Monday, July 14, 2014

Guess The Emoji [Level 56] Answers and Cheats

Guess The Emoji is a simple game where you will see some emojis and you will need to guess what they mean. It could be anything, from a famous person to proverbs, movies or quotes. If you are stuck in Level 56 and you are looking for an answer to one of the emoji you will find the correct ones here.

Guess The Emoji has this answers for Level 56:

  • Radio Station - the old brown radio followed by a sigh colored in red, white, blue.
  • Sleep Walking - the sleeping yellow emoji and a man that is walking.
  • Matrix - the red circle emoji followed by the word "VS", a blue circle and a red-yellow pill.
  • Water Proof - the red banned sign followed by 3 blue water drops.
  • Hugs and Kisses - the red emojies "XOXO".
  • Atomic Bomb - the white "A" in a red square and a black bomb emoji.
  • Keyring - the golden key emoji and a silver ring.
  • Drug Money - the red-yellow pill and a pile of money.
  • High Tide - the yellow half moon emoji, a blue square with an white arrow inside, pointing up, and a blue water wave.
  • Bell Bottom - the golden bell emoji and a pair of blue pants.

Guess The Emoji Level 56 Answers, Cheats, Solution for Android, iPhone, iPad.
Note: This is "Guess The Emoji" by "Random Logic Games"

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