Sunday, February 23, 2014

House of Fear Revenge Walkthrough - Part 2

Go inside the room

Combine the shotgun with the bullet, and use it to kill the zombie
Take some hay from the left
Take the chair on the right

Decombine, in the inventory, the chair into a pile of wood planks and a lockpick

Go in the room with the fireplace. Tap on the fireplace, and place inside the wood and the hay

Use the lockpick tool on the left door, in the fireplace room

Take the lightbulb and the piece of paper under the couch
Use the video tape on the TV

Tap on the metal box

Use the duct tape to fix the wire
Take the round piece of paper
Turn the switch

Combine the rock with the metal thing
Use the item that resulted on the fireplace, to light the fire

Go to: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6

1 comment:

  1. not paper - rock - as in flint-and-steel - makes a spark to light kindling (hay) and logs
