Monday, February 24, 2014

House of Fear Revenge Walkthrough - Part 5

This is the first room of the alternative dimension. There is nothing to do here, for now

In the next room you will find another ghost
The book on the chair tells you how to kill her

Go back to the normal dimension, in this room
You will find a safe under the rug
Tap on the light on the left wall, then tap small spot on the door to see the code for the safe
Enter the code: 17516, and take the skull (the ghost's skull)
Put the skull in the fireplace and the ghost will be killed

Now that the ghost is gone, you can explore the room
First combine the half of key with the round shape to obtain a key
Use the key to open the door in the middle and take a purple crystal. (Note: the door is now also open in the normal dimension)
Use the ladder to go in the attic

You will stumble upon another ghost here... So let's deal with her

Go in the normal dimension and enter the new opened place

Lots of thing to do here:
First take the sword and the bottle (near the chair)
Insert the light bulb, from your inventory, in the lamp. The light will how a code, written upside-down: 351104
Tap on the small safe and enter the code: 351104. You will find a orange crystal inside

Now go into the bathroom (tap the TV in the red couch room)
Fill the bottle with water

Use the bottle with water to extinguish the fire in the fireplace
Then tap on the fireplace
Pick up the wood cross and tap the small safe

Go to: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6

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