Sunday, June 30, 2013

Riddle That [Season 1] Level 21

1. Tilt the phone to the left to reveal the clue.
2. The keyboard is the clue. You have to use the coordinates on your keyboard alphabet and numeric keys to discover the word.
Note the rows of keys numbering starts with 0.
Row 0 =12345.....
Row 1 = qwerty.....
Row 2= asdfg....
Row 3 = zxcvbn....

Now let's find the coordinates:
  1. 7,2 = 7th letter on row 2 = J
  2. 1,2 = 1st letter on row 1 = A
  3. 3,3 = 3rd letter on row 3 = C
  4. 8,2 = 8th letter on row 2 = K
  5. 2,2 = 2nd letter on row 2 = S
  6. 9,1 = 9th letter on row 1 = O
  7. 6,3 = 6th letter on row 3 = N
  8. 5,4 = 5th letter on row 4 = Space key
  9. 5,0 = 5th number on row 0 = 5
Put them all together and you get "Jackson 5"
3. After you'll enter "Jackson 5" in the text box you will go to level 22.

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