Tuesday, October 19, 2021

FIFA 22 - How to reach 90 rating in player career mode as a ST


How to reach 90 rating in player career mode as a ST By ZASTAVA M70 This will show you how to reach 90 rating in Fifa 22 player career mode as a Striker; specifically what to invest your points into. My current rating  Skill Points (Physical)  Skill Points (Dribbling)  Skill Points (Passing)  Skill Points (Shooting)
Skill Points (Pace)  In one picture  Unofficial way to 99 rating 1. Go to Customize  2. Create a player  3. Select male player  4. Adjust the attribute sliders to select your rating  5. Select the club you wish to be in  6. Make sure to save the character  7. Now go back to the start menu and select Choose A Player  8. Now select the club you added that player in and enjoy Additional Information There is no specific order as to how this should be done, if anyone has achieved anything higher as a ST feel free to comment.


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