Level 16 is pretty easy... Start by connecting the "U" shape with the square platform, now simply push the ball up the ramp and that should do it. See the video below if you need more instructions.
Physics Drop Level 16 Walkthrough, Solution, Cheats for Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod. Note: This is "Physics Drop" by "IDC Games"
Physics Drop Level 23There are several ways you can complete level 23. You can make a path with just a single line above the gaps, or fill the gaps with some rectangles, o…Read More
Physics Drop Level 19Level 19 is not that hard, I would first make a rectangle to connect the "U" with the gap in the oblique line. Then simply push the ball until you can…Read More
Physics Drop Level 18First make sure you block the right area of the level, now simply draw lines under the ball until you get it out from the there and inside the left "U…Read More
Physics Drop Level 10Start by filing the gap with a rectangle or some lines like in the video below. The simply launch the ball to the left to get it inside the "U".
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Physics Drop Level 9For level 9 you must firs make a small ramp so the ball can get inside the "U", then simply push the ball with high speed to make it go up the ramp
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