Answers in Pack 32 are:
- Credit Union
- Barnes-&-Noble
- Sony-Pictures
- Aveda
- Kohl's
- Detroit-Tigers
- American-Apparel
- Lionsgate
- Ruffles
- Estee-Lauder
- Vogue
- Columbia Pictures
- Mac
- Despicable-Me
- Safari
- Softsoap
- Geico
- Burlington
- Nordstorm
- Bebe
- Zara
- Juicy Couture
- Cheez-It
- USA Network
- The Ellen Degeneres Show
- True-Religion
- Whole Foods Market
- Club-Penguin
- Circuit-City
- T-Fal
- Emachines
- Tylenol
- Tampax
Logo Game: Guess the Brand [Regular] Level 32 Answer, Cheats, Solution for Facebook, Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod.
Note: This is "Logo Game: Guess the Brand" by "Media Sense Interactive"