Saturday, February 26, 2022

Lost Ark - Tutorial for beginners [TIPS/TRICKS]

1. CLASS SELECTION - How to choose In Lost Ark Online some classes are better in PvE than others. There are also some that are suitable for both PvE and PvP. I won't give you specific classes because a lot will depend on the current version of Lost Ark.  PVP: When it comes to finding a good class for PvP, I recommend looking at the current PvP ranking. You can find it in the game itself. It's likely that if a certain class appears fairly often, it means that you, too, can make it to the top of the ranking.  PVE: When it comes to PvE, I would rather look for current builds on YouTube or just forums. 2. LEVELING - How to do it faster Leveling up in Lost Ark Online is very slow and is based entirely on quests.  If you want to easily reach level 50, where you'll be able to experience the end game, you'll probably just have to do all the quests that the game offers you until the 50lvl. After this level, focus on the main quest (marked in blue) and the quests that unlock various game mechanics (marked in purple or with a chain icon).  Tips for faster leveling: - Sell health potions at the beginning of the game to get silver. You won't need that many of them. - Use your mount more often to get to your destination faster. 3. EQUIPMENT - What should you wear Until you get to level 50, you don't have to worry about equipment and you just have to wear every better item that falls out of mobs.  It's also worth mentioning that you'll get a special chest, which you can open every few levels, and from it will fall out an epic (purple) weapon.  TIP: When you drop an item that you don't want to use, you can use the Dismantle option, which will break your item into materials. 4. TRIPOD EFFECTS At first it doesn't matter, because you will be replacing inventory items very quickly, but later in the game it is worth paying attention to Tripod Effects. These are enhancements to the skills in your inventory that correspond exactly to the enhancements you receive when you level up.  Tripod Effects can be transferred from inventory to inventory at a special NPC in town called Tripod Replacer. When you go to the skills panel, you have the Set Tripods option at the bottom of the window, which allows you to set the Tripods you are interested in, and this way the game will notify you when it spruces up your gear with those particular Tripods. 5. SETTINGS BEST PERFORMANCE SETTINGS: Setting	Level DirectX	DirectX 11 Better Depth of Field	OFF Bloom Effect	OFF Distortion Effect	OFF Motion Blur	OFF Flare Effect	OFF Screen	Full Screen Shadow Quality	Low/Medium Texture Quality	Low/Medium Particle Quality	Low/Medium Character Quality	Low/Medium Anti Aliasing	OFF/Low Indirect Shadows	OFF  SETTINGS FOR HIGHER-END COMPUTERS: Setting	Level DirectX	DirectX 11 Better Depth of Field	ON Bloom Effect	ON Distortion Effect	ON Motion Blur	ON Flare Effect	ON Screen	Full Screen Shadow Quality	High/Very High Texture Quality	High/Very High Particle Quality	High/Very High Character Quality	High/Very High Anti Aliasing	High Indirect Shadows	ON  Optional settings: Cursor aim [ON/OFF] - It should help with skill targeting, but can often get in your way(for example targeting wrong target). If u are confident enough turn it off. Battle Effects Display - The setting works just as the name suggests. We should set it to our preference. I recommend experimenting with it. 6. ROSTER - What is this? In Lost Ark we also have a second bar, referred to as Roster. It indicates the overall progress in the game - not only in terms of progress in the story campaign, but also by completing side quests and any additional activities. Earned Roster points allow you to receive additional rewards. 7. CARD PACKS - whats it this, how it works While playing in Lost Ark we sometimes come across special cards. Arranging sets of them brings our character various bonuses. We get cards as rewards in tasks, we can buy them or get them for completing Adventurer's Tome. They combine into thematic sets, and one card can belong to several sets. You get bonuses when you place cards in the deck that are connected to each other. 8. INVENTORY REPAIR - Where and when As we play Lost Ark, the equipment used by the character will wear out. When the strength of the item falls to zero, we will not be able to use it. To keep the equipment in good condition we have to visit the blacksmith, marked on the mini-map with the anvil icon. In early game it doesn't matter so much, because we change our equipment quickly. 9. COOKING - How it works One of the mechanics of Lost Ark is cooking. To prepare a dish we need to find a cook. On the minimap, they are marked with a cook's hat icon. To prepare a dish we need specific ingredients. When you move the cursor over a particular ingredient, you'll see information where you can find it. Having obtained the necessary items, we return to the cook and order the preparation of the dish, which is "activated" in the inventory. 10. HOUSING SYSTEM - How to unlock To unlock the island stronghold for your Lost Ark characters, you need to follow the story quests until you reach "Eadalin's gift" in North Vern. Once you have completed this quest, you should accept the quest "Secretary Theo's Invitation" to your quest log. Once you meet King Syilian Luterra, you will get your very own island stronghold.  OTHER USEFUL TIPS: Don’t spam your skills  Experiment with your setup  Optimize your pets  Claim Roster rewards  Focus more on Trade Skills  Start building your perfect House  Save your HP potions and use healing potions instead  Do early dungeons on normal instead of hard  You can fast-travel from the map  You can reset skills at any time for absolutely no cost, which makes it easier to experiment with different builds.



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