Friday, January 8, 2016

Words Crush: Hidden Words! Answers

Words Crush: Hidden Words! answers, cheats, solutions for all level packs. FIND HIDDEN WORDS! Let's start great words puzzle game!
Having a fun by playing addictive levels as discovering brand-new words!
Once you begin to play, you will be unaware of the passage of time!
Only here you can find the correct answers for all levels including: Word Crush Easy, Word Crush Normal, Word Crush Hard, Word Crush Extreme and Word Crush Variety. Just pick a pack below to see a complete answers list.

Word Crush Easy Answers
Word Crush Normal Answers
Word Crush Hard Answers
Word Crush Extreme Answers
Word Crush Variety Answers

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1 comment:

  1. Where is the full list of hidden words? This only has the obvious ones. I'm trying to find one hidden word which is 6 letters long between ono and thin on easy, medium, level 5 (moon light). Given that lots of the hidden "words" aren't even in the English dictionary makes it particularly frustrating trying to find the last one!
