Saturday, October 16, 2021

How to run Apex Legends on Low specs PC


How to run Apex Legends on "POTATO" PC By Meizo I found settings that will help you launch Apex and even play into it. All settings work and help to improve performance and increase FPS in the game Launch Options ________________________________________________________________  These are the launch options that I'm using:  +exec autoexec -refresh 75 -dev -console -preload -threads 4 -forcenovsync -fullscreen -high  ________________________________________________________________  +exec autoexec | This is used to load a custom config that we'll use later.  -refresh XX| This forces the refresh rate to whatever you set "XX" to.  -dev | No impact on performance, this enable the console in certain Source Engine games but I haven't been able to find a benfit from enabling this yet.  -console | Same as -dev  -preload | Preloads various game assets at the start of the game, this can increase performance (this may cause stuttering on certain systems.)  -threads XX| Although Apex Legends uses all threads it can by default, you can force a specific thread count with this.  -forcenovsync | Disables VSync  -fullscreen | Forces fullscreen, for some reason I couldn't get my game to go into fullscreen.  -high | Attempts to set the game's priority to "high" for Windows resources, we'll use a different tweak later on, wich will 100% force this.  ________________________________________________________________ Autoexec ________________________________________________________________  To create a file "autoexec.cfg" you need to go to the following path: ________________________________________________________________  Origin: \Origin Games\Apex\cfg ________________________________________________________________ Steam: \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Apex Legends\cfg\ ________________________________________________________________ I will create "autoexec.cfg" on the example of Steam ________________________________________________________________ When you entered the cfg folder, right-click with the mouse, and create a text document and call it "autoexec.cfg"  Open the file with a text editor like Notepad++ and paste this in there:  static_shadow 1 static_shadow_res 0 mat_disable_bloom 1 mat_specular 0 mat_bumpmap 0 r_dynamic 0 mat_letterbox_aspect_goal 1.33 mat_letterbox_aspect_threshold 1.33 ________________________________________________________________ Video config ________________________________________________________________  We go along the following path: C:\Users\USER\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\local ________________________________________________________________  Find the file: "videoconfig" ________________________________________________________________  Copy and paste everything that is under the link into this file:

Nvidia Inspector ________________________________________________________________  Download the Nvidia Inspector program ( I think you know how to use a search engine:) )  ________________________________________________________________  We go into the program and click on the button that is circled in red  ________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________  Next, in the "profiles" tab, look for the Apex Legends profile and then set it like mine    Originally posted by Meizo: The higher the LOD Bias value (+3 max), the worse the texture. Graphics settings ________________________________________________________________  We put these settings: ________________________________________________________________  Display mode: Full Screen Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Resolution: 1024x768 V-Sync: You can turn this off Anti-Aliasing: This one boils down to personal preference, but the most optimized choice is to make sure it’s turned off Texture Streaming Budget: You want to go lower on the spectrum, especially if you’re already experiencing graphical problems. For those with a higher quality graphics card, you can keep it closer to the medium setting Texture Filtering: Bilinear Ambient Occlusion Quality: Disabled Sun Shadow Coverage: Low Sun Shadow Detail: Low Spot Shadow Detail: Off Volumetric Lighting: Disabled Dynamic Spot Shadows: Disabled Model Detail: Low Effects Detail: Low Impact Marks: Low Ragdoll: Low ________________________________________________________________ Conclusion ________________________________________________________________  As a result, you will be able to play Apex Legends, but ... your game will look something like this xd ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Whether is it playable or not is up to you :)


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