there will be a Relic/Aegis a player will need to hold. DO NOT DROP THIS. After 7 seconds of being on the ground it will disappear and wipe you. Like last encounter you will need to shoot 3 oracles in order so that you do not wipe, however, that is not required if you are fast enough. After killing the oracles you will have the relic/aegis holder shoot (Super) the Templar to remove his shield and you will begin DPS phase.  You should be able to have enough damage with double slugs to kill him but if not then you will need to block his teleports. On the ground around the area there will be 4 teleports he can go to.
The Templar WILL STAY in the center if you block his teleports, however, if he does teleport he will just put his shield back up and the Relic/Aegis player will just need to super them again. Oracles DO spawn back in after a teleport so be sure to watch that but you can just have a player or 2 covering them. Encounter 5: Gorgon Maze. Gorgon Maze is pretty simple. There are 2 collectibles and the secret chest in here but that can be covered if requested.  Encounter 6: Gatekeepers The gatekeeper encounter is another tower defense. However, you will need to activate both plates in Atheon's Throne. After defeating the enemies inside of the Throne and killing the Gatekeeper, the Relic/Aegis will spawn in, have a player grab it and hold onto it.   Next, a player will need to go into both Mars and Venus and start to defend the Spire inside of each area. However, soon a Wyvern or a Shielded Minotaur will spawn in. The shielded Minotaur will only be damage by the player with the Relic/Aegis. Once the callout has been made and the Relic holder enters the respective area and defeats the Minotaur they will need to drop the Relic and have the player inside switch with them as entering or exiting an area with the Relic prevents that player from teleporting for 45 seconds.  Once out of the area the player with the relic will need to drop it for another player and have them go into the adjacent portal. (Mars -> Venus or Venus -> Mars) In short, 4 players will be rotating the Relic around. The 2 players outside will just be killing the overload Minotaur that spawns in and the goblins.   After 4 Shielded Minotaurs have been defeated the Spires inside will despawn and a spire will spawn in the Throne area. Defend this area from the Vex and defeat the 3 Shielded Minotaurs and 3 Wyverns. After this you will be on Atheon and one step closer to beating this Raid. Encounter 7: Atheon Atheon is extremely, EXTREMELY easy.  First you need have roles.  CALLER: These are the players who know how to read the Oracles. SUPPORT: The person who is the least confident in their DPS ability or survivability. Basically, the one getting carried. They will be holding the Aegis during Damage Phase/Teleporting Phase. DPS: Also in tandem with CALLER, basically large DPS supers.  Anarchy is almost a must have, along with scouts and snipers. YOU DO NOT NEED DIVINITY SINCE WE HAVE BREACH AND CLEAR. Does basically the same amount of buff. Slightly less but oh well.  So after starting the encounter and clearing the ads that spawn behind Atheon, 3 players will be teleported into either Mars or Venus. The first words from anyone should be which area they are in. This allows the players in the Throne room to activate the portal to let them out. (Note: You do NOT need to stand on the plate forever, after activation the plate will NOT go away)  The caller will callout where the oracles spawn in, as they must be shot in order.
They will consist of: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------Far Left --- Far Mid --- Far Right---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------Close Left ---Close Mid --- Close Right------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------You can also label them as:------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------1--------------2--------------3------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------4--------------5--------------6------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   After 3 phases or 9 oracles are shot in total, you will have 30 seconds of buff. You will have increased super regeneration and infinite abilities. Supers that work extremely well for this area are Chaos Reach, Thunder Crash and Blade Barrage. Each with their respective super to make them more lethal. Shards of Galanor are a must have for Blade Barrage.  After the damage phase it is rinse and repeat until you are finished with the encounter. With contest mode over the raid is very easy to beat. Collectibles There are 12 collectibles within VoG, and I will be going through each one of them for those who still don't have them. Collectibles - The Spire The 1st Collectible is to the far right of the spawn at the Spire. It is behind the tree.   The 2nd The second Collectible is under the main/center plate, inside a tunnel. Enter the tunnel and it should be all the way in the back and to the left.   Collectibles - Before Templar After completing the Spire encounter make your way to the divide where you can either drop down for the secret chest or turn left for the normal area. There are 3 Collectibles before the Templar area.   ^^^The 3rd Collectible will be to the left behind a rock.
The 4th Collectible will be on top of a tree just behind the secret chest.  ^^^The 5th Collectible will be on the normal path, you can jump to it from either direction. It is just below the last platform on the little jumping puzzle. Collectibles - After Templar There are 2 more Collectibles after Templar. You will need to go into the secret exit to get to both of them.  The 6th Collectible can be found right as you enter the secret area. Just jump up and to the right to get to it.  The 7th Collectible is extremely easy to miss, so be careful. Continue down the secret path until you reach the final drop. Turn around and you will see a small opening in the wall, enter it and pick up the Collectible.   Collectibles - Gorgon Maze There are 2 Collectibles in the Gorgon Maze, both of which are easy to grab so don't worry about climbing.  The 8th Collectible is just as you spawn in and is on the way to the secret chest. Head right and you will noticed it sitting on a rock just above a Gorgon.  (Sorry for poor lighting, there isn't really anything else to light up this area)  The 9th Collectible is on the way out of the Maze on the left side. Follow the normal route shown in the guide until you make it to this rock. There you will see the final Collectible in this area.
Collectibles - Before Atheon After finishing the Gorgon maze you will reach the 2nd jumping puzzle. Here you will need to make a sharp left and enter the cave just before the jumping puzzle.   After exiting the other side drop down to the platform below and enter the small hole in the wall. Collect the 10th Collectible and then jump off the map to respawn above.   The 11th Collectible is after the jumping puzzle and is inside the wall. There will be a portion of wall that is illuminated. Enter it and turn right, the Collectible will be sitting on the ground as you enter.   The 12th and final Collectible is right before Atheon's door. Simply look up and to the left and you will see it sitting in the alcove.


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