Saturday, July 5, 2014

Guess The Emoji [Level 4] Answers and Cheats

Guess The Emoji is a simple game where you will see some emojis and you will need to guess what they mean. It could be anything, from a famous person to proverbs, movies or quotes. If you are stuck in Level 4 and you are looking for an answer to one of the emoji you will find the correct ones here.

Guess The Emoji has this answers for Level 4:

  • Nasa - the american flag emoji and a flying rocket emoji.
  • Easter Egg - the bunny head followed by a frying pan with an egg inside.
  • Smoke Alarm - the lit cigar emoji followed by a red alarm clock.
  • Light House - the yellow lightbulb emoji followed by a white house with red rooftop.
  • Goodbye Kiss - the waving palm emoji and the red print of a kiss.
  • Cry Baby - the yellow crying emoji and the baby face.
  • Cash Cow - the pack of dollar bills and the white cow emoji.
  • Popcorn - the orange explosion emoji and the yellow corn.
  • Facebook - the head of an man with black hair and mustache followed by a blue opened book emoji.
  • Starbucks - the a yellow star emoji and the pack of dollar bills.

Guess The Emoji Level 4 Answers, Cheats, Solution for Android, iPhone, iPad.
Note: This is "Guess The Emoji" by "Random Logic Games"

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