Sunday, October 17, 2021

Demon Slayer - Rengoku vs Akaza guide to Rank S


In-depth. Rengoku vs Akaza By TotemMX Rengoku vs Akaza guide to Rank S. Our Weapons. Our attack to "approuch" is Third Form: Blazing Universe (forward+Y), this skill is medium range and will let us continue a combo.  Our Main Attack will be:  Third Form Blazing Universe (forward+Y), then Third Form: Flame Tiger (Y). This combo also is useful if near a Wall, because sometimes the combo is interrupted because there is a wall. The reason we doing this simple combo is because the "Damage Scaling", the damage is less the bigger combo. Also because Ultimate Attack is disable (plot reasons).  Note: You need to do at least 1 time the large combo, because it will give you better Score. It has 21 hits so we'll get 210 points. The shorter combo only has 10 hits. This is optional. The more important thing for better Rank Score is the HP left.  We start with Third Form: Blazing Universe (forward+Y) If hit, we'll continue with Light Attacks auto combo, but the last hit must be done while pressing Up (4-hit combo upper in command list), so the last hit will raise Akaza to the air.  Note: you can press Up during whole combo, also you can mash buttons. Inputs are weird  Press B (dash) to continue combo. if you dont, combo ends. In Middle Air, we'll continue with Light Attacks auto combo (Aerial Attack: 2 hit combo, in command list), the last hit will knock down Akaza. Inmediatly, you need to be fast, because the frame window is small. Press Y (skill) again to finish off with Third Form: Flame Tiger (Y)  Recap:  Large combo for Bonus: Forward+Y, X, X, X, X+Up, X, B, X, X, Y (3804 damage in Practice mode)  Simple combo Forward+Y, Y (3113 damage in Practice Mode)  First Fight. This fight has 2 parts.  The first part (more than 50%HP) Akaza runs, dodge and only does dash.    Try to keep distance. If Akaza Dash Attack, then dodge, perform the "Large Combo" (optional) or just "Simple Combo". You can also try to launch combo while Akaza is just running around, if you didnt land Skill, just dash out his range.  Note: just remember your Skill gauge is limited  Once you take away around 50% of his HP. The second part with Akaza starts. Now he has more attacks:  - "Simple Dash" - "Combo Dash", Red Cicle is around this one and tries to Kick Combo. - Projectiles - "Fake Dash", similar to "simple" but it stops to Punch you (Ora Ora Ora).  Is a good idea to use Boost. It will increase your damage and help you to dodge better projectiles and "Fake Dash". You only can attack AFTER you dodge attacks, in the first 2 Akaza's attacks ("Simple Dash" and "Combo Dash", because the others have instant recovery and them will interrupt you, if you try to "approuch".
"Simple Dash"   "Combo Dash"   "Fake Dash"   This is a very easy fight, but learning how to attack will help us with the Next Battle.   Second Fight In this Fight Akaza has 2 Health Bars. We can see a pattern in this fight. Since the first part is similar to the last part of the first fight, but with a Twist: Akaza can activate "Rage Mode".  In the first HP bar (the hardest). Akaza has the follow attacks:  - "Combo Dash", Red Cicle is around this one and tries to Kick Combo. - "Aerial Fall", Big Red Circle moving to you. Akaza falls from Sky. - Projectiles. - Projectiles in Mid Air. - "Fake Dash", similar to "Simple Dash" but it stops to Punch you (Ora Ora Ora). - "Rage Mode". When Akaza enters Rage Mode his attacks change a little: has more projectiles and attacks cant be interrupted (Dont attack him), This attack has a variant later in the fight: 1 second last attack after mass projectiles from air, "Aerial Fall". So stay alert after you take away the 40-50% of the First HP Bar,  Note: Try to keep distance. Dodge all you can, but if you think you late to dodge, then block. In this fight we dont need much HP left, around 40% is enough, even less.  Note: Like the First Fight, we need to land the "large combo" at least 1 time, for Combo Bonus (210 points). I recommend do it in the Second HP bar, because Akaza is easier there and you have plenty opportunities.  The first HP bar is the hardest. Akaza is fierce and will trick you with "Fake Dash", while spamming projectiles. We only have 2 chances to hit (safest). When Akaza is doing "Combo Dash" and after "Rage Mode" ends (mass projectiles, more than 70% HP and later the "Aerial Fall", less than 70% HP). In the last one you need to be fast, the recovery is short and Akaza will punish with "Fake Dash", if you late.  Note: Dont forget to activate Boost to increase Attack and help you to dodge. Especially while in "Rage Mode", to maximize damage when Akaza is vulnerable and to dodge better his attacks.  "Combo Dash"   "Rage Mode"   "Vulnerable point of Rage Mode"    Once you take away his first HP bar. Akaza recover his HP and will "Ora Ora Ora" you ("Fake Dash"). Starting the Second Part of the fight.  Fortunately this part is easier. Akaza attack pattern consist mainly in "Combo Dash", so we free to Attack frequently. After some combos, activate Boost to increase Attack. Even if Akaza enters "Rage Mode", you already know the attack pattern, just watch out with Akaza's extra attack during "Rage Mode" ("Aerial Fall").  Note: Dont forget to "Large Combo", if you havent  Once Akaza reach the mark. You are asked to do Quick Time Event. You need to success every input for max bonus (getting flames in Rank Score).  Y, B, Rapidly X and X (press when in middle blue circle).  For Rank S you dont need much HP, as long you do "Large Combo", activate "Boost" and try to finish quickly.


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