Monday, February 24, 2014

House of Fear Revenge Walkthrough - Part 6

Now put the crystals in the order that is shown in the normal dimension: Top - orange, Left - red, Bottom - purple and Right - green
You will find a empty book inside

Put the book in the bookshelf in the other room

The bookshelf will unblock the path to top and bottom floors. 
But first let's deal with the ghost that is in the attic

Use the wood cross on the ghost to make her go away
Tap the small container on the table, and enter the patters that you've memorize earlier
You will find a orange spring wire

Now combine the wire with the clock

Go to the lower level

Use the sword to kill this guy

Take the stick

Place the stick on the stand

Now go to the top level

Take the lantern

Go down on the ladder

Place the lantern on the floor
Tap the mirror to go to the normal dimension

Take the sledgehammer and use it to break the wall

Place the clock on the dynamite and get out of the house in 20 seconds

CONGRATULATIONS you now have you're revenge.

Go to: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6

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  1. I loved this game, although I had to lookat the walkthrough...Still, it's great. Hey, it could even be a movie!

    1. Yes, a few puzzles are difficult to figure out, but in the end is a awesome game.
