Physics Drop Level 31Start by blocking the left side of the "U" shape. Than connect the ball with the "U" by making a shape under the top spinning line. Now it should be f…Read More
Physics Drop Level 36Try to find a path above the spinning "U" shapes, you can do this with just 2 lines. Don't let the ball fall all the way down because it will be reall…Read More
Physics Drop Level 5For level 5 you first need to draw a line that will fill the gaps in the road, then draw some small dots to push the ball on the line and into the goa…Read More
Physics Drop Level 7Just make an rectangle to fill the gap, then push the ball to the left side until it reaches the "U". The video below demonstrates it (is a bit messy)…Read More
Physics Drop Level 37Trap the ball inside an rectangle and leave the left side open. The ball will be pushed down and from there it is quite easy to push it left.
Ph…Read More
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