Saturday, April 1, 2017

Zircon Walkthrough for Android

Zircon - crystal puzzle walkthrough, cheats, solutions for android devices. Zircon is a game very similar to Crystalux but with less impressive graphics, but what it lacks in eye-candy it makes up in difficulty, Zircon being way harder than Crystalux.
Zircon also bring new shapes of the game elements, with different sizing, ranging from triangles, squares to pentagons and hexagons.
If you play Zircon for a while you will definitely stumble on a hard level really soon. If you enjoy the game but can't past those tricky levels on your own I'm going to share all the solutions on this page, just pick a level below and see how you can cheat it :D

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  1. Hi, I searched for path of pyramids at first, but i didn't, now;

    R-Red , B-Blue , C-Cyan , Y-Yellow , G-Green , P-Purple

    -Pathfinder of the Pyramids


    -Pathfinder of the Great Pyramids


    -Pathfinder of the Sphinx


    thanks to doorsgeek.blogspot

    1. Oh nice, tnx for posting this, i didn't post them because my guess was that people wanted to discover on their own the path to the goal.
      People who like the game will play all the levels :D

    2. That may be true but if people want to play all the levels they still can some people like to do it the easier way tho and there are people like me who like to do the easy way first then go back and do the rest of the puzzles so honestly no need to be a jerk about someone posting the path order
