Monday, July 14, 2014

Guess The Emoji [Level 57] Answers and Cheats

Guess The Emoji is a simple game where you will see some emojis and you will need to guess what they mean. It could be anything, from a famous person to proverbs, movies or quotes. If you are stuck in Level 57 and you are looking for an answer to one of the emoji you will find the correct ones here.

Guess The Emoji has this answers for Level 57:

  • Postal Service - the blue mailbox emoji and the face of a police man.
  • Root Beer - the branch with 5 green leafs emoji and a mug of beer.
  • Lightning Fast - the yellow thunder followed by a running man and a smoke cloud.
  • Centaur - the man face with a black mustache, a black "+" sign and the head of a horse.
  • Sleepy Head - the 3 blue zzz followed by a sleeping yellow face and a boy with 4 blue triangles above his head.
  • Jackie Chan - the red flag with 5 yellow stars in it, followed by a fist, a black video camera emoji and a yellow star.
  • Save the Date - the black diskette emoji and a red calendar.
  • First Love - the white 1 inside a blue square and a red heart emoji.
  • Le Coq Sportif - the french flag emoji and a white chicken head.
  • Morning Coffee - the picture with the sun and two black mountains and a white cup of coffee/tea emoji.

Guess The Emoji Level 57 Answers, Cheats, Solution for Android, iPhone, iPad.
Note: This is "Guess The Emoji" by "Random Logic Games"

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