Friday, October 22, 2021

NARAKA: BLADEPOINT - Character Presets (800+)

 Here are some character presets for character customization. It includes some custom beautiful characters and reference characters such as Zoro, Ryze, Squidward, Pico, Shrek, Saitama, Veigo, and Thanos. Hope you like it :)

Preset Download Link

Google Drive link:

Note: The presets are character specific, you can't use them on different characters. Reference characters (Aquaman, Ultraman, Zoro...) can be found in the reference character folder.

How to Import Preset 1. Click on the Heroes on top of screen, then select customization. Alt-Text  2. Select a slot and click on edit. Alt-Text  3. Select import on the right hand side of the screen and click on the preset that you want to use from your local files. Alt-Text    Preset Preview These are some of the presets. There are 700+ more in the Google Drive. Alt-Text Alt-Text Alt-Text Zoro

Aquaman Alt-Text Viego Alt-Text Thanos Alt-Text Pico

by Mëowed