Monday, April 4, 2022

ELDEN RING - How to FIX stuttering and framedrops [NVIDIA only]

In this guide you can find how to fix stutters and framedrops that many players are encounteringIntroductionmany players experienced stutters and framedrops during this days, if you are experiencing these issues too just try to follow these steps, hope it helps! [this guide will only cover nvidia only...

Separate Sprint and Dodge for Controller - ELDEN RING

 Have you ever wanted separated Sprint and Dodge buttons? The desire use (LS Click) for sprint instead, as well as dodging upon PRESSING circle? Maybe Sprint and adjust the camera more comfortably? Look no further! I've created controller configurations for both PS4 and PS5 controllers for such...

ELDEN RING - Disabling Easy Anti-Cheat (Alternative Method)

A straightforward and simple guide to disabling EAC.IntroductionIf you're like me, you know how annoying it is to have to wait for Easy Anti-Cheat to boot up before you are able to launch the game, especially since I mostly play offline anyway. With the steps detailed in this guide, you'll be able to...

ELDEN RING 21700+ Runes/minute (best early/mid-game Rune-farming run)

Get at least 21700 Runes, up to more than 25000 Runes per minute each run (speed/efficiency depends on your level, weapon and playing skill) at Dragonbarrow Fork in northern Caelid. Best farming method I have discovered for early to mid/late game.Starting Point - Dragonbarrow Fork (site of grace)I discovered...

ELDEN RING, a list of helmets and Armor types you could use to recreate the Giant Dad look

  ~ +17.5% (+/- 1%) stamina recovery speed Great-Jar's Arsenal Talisman Location. Reward for completing the 3 duelist NPC invasions in Dragonbarrow (Caelid North) for the giant Living Jar in the area. You will only be able to access this area...

How to easily kill Starscourage Radahn - ELDEN RING

 A quick and easy guide on how to kill one of the most versatile and enormous bosses in the game.MindsetThe 1st thing you need to have in mind is that you're going to get f*ucked, in all possible ways and holes, so is important to stay positive and, above all, blame your controller or keyboard...

Basic lore for Elden Ring

 After like 2 hours of research i will drop sum knowledge on u maiden-less Tarnished to help you understand the lore. Small spoilers.Pre start of the game.There is a item so powerful that it created the stars, Its even so powerful that it created the rules of the universe such as death. This item...

Sunday, April 3, 2022