Sunday, April 3, 2022

ELDEN RING: Guide to Bolstering Bell Bearings

This page covers a full list of all the Ghost, Grave, Smithing, and Somber Bell Bearings in Elden Ring. Feedback of any kind is always appreciated and fixes will be noted. ABOUT   Bell Bearings in Elden Ring are special Key Items that can be turned in to specific NPCs to unlock different purchasable items. Bell Bearings are usually acquired through exploration, and looting it from specified areas of a Location, dropped by a specific Enemy or Boss, or is given by an NPC. This page covers a full list of all the Bolstering Bell Bearings found in Elden Ring.  GRAVE-GLOVEWORT: Grave Gloveworts are the base material for upgrading base ashes. Grave-Glovewort Bearing [1] Dropped by Erdtree Burial Watchdog in the Wyndham Catacombs. Located within: Altus Plateau. Nearest Site of Grace: "Wyndham Catacombs".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Grave Glovewort [1] .Grave Glovewort [2] .Grave Glovewort [3] Grave-Glovewort Bearing [2] Dropped by Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the Giants Mountaintop Catacombs. Located within: Mountaintops of the Giants. Nearest Site of Grace: "Giants Mountaintop Catacombs".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Grave Glovewort [4] .Grave Glovewort [5] .Grave Glovewort [6] Grave-Glovewort Bearing [3] Begin by traveling to the provided site of grace. After, begin by heading north into the church nearby and take an immediate left where you will meet an elevator. Take the elevator down and once exiting you will see a gazibo in the middle of a lake, the bearing is there. Located within: Crumbling Farum Azura. Nearest Site of Grace: "Crumbling Beast Grave Depths".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Grave Glovewort [7] .Grave Glovewort [8] .Grave Glovewort [9] GHOST-GLOVEWORT: Ghost Gloveworts are a special material used to upgrade renowned spirit ashes. Ghost-Glovewort Bearing [1] Found on a corpse lying at the base of a gazebo in Nokron, Eternal City. Located within: Siofra River. Nearest Site of Grace: "Nokron, Eternal City".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Ghost Glovewort [1] .Ghost Glovewort [2] .Ghost Glovewort [3] Ghost-Glovewort Bearing [2] Found in a chest guarded by Silver Tears in the corner of a small room in Nokstella, Eternal City. Located within: Ainsel River. Nearest Site of Grace: "Nokstella, Eternal City".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Ghost Glovewort [4] .Ghost Glovewort [5] .Ghost Glovewort [6] Ghost-Glovewort Bearing [3] Begin by traveling to the provided site of grace. Once you have arrived, head to an elevator located on the northern wall, take it. After being lifted into the church make your way to the front door and take an immediate left through the graveyard, be weary, there are several enemies. The bearing is located on the end. Located within: Miquella's Haligtree. Nearest Site of Grace: "Haligtree Roots".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Ghost Glovewort [7] .Ghost Glovewort [8] .Ghost Glovewort [9]

SMITHING-STONE: Smithing Stones are a base material for upgrading base equipment. Smithing-Stone Bearing [1] Dropped by Crystalian boss in the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel. Located within: Liurna of the Lakes. Nearest Site of Grace: "Lucaria Crystal Tunnel".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Smithing Stone [1] .Smithing Stone [2] .Glinstone Scrap Smithing-Stone Bearing [2] Found in a chest at the first secret area inside the Sealed Tunnel. Located within: Altus Plateau. Nearest Site of Grace: "Sealed Tunnel".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Smithing Stone [3] .Smithing Stone [4] Smithing-Stone Bearing [3] Found in the back of the Zamor Ruins. Located within: Mountaintop of the Giants. Nearest Site of Grace: "Zamor Ruins".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Smithing Stone [5] .Smithing Stone [6] Smithing-Stone Bearing [4] Dropped after defeating The Godskin Duo. Located within: Crumbling Farum Azula. Nearest Site of Grace: "Dragon Temple".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Smithing Stone [7] .Smithing Stone [8] SOMBER-STONE: Somber Smithing Stones are a base material for upgrading special equipment. Somber-Stone Bearing [1] Dropped by Fallingstar Beast boss in the Sellia Crystal Tunnel. Located within: Caelid. Nearest Site of Grace: "Sellia Crystal Tunnel".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Somber Stone [1] .Somber Stone [2] .Glinstone Scrap Somber-Stone Bearing [2] Dropped by Crystilian Spear and Ringblade boss in the Altus Tunnel. Located within: Altus Plateau. Nearest Site of Grace: "Altus Tunnel".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Somber Stone [3] .Somber Stone [4] Somber-Stone Bearing [3] Found on a body outside the First Church of Marika. Located within: Mountaintops of the Giants. Nearest Site of Grace: "First Church of Marika".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Somber Stone [5] .Somber Stone [6] Somber-Stone Bearing [4] Found on a body next to the provided site of grace. Located within: Crumbling Farum Azula. Nearest Site of Grace: "Tempest-Facing Balcony".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Somber Stone [7] .Somber Stone [8] Somber-Stone Bearing [5] Begin by traveling to the provided site of grace. Head inside and take the elevator into a church, the Bearing with be on a podium within the 1st floor. Located within: Crumbling Farum Azula. Nearest Site of Grace: "Beside the Great Bridge".  Grants the player the ability to buy the following: .Somber Stone [9]



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