Sunday, February 25, 2018

CodyCross Answers for Questions starting with Letter "D"

Below you will find the answers for all the questions that begin with Letter D. All the questions are in alphabetical order, to find a level fast use the search function on your internet browser, Ctrl + F on PC  or  Menu >  Find in Page on mobile devices.
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Daenerys __, is played by Emilia Clarke: targaryen
Dagger type weapon on the end of a gun muzzle: bayonet
Daily frequency: quotidian
Daily record of experiences, observations: journal
Daily records of events: diaries
Dairy much used in french cuisine: butter
Dairy product made by churning milk: butter
Dairy product used as a pizza topping: cheese
Dairy rejecters: vegans
Daisy __, Rey, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: ridley
Dali painted __ and Hand: apparatus
Dali's melting watches were inspired by this cheese: camembert
Dallas __ play at the American Airlines Center: mavericks
Dallas basketball team added to NBA in 1980: mavericks
Dam-making river creatures: beavers
Damage of any kind to the body: injury
Dame Helen __, English actress: mirren
Dan Castellaneta voices Homer __: simpson
Dan Conner on Roseanne, John __: goodman
Dana __; an FBI agent and doctor on The X-Files: scully
Dance form of emotional intensity, foot stamping: flamenco
Dance marked by flowing movements across the room: foxtrot
Dance music causing change of consciousness: trance
Dances using the tip of her toes: ballerina
dandy: popinjay
Dangerous __, period piece with Glenn Close: liaisons
Dangerous coagulated mass in arteries: blood clot
Dangerous mineral once used in construction: asbestos
Daniel __, Harry Potter Actor: radcliffe
Danish short film about a hospital friendship: helium
Danny __ played Louie De Palma in Taxi: devito
Dante __, writer who gave us the Divine Comedy: alighieri
Dante's hell with nine circles of suffering: inferno
Dardel, __ post-impressionist painter: swedish
Dark absorbent fuel made of burning wood: charcoal
Dark azure edible fruit: blueberry
Dark form that is cast from the light on an object: shadow
Dark green nutty legume from French volcanic soil: puy lentil
Dark red-brown color; someone stuck on an island: maroon
Dark, solid substance used for roads, pathways: asphalt
Dark, ugly acne lesions: blackhead
Darren __, director of Black Swan: aronofsky
Darwin's evolution islands: galapagos
Dashboard in a car with controls: console
Data that proves the facts: evidence
Date in which Magi reached their destination: epiphany
Dating __, a matchmaking business: agency
Dating game show hosted by Chris Harrison: bachelor
Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra: iphigenia
Daughter of Necker and critic of Napoleon: de stael
Daughter of Zeus and Leto, Apollo's twin sister: artemis
Daughters of a brother or sister: nieces
Dauntless, gutsy: intrepid
David __, author of Cloud Atlas: mitchell
David __, Californication star, Agent Mulder: duchovny
David __, known for his book Cloud Atlas: mitchell
David __, magician and endurance artist: blaine
David __, US TV talk show host for 33 years: letterman
David Bowie's androgynous alter ego Ziggy __: stardust
David Bowie, the __ of rock: chameleon
David Furnish is married to this pianist: elton john
David killed him with a slingshot: goliath
David Lynch cult TV series: twin peaks
Davy __, folk hero killed at The Alamo: crockett
Davy Crockett: Born on a mountain top in __: tennessee
Davy Jones's locker: seafloor
Dawn: daylight
Day __, speculation of stocks, currencies: trading
Day of __, holy day also known as Yom Kippur: atonement
Day of the week that starts the Sabbath: friday
DC's Legends of __, TV series about superheroes: tomorrow
Dead ball restart situation after foul in soccer: free kick
Dead body, cadaver: corpse
Dead Calm, The __, and Titanic actor, Billy Zane: phantom
Dead Man __, Sean Penn is on death row: walking
Dead without a will: intestate
Deadly, fatal: lethal
Deadpool villain, MMA Strikeforce fighter, Gina __: carano
Dealer, usually in expensive fabrics: mercer
Dealing with something, minimizing stress: coping
Dear Abby column writer's last name: phillips
Death __ Her, Streep, Willis, Hawn black comedy: becomes
Death of living cells and tissues by many causes: necrosis
Death's walking stick, farming tool: scythe
Debbie __, actress of Singin' in the Rain: reynolds
Debts or money owed: liability
Debuted in 1966; adventures of the USS Enterprise: star trek
Decay in morals: decadence
Decayed and rotten: putrid
Deceased Blues Brother, comedian brother: belushi
December 26, Saint's Day in Ireland: stephen
Decency, decorum: propriety
Deceptively affable, for the Irish: sleeveen
Decidedly not what a shrinking violet is like: extrovert
Deciduous tree with dark purple berries: mulberry
Deciphered: decoded
Decision requiring no thought: no brainer
Decisive battle of the Chinese Civil War in 1940s: huaihai
Declare abandonment of: renounce
Decongestants shrink __ membranes in noses: swollen
Decorate architectural forms with miniatures: purfle
Decorated, ornaments added to something: adorned
Decorating something with stripes: striping
Decoration at the foot of a printed page: tailpiece
Decoration that is sewn onto a piece of cloth: appliqué
Decorative piece of a car wheel: hubcap
Decorative wheel cover on a car: hubcap
Decorative wheel covers on a car: hubcaps
Decorative, if not practical: fanciful
Decreased oxygen to tissues, choking, also fatal: asphyxia
Decree, declare, pronounce formally: adjudge
Decryption code: cipher
Deep and narrow __ from a stream or river: ravine
Deep and painful regret about something: remorse
Deep blue-violet color; a plant used to make dye: indigo
Deep blue; the birthstone of September: sapphire
Deep green stone; May's birthstone: emerald
Deep purple-reddish color: dubonnet
Deep swimming flatfish; Ariel's yellow friend: flounder
Deep water fishing boat using many baited hooks: long liner
Deep-fried vigna mungo Indian dessert, jhangiri: imarti
Default font used in MS Word since 2007: calibri
Defender of women's rights: feminist
Defensive player between second and third basemen: short stop
Defensive walls in battlements: bulwarks
Defibrillation for car battery: jump start
Defibrillation is an __ shock to the chest or heart: electric
Deficiency in red blood cell production: anemia
Defined by a concern with beauty or good taste: aesthetic
Defoliant used during Vietnam War Agent __: orange
Defunct NYC women's fashion store, __ Teller: bonwit
Degas painted L' __: absinthe
Degree of prominence in words, phrases: accent
Deliberate destruction or failure: sabotage
Delicate facial hairs that add expression: eyebrows
Delivered by politicians as a rule: screeds
Delivery of supplies by plane with a parachute: airdrop
Della Reese TV series, __ by an Angel: touched
Deltiology is the collection of these items: postcards
Delusional parasitosis is a belief you have __: parasites
Delusions of __, unqualified greatness: grandeur
Demand's better half: supply
Demonic representations of Satan: devils
Demonophobia is the fear of evil __: demons
Deng __, leader of China from 1978-1989: xiaoping
Denis __, French philosopher of the Encyclopédie: diderot
Denise __, ex-wife of Charlie Sheen: richards
Denoting grammatical person, a __ pronoun: personal
Dense chocolate square treat popular in the US: brownie
Dental __ is to prevent cavities: sealant
Dental __, liquid metal filling for cavities: amalgam
Dental __, surgical fixture for missing teeth: implant
Deny someone proximity: push away casino host
Depart secretly and quickly to avoid capture: abscond
Department that takes care of radioactive waste: energy
Depression from a collapsing volcanic center: caldera
Deputy sheriff, gunslinger at the O.K. Corral: wyatt earp
Derogatory term for an intellectual person: egghead
Derogatory term for impoverished neighborhood: ghetto
Des __, Hawkeye capital named after French fort: moines
Describes a car with a hinged rear door: hatchback
Describes a horse with a reddish-brown coat: chestnut
Describes a petite nose turned up at the tip: retrousse
Describes a stepped waterfall, a torrent of water: cascading
Describing word, found before a noun: adjective
Descrimination based on how old you are: ageism
Desert and reward seldom keep __: company
Desert horned __ has many different horns all over: lizard
Deserted, abandoned: defected
Deserved to be laughed at: risible
Designated locations for boats in a harbor: berths
Designed to protect from the sunlight: sunglass
Designed to serve food; buffet table; plural in UK: sideboard
Designer of buildings: architect
Desire to purchase a product by the public: demand
Desires are __ by delays: nourished
Dessert with a creamy consistency: pudding
Dessert: Rice, bread, chocolate: pudding
Destroying: wrecking
Detailing, itemizing, numbering: listing
Detective __ Harris, Denzel's role in Training Day: alonzo
Determination of who keeps a minor child: custody
Determine by calculating, usually on a computer: compute
Detroit __ played at Joe Louis Arena: red wings
Detroit car brand started by GM: cadillac
Detroit sound that brought us Temptations: motown hearing aid
Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Old __: testament
Deux-__, west French dept named after two rivers: sèvres
Developed radio telegraph system, Guglielmo __,: marconi
Developed the 1st blood transfusion service: bethune
Developing, improving: evolving
Deviate away from the main topic: digress
Deviation from the rule, form, arrangement: anomaly
Device flattens the "wrinkles" in female hair: hair iron
Device in a car used to start the engine: starter
Device invented in the Middle Ages: windmill
Device polishes, improves chocolate quality: conche
Device sends medicine to lungs for asthma victims: inhaler
Device that can be used without connecting cord: wireless
Device that cooks food by exposing it to radiation: microwave
Device that sends electrical shocks to the heart: pacemaker
Device to capture photos; most cellphones have it: camera
Device to control a character in a computer game: joystick
Device to measure fractions of time; used in races: stopwatch
Device to turn something on or off: switch
Device used by police to restrain people: handcuff
Device used to gain Internet access: router
Device used to open a tin: can opener
Device used to preserve food at low temperatures: freezer
Device used to surf the web: computer
Device used to take photos: camera
Device used to transfer images into a computer: scanner
Device uses the shadow of the Sun for navigation: backstaff
Devices used to stop a car: brakes
Devil's __; supporter of unpopular opinion: advocate
Devoid of freedom or liberty: captivity
Devoted love, worship: adoration
Devotion, fondness, love: affection
Dewey's pre Internet book categorizing system: decimal
Dhirubhai __, founder of Reliance Industries: ambani
Diabolical boiled egg dish: deviled
Diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye: iridology
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illnesses: medicine
Diamonds __, Prince's song about precious stones: and pearls
Diana Ross and The __: supremes
Diaphragm spazzing: hiccups
Diathermy uses heat to destroy __ cells: abnormal
Dictatorial order: diktat
Die-cast vehicles first sold in cardboard packs: matchbox
Died of a heart attack while filming Wagons East!: john candy
Diego Rivera's famous painting, __ Leader Zapata: agrarian
Difference between bid and stock asking prices: spread
Different colored skullcap worn by RC clergy: zucchetto
Different forms of a gene; dominant or recessive: alleles
Different pieces of cloth sewn together: patchwork
Dig a corpse out of the ground: exhume
Dig Dug's hero wins by __ and killing monsters: digging
Digestive organ comes in small, large sizes: intestine
Digestive organ; cows have four of them: stomach
Digital __, photographic revolution, no film needed: cameras
Digital cell phone, __ phone, portable, moving: mobile
Digital music service fought with Taylor Swift: spotify
Digital representation: avatar
Digital Voice __, used by journalists, students: recorder
Diminishing __, profits don't match effort: returns
Dinosaur, anagram of parrot: raptor
Dionne Warwick composer, Burt __: bacharach
Diplomat and chief weapons inspector over Iraq: hans blix
Dipping dish, usually made of cheese or chocolate: fondue
Dipping sauce for egg rolls or spring rolls: plum sauce
Dipsophobia is fear of drinking __: alcohol
Direct competitor of Atari 2600 in the late 1970s: astrocade
Directions or position while flying: bearing
Director of Gallipoli and Picnic at Hanging Rock: peter weir
Director who doesn't shy away from bloodshed: tarantino
Dirty Harry's Irish surname: callahan
Dirty Harry's last name: callahan
Dirty move, under-the-belt punch: low blow
Disagreement; what a lawyer would say: objection
Disastrous drop of snow on a mountain: avalanche
Disciple of Jesus, also identified as Bartholomew: nathanael
Discipline of forces producing or changing motion: kinetics
Discipline which explores celestial bodies: astronomy
Disconcerted, embarassed, ashamed of: abashed
Discontinue little by little: phase out
Discount vouchers you cut out: coupons
Discounted branded clothing store __ Rack: nordstrom
Discover existence of something: detect
Discovering: finding
Discovery channel's annual deep sea event: shark week
Discriminatory tax on female hygiene products: pink tax
Discuss something for mutual benefit: negotiate
Disdainfully or skeptically humorous: sardonic
Disease associated with dogs and foaming mouths: rabies
Disease that causes loss of taste function: ageusia
Disease that causes production of too few steroids: addison
Disease with serious outbreak in Brazil in 2015: zika virus
Diseases that affect the tissues around teeth: pyorrhea
Disguised, with false identity: incognito
Dish made with ground beef and other ingredients: meatloaf
Dish that is cooked in an oven; green bean __: casserole
Dish typical from Southern states made with maize: cornbread
Dishes, utensils, glasses, coasters, forks: tableware
Dishonest public official, with no integrity: corrupt
Dishwasher __, small dishwashers: drawer
Disinfectant soap: carbolic
Dismount from a horse, vehicle, motorcycle: alight
Disney hit about tundra and sister's love: frozen
Disney story of Anna and Elsa: frozen
Disney's animation with classical music: fantasia
Disney's The Sword and the Rose is based in __: england
Disobedient or mischievous: naughty
Disorder of severe uneasiness: anxiety
Disorder of sight; brain ignores an eye, "lazy eye": amblyopia
Disposable drinking vessel: paper cup
Dissimilar, non-identical , distinctive, different: diverse
Distance east or west from the Prime Meridian: longitude
Distance event includes running, swimming, biking: triathlon
Distinction, prestige: cachet
Distress caused by the mind; fear of danger: anxiety
Distress device shown in the sky to alert Batman: bat signal
Distress or excruciating pain: anguish
Distress signal for planes, ships and boats: mayday
Distribution __, path from vendor to consumer: channel
Ditka's "Da Bears" reside in this city: chicago
Diurnal means it happens during: daytime
Diver's costume: wet suit
Diverse, not all the same: varied
Divine inspiration: afflatus
Division of content within a book: chapter
Dizzy feeling, spinning, also a Hitchcock film: vertigo
DJ who contributed to popularize rock and roll: alan freed
DJ's creative song introductions: liners
DM: __ message or private message: direct
Dmitri __, created the table of chemical elements: mendeleev
Do ___ Dream of Electric Sheep?, by Philip K. Dick: androids
Do it while the sun shines: make hay
Do not wear out your __: welcome
Do-gooder with special powers: superhero
Doctor __ is the most powerful sorcerer: strange
Doctor __, 1965 film starring Omar Sharif: zhivago
Doctor usually refers to a __ doctor, MD, PhD: me
Doctor who advocated euthanasia, Jack __: kevorkian
Doctor who discovered penicillin: Alexander __: fleming
Doctor Who's lifetime enemies: daleks
Doctor's identification of an illness, disease: diagnosis
Doctors without __, courageous relief group: borders
Document giving permission to leave a country: exit visa
Document of purchase with items, costs: invoice
Documentary about the dolphin hunting in Japan: the cove
Documentary, March of the__: penguins
Does not have gametes: agamous
Dog breed that shares name with a Mexican state: chihuahua
Dog comes in 3 types: giant, standard, miniature: schnauzer
Dog Day __, Al Pacino tries to rob a Brooklyn bank: afternoon
Dog Day __, movie with Al Pacino as a bank robber: afternoon afrikaans
Dog house: kennel
Dogs __ Poker, famous canine portrait: playing
Dogs apt to draw sleds: malamutes
Dolby co-invented this film/sound recording method: videotape
Doling out: issuing
Dollar bill: ace note
Dolphins quarterback who starred in many movies: dan marino
Dom __, actor, comedian, chef, director: deluise
Dome __, gold-roofed shrine in Jerusalem: of the rock
Domestic animals, such as goats, pigs and sheep: livestock
Domestic cat closely related to the Siamese: shorthair
Domestic feline bred to look like a jungle cat: bengal
Don __, mean-spirited, insult comic: rickles marie curie
Don __, opera by Mozart: giovanni
Don Johnson crime drama based in Florida: miami vice
Don't __ Ice is a children's game for ages 3 and up: break the
Don't ask, don't tell was this president's policy: clinton
Don't let the grass grow under __: your feet
Don't make __ a mouse, or the cat will eat you: yourself
Don't Miss __, a Parker Brothers 1965 board game: the boat
Don't miss anything, keep your eyes __: peeled
Don't open this indoors: umbrella
Don't outrun the __: constable
Don't put the cart before __: the horse
Don't Rain on __, popular song from Funny Girl: my parade
Don't Shoot the __, it is not his fault: messenger
Don't teach your grandmother how to __: suck eggs
Donald Sutherland's son, Jack Bauer: kiefer
Donations to aid poor, ill, animals, etc: charity
Done quickly and badly: slapdash
Donna Murphy plays Mother __ in Tangled: gothel
Donors give __, blood, and sometimes organs: tissue
Doom: The Board game is an __ game from 2004: adventure
Doors singer who died young and is buried in Paris: morrison
Doris __ on Everybody Loves Raymond: roberts
Dorothy __, 1976 gold medal female skater: hamill
DOS, disk __ system: operating
Double __, Nintendo basketball game: dribble
Double saucepan: bain marie
Double-breasted jacket worn by sailors: reefer
Double-edged Japanese sword: tsurugi
Doubt is not the end of wisdom, but the __: beginning
Doubts, questions, dubitates: hesitates
Dough, stretched, cut; pasta: noodles
Douglas __, American painter, born 1951: bourgeois
Dover is the capital of this American state: delaware
Down and Out in __, expose on Reaganomics: america
Down the __ Hole, Alice in Wonderland metaphor: rabbit
Dr. No was the first film featuring this hero: james bond
Dr. Remy Hadley on House, __ Wilde: olivia
Dracula's sleeping place, aka casket: coffin
Draft drawing to represent chief features: sketch
Dragon-slaying patron of England: st george
Dragonslayer is a 1981 Paramount __ & Disney film: pictures
Dramatic Spanish dance and music: flamenco
Drambuie, Scotch whisky "construction" drink: rusty nail
Draw with small dots: stippling cake urchin
Drawing a pattern in a hard, flat surface: engraving
Drawing intended as humorous; animated film: cartoon
Drawing quick, rough pictures: sketching
Drawing type used to make cartoons: animation
Drawn tight, like a sail: frapped
DreamWorks Chicken Run starred Mel __: gibson
Dress with small shoulder straps; worn in summer: sundress
Dress worn to evening parties or special events: formal
Dressed up: prinked
Dried plums: prunes
Drink made for historic 1969 stroll: moonwalk
Drink made with beans aimed to stay awake: coffee
Drinking fast: guzzling
Driving __, Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy film: miss daisy
Driving above the accelerating limit: speeding
Drug company famous for Viagra: pfizer
Drug that calms, puts patients to sleep: sedative
Drum shaped like a tapered cylinder from Nigeria: ashiko
Drummer for the Roots: questlove
Dry Italian cookies to eat with coffee: biscotti
Drying, shriveling: withering
Dubbed The Merrie Monarch: charles ii
Dublin stadium for Gaelic sporting events: croke park
Duck __ is a video game based on the show: dynasty
Ducks move this way: waddle
Due __, fair treatment, constitutional right: process
Due __, pre contract signing investigation: diligence
Duke of __, gave up throne for his love: windsor
Dukie __: vouchers given by management in circus: tickets
Dumb and Dumber actor Jeff __: daniels
Dumbo: elephant
Dunk completely in liquid: immerse
Durable roadway surface, usually grey: pavement
During the Holy Week it is called Spy __ in Ireland: wednesday
During this time: meanwhile
Dust and rock ejected by a volcano: tephra
Dust form of volcanic rock: pumicite
Dustin __, Rain Man: hoffman
Dutch capital with extensive canal network: amsterdam
Dutch girl known best for her courageous diary: anne frank
Dutch port and colony in Brazil: recife
Dutch province developed from reclaimed polders: flevoland
Duvall's character loves this smell in the morning: napalm
Dwarf leopard of Central and South America: ocelot
Dwarf planet located beyond Neptune's orbit: haumea
Dwarf planet named after a Tongva deity: quaoar
dy in Toy Story, hero of the Wild West: cowboy
Dynasty that gave origin to the Holy Roman Empire: ottonian
Dynasty that ruled France in the High Middle Ages: capetian

CodyCross Answers for questions starting with Letter "D" for Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod.
Note: This is "CodyCross" by "Fanatee Games"


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