Saturday, April 2, 2022

Fix the Stutter / Frame Loss in ELDEN RING

Elden Ring the massive Open World RPG is here but many people are experiencing massive stutter and frame loss while trying to enjoy it. Today show you how to fix this common issue through various means. Feel free to try them one by one or apply them all as I walk you through the easiest way to get Elden Ring running buttery smooth and to fix the FPS problem plaguing the PC version. There is no reason to not sit back and enjoy the wonderful world of the Lands Between and here is how you do it:

The number one factor seems to be coming from shader processing and performance, so here is a quick fix and the one that worked for me, now granted this only applies to NVIDIA graphics cards, but there will be other fixes later in the video. If you have an NVIDIA card though, try this fix first.

Go to your Nvidia Control Panel and under MANAGE 3D Settings make sure you are on the Global Settings tab and scroll down to SHADER CACHE SIZE and change it to UNLIMITED. Click apply and now relaunch Elden Ring and see if that fixed it for you.

Another Nvidia fix is regarding Vsync. Once again go into the Nvidia Control Panel, MANAGE 3D Settings - Program Settings - Add - Elden Ring (eldenring.exe) scroll down to Vsync and set it to Fast and hit Apply.

Now launch up Elden Ring and see if the stutter issue is fixed!

If that doesn't work or perhaps you don't have an NVIDIA card, here is another fix many are having success with. Go to your windows bar and search for Graphics, click on Graphics Settings, Make sure it is on Desktop app here and click browse. Go through and find your game file and select it then click options here and set for high performance.

And lastly, you can press Windows key + X at the same time, click device manager then software devices, then right click Microsoft Device Association Root Enumerator and right click it and disable it.

ELDEN RING - All Cookbook Locations

This is a guide to all the Cookbook locations in Elden Ring. I will add pictures later but for now I have described the locations to help find them more easily.

Requirements for Some Locations

For certain Cookbooks, you will be required to go to certain locations to grab them. I have already written guides that contain how to get there so please refer to them if you need direction on how to reach the required Areas.

Nomadic Cookbook

1. Kale in Church of Elleh

2. Kale in Church of Elleh

3. Nomad in North Limgrave, West of Summonwater Village

4. Next to giant bear by Patches teleport(open the trapped chest in Murkwater Cave, located in the river going North from the lake in Limgrave)

5. Nomad Northwest of Fort Haight in the South-East section of the forest in East Limgrave

6. Fort Haight in the South-East section of the forest in East Limgrave

7. North of Stormhill Shack at the edge of the broken bridge

8. Tombsward Cave, South-East of Fourth Church of Marika in North-West Weeping Peninsula

9. Tombs ward Catacombs, South of Church of the Pilgrimage in North Weeping Peninsula.

10. In Stormveil Castle, from Rampart Tower Grace, go through the North Door and jump to the roof in the East. Keep going this way and you'll find it.

11. Nomad at the entrance to Liurnia Lake

12. Rose Church, South-West of Raya Lucaria

13. Nomad North of Bellum Church in North-East Liurnia Lake

14. Smoldering Church North-East Limgrave/North-West Caelid

15. Nomad South of Caelid swamp at fork in the road.

16. Nomad in South/Center of Ainsel River.

17. Nomad in center of Siofra River on top of wooden house.

18. Nomad in center of Siofra River on top of wooden house.

19. Woodfolk Ruins, East of the Minor Erdtree in North Altus Plateau

20. Nomad in North Mt. Gelmir, North-East of Volcano Manor

21. Volcano Manor in the area hidden behind the Illusory Wall in one of the hallway rooms.

22. Chest in West Lake of Rot, West of Ainsel River underground. May require Ranni's questline.

23. Consecrated Snowfield, North of the first Grace. Requires Haligtree Medallion

24. Mohgwyn Palace on the edge of the cliffs past the swamp. Requires Haligtree Medallion or completion of White-Faced Varre's Questline.

Missionary Cookbook

1. Kale in Church of Elleh

2. Patches in Murkwater Cave located in the river going North from the lake in Limgrave.

3. Smoldering Church North-East Limgrave/North-West Caelid

4. Minor Erdtree Church, Southwest Leyndell Capital.

5. Siofra Aqueduct, in the crater in South-East forest in East Limgrave, made after Radahn fight. Past the Crucible Knight, North-East of Ancestral Woods Grace.

6. Volcano Manor, from Temple of Eiglay Grace, go up the elevator and hop down into the lava. Go past the the Iron maiden, through a window, down a ladder, and down the stairs.

7. Nomad in Mountaintops of the Giants, near the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Grace.

Armorer Cookbook

1. In camp north-east of North Agheel Lake Grace

2. Nomad by Coastal Cave in South-West Limgrave

3. Nomad Northwest of Fort Haight in the South-East section of the forest in East Limgrave

4. Castle Redmane in South-East Caelid in the North-West gatehouse

5. Castle Redmane in South-East Caelid. Follow the path going through the door in the South-West.

6. Siofra River. West of the Siofra River Bank Grace

7. Fort Laiedd in West Mt. Gelmir. West of Volcano Manor.

Fevor's Cookbook

1. On a stone tomb south of Summonwater Village in North-East Limgrave

2. Nomad East of Raya Lucaria Main Gate Grace. Requires Glintstone Key gotten next to the Dragon West of Raya Lucaria.

3. Reward from Gideon Ofnir for information on Mohgwyn Dynasty Medallion. Requires either Haligtree Medallion or finishing White-Faced Varre's Questline.

Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook

1. In outpost North-West of Church of Irith next to Lake-Facing Cliffs Grace

2. Lanskyar Ruins in South East Liurnia Lake

3. Highway Lookout Tower in East Liurnia Lake, North-West of Liurnia Highway North Grace

4. Academy Gate Town South-East of Raya Lucaria Academy. It's in a chest North-West of the Grace.

5. Raya Lucaria Academy in a chest past the Schoolhouse Classroom Grace

6. Caria Manor in a room South-East of the courtyard.

7. Pidia in Caria Manor. Complete Caria Manor then go to Seluvis's Rise West of it and then go east and drop onto the rampart from the cliff.

8. South-West of Albinaurics Rise in East Consecrated Snowfield. Requires Haligtree Medallion.

Frenzied Cookbook

1. Frenzied Flame Village in North-East Liurnia Lake

2. On the path down to the Frenzied Flame.

Perfumer's Cookbook

1. Perfumer's Ruins, North-West of Abandoned Coffin Grace in Altus Plateau, found by going through the "Cowards" path past the Magma Wyrm.

2. Rooftops of Shaded Castle in North Altus Plateau

3. Auriza Side Tomb North East of Leyndell. Open the chest in the room with a lot of benches.

4. Nomad in South/Center Ainsel River

Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook

1. Wyndham Catacombs in West Altus Plateau. South-East of Volcano Manor

2. Nomad just North of the Forest-Spanning Greatbridge Grace on the South side of the broken bridge in North/Central Altus Plateau.

3. Cathedral of Dragon Communion in South Caelid, West of Castle Redmane.

4. Crumbling Farum Azula on a roof in the South-West section past a dragon.


Thank you for reading and I hope this guide has helped you. I just wanted to go ahead and post this at the bottom for anyone interested in discussing it.

So I have had a theory since the game came out. Obviously some areas are easier and some harder but with how much you can access at any time, it's very easy to go into very difficult places early and easy places when you're high level. Because of this, I believe that there is an "intended" order to do everything in. If true, that would mean that there is an order of operations to play the game in where you would play it almost like a semi-linear story. This idea already had evidence in the fact that certain NPCs had their questlines break or forcefully progress when you'd made it to a certain area of the game or done a certain task but in an open-world game with extremely little direction given, it's basically impossible to know for sure what order you're supposed to do everything in....or is it? In making this guide, I discovered that the order of the Cookbooks more or less follow the order of areas to go to at what time. In fact, the order tells an extremely efficient route for NPCs and story as well to avoid breaking anything. So it is my belief that if you follow the game's "intended" route, something will change somewhere and some of the mysteries of the game may be solved. This is still just speculation but I think the Cookbooks are the final piece of the puzzle to put the story together into a solid piece.

By Athrek

ELDEN RING disable EAC and still be able to play online

Wanna play online, but not have the EAC malware active? then here's the guide for it.

Online play, No EAC

in the common\ELDEN RING\Game\EasyAntiCheat folder, there exists a file known as "settings.json". open it with notepad, and proceed to copy/paste the following over what currently resides there:


"title" : "ELDEN RING™",

"executable" : "eldenring.exe",

"productid" : "Dank",

"sandboxid" : "420",

"deploymentid" : "69",

"requested_splash" : "./EasyAntiCheat/SplashScreen.png",

"wait_for_game_process_exit" : "false",

"logo_position" : "bottom-left"

save the file. from now on, when you launch the game EAC will open, immediately launch Elden ring with no startup delay, and then EAC will crash/shut itself down. the game still thinks EAC is active, because EAC launched Elden ring and that's all it actually cares about. congrats. you now have online play without the insane performance hit of EAC, the random crashes of EAC, and the literal malware/spyware that is EAC.

By Chad "The King" ThunderCuck

Putrid Tree Spirit bossfight (melee) - ELDEN RING

A difficult and infuriating boss, I hope this guide makes your life a little easier.


The Putrid Tree Spirit boss took me so many tries that I decided to write a guide. He will seem unpredictable and borderline unfair, but his moves are pretty easy to read. Nonetheless, it's a terrible boss due to his scarlet rot attacks. There is a weaker Tree Spirit at the bottom of Stormveil Castle with a similar move set, there may be more.

I'm assuming a melee build for your character here.

Good luck and try rolling.


War-dead catacombs, in the north east corner of the area where you defeat Starscourge Radahn, in Caelid.

Run all the way through the catacombs, dodge all the battling spirits, jump out at the last window before the dead end to find the switch that opens the boss door.

Main strategy

Stay near his chest.

Between the front paws you will see the Tree Spirit's fat, bright red belly. That's where you will want to be standing next to.

This will 100% make your life easier. His attacks will miss you more often. I prefer staying a little bit to his left side (right from your perspective) as this makes it easier to read his next move. The spirit will move around frantically, but just keep running towards him and roll while keeping your shield up all the time.

Read the attack and hit him 2-3 times afterwards.

It will take a lot of tries to learn his attack pattern. It's safest if you hit him a few times after his attack animation instead of going all in. If you get too greedy, you'll get stomped.

Staggering is possible.

If you land enough hits in a row, you will stagger the tree spirit. Going for a critical hit in his eye did not deal a lot of damage, so I prefer a good combo attack.


Take your time to learn his attacks and get a few hits in after his attack animation ends.

Bite - you NEED to dodge this as it will one-hit you, no matter what. You will see him grasping for air and then lift his head up and open his mouth. Once he initiates this animation, just start running towards him. When he starts the bite towards you, you should roll left/right. If you are close enough already, he will miss, allowing some free hits. Once his head hits the ground, you may be pushed around a bit but this will not hurt you, so try to get some hits in while he is swirling around.

Swipe - swipe from his left paw is easy to predict, he usually does it when you are near the left paw. I find the right paw attack harder to read. Roll towards the center, opening him up for a few hits.

Stomp - he will raise his paw, as a cue that he will stomp twice, just roll away.

Body slam - he will raise his body up high before slamming into the ground, you can roll into him.

Tail swipe - he will turn away from you and do a 360 degree swipe. I prefer to block with a shield (although you get staggered). Rolling is dangerous as you might get hit at the end of the roll.

Rot breath - you can see him charge the breath attack, which should be easy to dodge. Run into him for a lot of free hits.

Rot explosion - you will hear an audio cue and then he will charge his whole body for about 2 seconds and explode with an area damage attack. You need to run away as soon as he starts charging to dodge the flames, which can be hard if you are in a corner. He will first initiate this attack at around 50-60% health.

Second phase

After his first rot explosion, the Spirits body will glow with rot and his attacks will deal some Scarlet Rot damage. It did not bother me all too much, so you might want to get your immunity up if you're struggling with this.

He uses the exact same moves, but his body will glow, which can be a bit confusing. In the end, I find the attacks during this phase easier to read.


Things that seemed helpful to me:

Frost seems to work well, dealing a substantial amount of damage when it triggers.

I used a scimitar, because the attacks are fast enough to build up frost. I did not experiment too much with damage types.

A shield with 100 physical resistance, which allows you to block if you fail to roll. I also prefer to always block the tail swipe. Although it staggers you, there is enough time for stamina to regenerate.

Vow of the Indomitable as a shield skill (which will make you invincible for about 1 second) can be used to avoid the Scarlet Rot explosion. I can reliably get the timing right (I count 1...2... seconds in my head as he's charging, then trigger it), which feels more reliable than running away from the flames.

Opaline bubbletear (wondrous physick) - This will absorb one of his attacks, basically allowing you to make 1 mistake during the fight.

Charms that provide stamina and stamina regeneration.

Winged Sword Insigna charm, bonus damage on successive attacks.

You can summon ash spirits, but it makes the attacks of the tree spirits harder to read and they die easily to his attacks so I didn't use them.


Redmane Knight Ogha ash (106 FP)

1 Golden Seed

64000 runes

by Deadlock

Roundtable Hold Teleport Shortcut - ELDEN RING

Tired of dragging you cursor all the way over to the Roundtable Hold every time you visit? Try this simple shortcut that will save you loads of time and effort.

1. Prerequisites

Make sure you have been invited to the Roundtable Hold and not in combat.

2. The Shortcut

Quickly punch in the characters G,F,R,E in that order.

by tabonser

How to have massive Equip Load at any level in ELDEN RING

Want to be able to wear almost anything with Light/Med Load for 3 minutes? Then follow this guide. Not clickbait. I'm serious. What I will show you in this guide completely breaks the game and especially PvP.

What is it?

To have an absurd amount of equip load, first you must obtain the "Winged Crystal Tear".

It is located in the northern part of the Capital Outskirts, its location is shown on the map below.

(You must have access to the Altus Plateau. You can gain access by either defeating the boss of the Ruin-Strewn Precipice, or obtaining the two halves of the Dectus Medallion.)

How to use it?

To use the Winged Crystal Tear, simply insert it in your Flask of Wondrous Physick at a grace spot.

Upon drinking it, the Winged Crystal Tear will provide a x4.5 boost to your equip load for 3min . Enjoy breaking the game and wearing a full Bull-Goat set with light/med load even as a caster with low Endurance.

As an example of how much equip load you'd have at starting Endurance:

10 END = 48.2 * 4.5 = 216.9 Equip Load .

Here are some comparison screenshots from my 47 END character (not required at all as shown above, it just happens to be the only character I have to show a difference with) :

Without Winged Crystal Tear:

With Winged Crystal Tear:


Guide by Dansilvas